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P2 University of Manchester Lesson Plan

Subject: Science
Class: 4ML
Lesson context
Childrens learning from
previous lesson S2b, S6b
The digestive system.

The parts of the digestive

system and how they break
down our food.

Date: 08.12.1
Provision for inclusion (SEN, EAL, G&T, Beh,
GRT, LAC...) (S5d, S5b)
EAL Starter to re-cap new vocabulary
from the previous lesson on the digestive
SEN Have the university website setup for
M Bhana and Dil to explore.
LA Mixed ability groups for collaborative
work for peer support.

Objective: what do I want the pupils to learn and how I will know they have learnt it?
Lesson objective
Success criteria: To be successful pupils
Differentiation (who will do what?)
link each activity to the success
criteria on the left (S5a)
To understand the
systems/diets of

I can explain what a ruminant is.

I can research animal diets.
I can present information on animal
diets to my class.

Should explain what a ruminant is

Should research animal diets and
present information LA/SEN mixed
ability groups for peer support and
extra support from TB and JW

Subject knowledge: what do I need to know in order to teach this lesson?

Concepts I will explain: S3a
I will model:
Ruminants - are mammals that are
able to get nutrients from plant-based
food in a specialized stomach
Carnivore meat eater
Herbivore plant eater
Omnivore eats meat and plants

Explain that different animals require different digestive


Vocabulary I will use: S3a

Pedagogy: teaching strategies I will use (S2d): eg talk

partners, investigation, active learning, games, collaboration,




Safety S1a

Game word search starter to re-cap previously learnt

Collaboration research an animal and its diet


Formative assessment and feedback (S6)

To challenge and extend the

pupils my questions are: S1b,
What techniques and
strategies am I using to assess
the learning? (S6b)
How and when we I give
oral/written feedback to the
pupil against the success
criteria so that they can
respond? (S6d, S2a)

What new vocabulary did we learn last week?

What are the parts of the digestive system?
Do we think animals have the same digestive systems as us?
Do herbivores need the same digestive systems as carnivores?
AFL To assess the groups that will need support with their research
Self-assessment against our success criteria

Oral feedback throughout in the form of AFL, class discussion and

Written feedback in the form of marked animal diet tables.

Teaching and learning sequence: How will I teach this lesson? What will I do? The guide to my
lesson (S6a, S4 and S7)
(Think about behaviour management, timings, transitions and assessment leading to feedback)
Behaviour/timing What the teacher is doing
What the pupils are doing
leading to

AFL Identify
those groups
who may need
extra support.

Starter Hand out a word search to

pupils to complete a re-capping of the
new vocabulary we learnt last lesson.

Pupils to complete a word search recapping previous vocabulary.

Remind pupils what they discovered

about human digestion in the last
lesson. Explain that different digestion
systems are required for different
animals. Play video of zookeeper
talking about animal diets, BBC.

Pupils to watch a video about animal

diets and consider how diet affects

Point out that many animals have

similar digestive systems to humans,
but cows, sheep, camels, deer, etc. are
called ruminants and they chew the
cud. Show website explaining about

Pupils to learn about the digestive

systems of ruminants.

Explain that different animals have

different sorts of diets. Hand out animal
diet table and shared write definitions
for the terms carnivore, herbivore and
omnivore at the top. Tell pupils they are
going to research an animal and its diet
in their feedback groups. Split
carnivore/ herbivore/omnivore between
groups. Disperse the laptops/IPads.

Pupils to shared write definitions and in

their feedback groups research an animal
and its diet. LA/ AFL identified
supported by TB and JW

Pupils to present their findings to each

Pupils selfassess against
todays SC

Pupils to present their animal and its

diet to the rest of the class. Everybody
writes down the information collected
by each group to fill their table.

other and note down each others


Plenary Use University of Manchester

website to re-cap our digestive system.
Check back against todays success

Pupils will learn interesting facts about

the digestive system and self-assess
against todays success criteria.

Assessment : Identify the progress pupils have made in this lesson (S6)
Identify with a code any children who have exceeded or not achieved the success criteria for this
lesson. In the third column, indicate what you are going to do to meet each identified childs needs as a
result of assessments made.
Success criteria



What will you do to meet the needs of the

children identified through this

Evaluation and reflection

Evaluate the progress pupils made in this
lesson in relation to the success criteria (S6b)

What were the strengths and weaknesses of your

teaching? (4d, S8d)

List three actions you will now take to improve pupil progress through your teaching (4d, S8d)

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