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Amos Chapters 1-2

The Country Preacher Tells it like it

Dr John C McEwan

Nations are Responsible and God

holds them Accountable

Verses 1 5
Two years before the
earthquake. Damascus will receive all she has
dealt out to Gilead. As they judged so they will
be judged/treated by others.
Verses 6 8
The Philistines have been
brutal and evil also, and they too will be
punished in accordance with their own
treatment of others. They would disappear!

God Remembers Unconfessed Sin

Verses 9 10
If people deal with sin it is
gone, but if they persist in it, they are gone.
Psalms 103:8-17, 1 John 1:5-10. Tyre was a
great city; Alexander the Great destroyed it.
Verses 11 15 Edomites (Esaus sons) and the
Ammonites (Lots descendents) have been
evil, and they also will be judged. God kindles
the fire that will burn them totally.

Do Not Act Like gods or you will be

treated like demons! (Amos Ch 2)

Verses 1 3
It is an evil thing to treat
men, (even evil ones) as fertilizer! Gods
judgment is upon such as do this thing. Look
at the generation of punishment upon Nazi
Verses 4 5
Judah is mentioned in the
same breath as their pagan cousins. They have
despised the Law of God, and treated Gods
Word as if it is nothing!

All Disobedience is Equal

Verses 6 8
To sell human beings for
coinage is to despise God who made men. Slavery is
an evil, and will always be judged, no matter what
form it takes. Hypocrisy is hated by God.
Verses 9 18
If God punished the pagans
for evils, will he not punish his own people for the
same things? To defile the righteous is to directly
insult God. Without Gods strength their mightiest
men will be paralysed by fear. They have no hope for
they have insulted their only hope.

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