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Certificate in Pastoral

Lecture 3
1 Timothy 5:1-16

Fellow Workers

1 Tim 5:1-2 All fellow servants of the Lord

are our team mates when was the last
time we prayed for other neighbouring
churches as team mates in the Lords
Leadership lack arrogance, jealousy, or
power lust; it is characterized by agape
love/care/concern. Dignity, purity, and
respect are to be our hallmark standards.

Prayer Warriors

1 Timothy 5:3-16 The older women are

your strength are they being led and coordinated?
Qualities and rules for financial support are
tough note and hold them. Matt 11:5-6.
People are not to be asked to do
something that they cannot sustain; to be
a prayer warrior takes incredible strength
and young women are not to be asked to
do this.

Charity Biblical Perspective


Care for the needy! Ex 22:21-27, Deut 15:11, 24:1415.

2. Orphans and Widows especially, Deut 10:18, Ezek 22:7
3. The Lord addressed their spiritual needs, Matt 11:2830, Lk 4:18, 6:20
4. The poor will be with us until Jesus reigns, Matt 26:11,
Mk 14:7
5. Believers were prepared to sell their investment
properties to assist needs, Acts 4:32-37.
6. Regular giving helped the poor, Rom 15:26, Gal 2:10,
Jas 2:2-7
7. If you could work, you were expected to work, 1 Thess
2:9-12, 2 Thess 3:7-12.

Work Biblical Perspective

1. The legacy of the Fall of Man is sweat

in toil. Gen 3:17-19
2. Make all work an offering to the Lord,
Rom 8:19-32, 1 Cor 10:31, Col 3:23.
3. Work is our witness, Titus 2:9-10
4. Employers are to be fair, Eph 6:5-9, Col
3:22-4:1, 1 Tim 6:1-8.
5. All ought to work, 1 Thess 2:9-12,
3:10-12, 4:11-12, as Paul did, 1 Cor 9:18.

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