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Issue 19: January 2015

Cochise County Clarion

Local Newsletter

published BI-MONTHLY

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January 2015 Issue 19

Find Your Career
By Yvonne Mayer
Our young people have been sold a bill of goods by our dysfunctional, politically correct
education system. It has been politically correct to encourage high school students to
attend a four-year college and get a degree in something. Those that do not complete
four years and get that degree have a sense of failure, and many that do emerge from
those hallowed halls with a degree find there is no job for someone in their field of
expertise, certainly not at the salary they have been led to expect. And the average
college loan debt is $30,000.
The total of outstanding college loans stands at $1 trillion.
Of course, there are students that are ready for college at high school graduation, both
academically and emotionally, and become dedicated doctors, teachers, engineers and
businessmen. But this is not the case for a majority of high school graduates.
For many of these students, a junior or two-year college is a practical, sensible start on
the road to higher education. Some students may be able to live at home while
completing their general requirements, keeping costs low. During those two years, a
person often becomes more emotionally mature and is apt to fare better after transfer to
a 4-year college and may not be carrying 2 years of debt.
Trade schools can provide the needed skills for the majority of students not attending a
4-year college. A useful website is: From
this location, click on Vocational Career Review 2014. This site provides a comparison of
the top 10 career positions, showing salaries and benefits, advancement potential and
the number of vacancies nationwide.
Many trade schools offer financial aid or partner with local businesses who may provide
some of the cost of education for an apprenticeship.
A local trade school, ITT, in Sierra Vista lists education in 28 trades from aircraft
mechanics to welding. Jan 12, Craigslist Phoenix advertised 1453 trade positions open,
and Craigslist Tucson listed 681. The vacancies in Tucson included diesel mechanics,
welders, heavy equipment operators, HVAC installers, electricians and mechanics. One
employer looking for plumbers commented we train.
Check out our trade schools and move forward in your career!

Welfare State

Some thoughts on multiculturalismwith what is happening in Europe:

Multiculturalism; we have gone way too far. And yet, growing up in my insulated, very small
home-town, we lived with multiculturalism -- two cultures, to be exact. We had a railroad-the Soo
line- that bisected the small town, running from southeast to northwest.
The German-Austrian immigrants (legal) and Catholic, lived north and east of town, while the
Scandinavian and Lutheran immigrants (also legal) lived to the south and west. And never the
twain should meet, until the kids attended the same high school, but that's another story!
The school and community made accommodations for the Catholic kids; on days when the kids
were obligated to attend Mass, they were never counted as "tardy" if they didn't get to school
exactly on time, but then, the priest knew he had to get the kids out of there on time to get to
School lunches did not include meat on Fridays, to accommodate the Catholics who were not
allowed to eat meat on Fridays.
Churches (both Lutheran and Catholic) scheduled activities not to conflict with school events. (Or
Of course, the Lutheran high school kids had their Bible Study night the same Sunday night as
the Catholic kids had CYO. Good planning on the part of the kids!
What does it all mean? I don't know, but we grew up tolerant of the beliefs of the kids we grew
up and went to school with. I don't see tolerance of other cultures today producing real

The difference is they were not trying to kill us, or kill each other, and werent trying to impose
their ideology on one another. And, yes it is an ideology, not simply another religion. Their
allegiance is to Islam, not to the Constitution.
Read more at:

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