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Kindergarten Term 1

Visual Arts
VAES1.1 Makes simple pictures and other kinds of artworks about things and experiences.
VAES1.2 Experiments with a range of media in selected forms.

VAES1.3 Recognises some of the qualities of different artworks and begins to realise that artists make
VAES1.4 Communicates their ideas about pictures and other kinds of artworks.

Book Covers - Waves

Paint blue waves horizontally across the paper.
Book Covers - Numbers
- With oil pastels draw a series of numbers, all different shapes, sizes and
- Paint with thinned orange paint to represent contrast.
Book Covers - Circles
- With oil pastels draw a series of circle, all different sizes and colours.
Colour the circles in so that the dye will not penetrate.
- Paint with thinned orange paint to represent contrast.
Hungry Caterpillars
- Students cut small circles from both light and dark green cardboard. They
then glue the circles in a repeating pattern to create the caterpillars
body. Attach a red circle for the head and pipe cleaners for the antenna.
- Use a pale pink sheet as the background.
Link to Patterns Unit from National Curriculum.
Butterflies Prac Students lesson
- Paint colourful patches on a butterfly outline and fold to spread

Frogs Prac Students lesson

- Using paper plates, create a frog.
Book Covers - Swirls
Paint yellow and purple swirls on white art paper.
Rainforest Hippo Craft
- The idea is to use complementary colours for the background,
background paint, hippo. For example/ shades of purple.
- Use a wide brush to paint small textured patterns on coloured paper.
Stick some sequins to represent the body of fish and paint their tails. At
bottom on page, paint a section of green and scrape it with a fork or
back of paint brush for texture.
- Cut out the shape of the hippos body, head and legs from a darker
purple card stock. Stick the pieces of the hippo together and onto the
water part of the page. Add joggle eyes to face.
- Glue a crinkled strip of light blue tissue paper over the body of the hippo
to create the water.


Teaching & Learning Activities


Blue paint
Art Paper
Oil pastels
Yellow dye paint
Art Paper

Oil pastels
Green dye paint
Art Paper

Art Paper
Green paper
Glue & scissors
Pipe cleaners

Art Paper
Art Paper
Oil pastels

Art Paper
Hippo outline
Joggle eyes
Tissue paper
Scissor & glue


Shape Birds
- Students draw a simple outline of a bird in profile
- Inside the bird the students fill the bird with a chosen shape, eg/squares,
circles, hearts etc
- Paint the bird using water colours, although choosing all different and
uncommon colours.
- Once dry, students trace the outline of the bird and the shapes with black
- Cut the bird out.
Easter Art and Craft Cotton Ball Bunny
- With the card stock, cut out a circle and 2 bunny ears.
- Cut out smaller versions of the ears with the pink construction paper.
- Put glue all over the white circle and place cotton balls on the glue.
- Glue on the ears, nose, and eyes.
- Draw the mouth with marker - See picture below.

Paper Plate Easter Chick

- Out of orange card stock or construction paper cut two long strips for
your chicks legs, a little diamond for a beak and two little chick feet.
- Start making the chicks legs by accordion style folding each strip of
orange paper. Next glue the feet to the bottom of each leg.
- Attach your legs to the bottom of your paper plate. Fold the orange
diamond in half to make the chicks beak and attach to the centre of your
- Now add goggly eyes and attach some feathers to the back of the plate to
give your chick some fluffy wings. - See
picture below.

Paper Plate
Orange card
Googly eyes
Glue & Scissors


Art Paper
Black markers
Lead pencils

Cotton balls
White card stock
Pink paper
Googly eyes

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