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1-22-15 Berlin Journal - Number 4 - Oj More than just a name Using the term, “mascot,” in association with the curent Berlin survey is actually inaccurate. Bern uses "Berlin Indians" asa nickname for our high school sports teams, and since 1917 we have also trad tionally used “Mascoutin” on our BHS yearbook. This is our histor cal recognition thatthe Mascoutin tribe co-existed in peace with the early 1675 explorers, fur rappers and sete on the shoes four Fox ver which became the community of Beri, ‘Tobea “Berlin Indian,” one must understand and appreciate the his- tory of Berlin and utilize the pride, respect, dignity and responsibility sssociated witht. Look around and ou mit undestind ht “Bein aon eae ‘special by representing Who we are and where we came from. Leaming the history of Berlin and the United States of America isa significant att of the educational experience alBES. ‘Go, fight, win,’ as we made a promise t0 “Chief Highknocker's” son, Henry Diok, that students of BHS would never let our Indian history be forgotten and to give life all they had to give. The “Berlin Do what's best for the kids Governor Walker, defending the bill that changed the way the Indian ‘mascot issue can be brought to the state, said, “better alternative is to educate people about how certain phrases and symbols that are used asnicknamesand mascots are offensive to. many of our fel- low citizens.” He indicated that he cempathized with American Indians on this issue and hoped schools would voluntarily switch their team names (Milwaukee Journal- Sentinet, December 19, 2013). In 20i1 the Berlin Journal con- ducted a ‘survey” to get people’s thoughts on the Indian mascot. Those with strong feelings re- sponded. That wasn’t a vote, I hoped our school board would hhave encouraged education at the hhigh school and community levels. so these issues could be discussed ‘openly before any other survey was taken. That has not happened. But ‘whatever the outcome of the cur- rent survey is, itisn’t a vote. ‘The board in changing the mas- cot would not be unpatriotic, disloyal to their school, lacking in team spirit, nor dishonoring Berlin’s Indian history.Indeciding onthis issue, as on any other issue, the board should do what's best for the children, Jean Bruce,

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