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The Poet- MM-The People Series

Walls everywhere, walls, walls, walls,

Walls high and low, walls fat and slim,
Walls near, walls far between,
Walls in our house, walls around our home,
Walls in our work place, walls in our town,
Walls among races, walls among creeds,
Walls among kings, walls among nations,
Walls seen, walls unseen, walls in between,
Walls in our minds, walls in our hearts,
Walls keeping people out, keeping you a bay,
Walls where we hide, keeping us insane,
Walls we have made, walls we must break,
Walls of pain, some of shame,
Walls of fear, some of pride,
Walls of success, some of loss,

Walls all around , walls we must tear down,

Walls, walls, walls, I am sick of walls.

Meredith Meredith 2015

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