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The Screech Owl Who Liked Television Study Guide

Comprehension Skill: Fact and Opinion

Fact- statement that can be proven true (verified)
Opinion- statement that tells a thought, feeling, or belief; cannot be proven (signal words: best,
worst, believe, think)
Distinguish- to understand how one thing is different from another
Vocab Strategy: Suffixes -ful, -less, -ness, -ment
-ful= full of (ex. careful= full of care)
-less= without (ex. fearless= without fear)
-ness= state or condition (ex. kindness= state/condition of being kind)
-ment= state or condition (ex. excitement= state/condition of being excited)
Vocab Words:
disbelief utter tempted pounced biological
hastened presence endeared arrangement incident
Grammar: Proper Nouns
-Proper nouns begin with capital letters. Some examples are names, states, languages, races, and
-In titles, all of the important words should be capitalized. "Unimportant words," (is, the, a, for,
of) do not need to be capitalized unless they are the first or last word of the title.
1. The Declaration of Independence (historical document) was written and signed during the
Revolutionary War (historical event).
2. Sofia (name) read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (book), "Cute Hairstyles for
Teens" (article), and "The Stuff that Makes a Hero" (essay) while listening to "Gold"
(song) by Victoria Justice.
3. Joe (name) checked the boxes for Caucasian (race), Swiss (nationality), and French
(language) on the form.

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