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THE CSS POINT THE CSS POINT Yes We Can Do itt Everyday Science Notes Note: ‘©The contents of this Booklet do not belong to The CSS Point. ‘© The CSS Point is not responsible for any information/fact mentioned in this booklet. ‘© Thisis a Complied work by The C55 Point. Contact us © URL: hittp:// © Email: Facebook: * Entomology: = ‘Ornithology: Sindy ot OFF 2HCL Biology : Prepared by Nohammad Fislans Muhammad AtifAli - Rarathe— Bio means life and logy means study, so biology means “study oftving as Branches of Bi di . vols and — i k Botany: Bae ctr o CSS camiponent 4 a n Zoology: Suidy of animals. . Sy ‘ = : Microbiology: Study of micro-organis Cytology: Smdy of structure and Physiology: Study of differeat ry Ecology: Study of relationship po}, SS Mammalogy: Study of mammals. noe * fi : S \. Mgspoine Me TDS Ooatolcey: Sry oct ; Fives te eau Testa) EOS ) sokudiy Le- 6 2079 Img tment: ' sty bce as ands Cell Prepared by Muhammad Atif Ali Definition: as Celis the sracturl and fimetional nit of fe” History of Cell: Cell was discovered by Robert Hook in 1665.when of cork under his self-made microscope. In 1831, Rob nucleusinthecell ero German scientists Schwann and Schleiden in1839 £ & ceil theory. ‘There were three main points of cell theary. Cell is : + 1) Outermembrane - STO 2) oat rounding ie mclens (Cropland SX 3) ‘Nucleus, which is present in the centre of After that many changes were made in cell theary- ~ consists of following main points. : Cell consists of following parts ), Cell membranes,‘ H+. carbohydrates. Ja lipid bilayer, this model is called Fluid Mossi Protein molecules Te helps in the t | Pakeet ond seperate? bem uke SN Tt acts as barrier bet contents and the environment. It is knowns selectively ab aljowed to enter through specific pores). Ke, Se oe ay ‘ ' ot ~ GPA Crtoplasm: compere" Se ; 7 gindoplevmicreh atom 8 wwe Cropla con fen aquon sel onening cl orenei, isle ‘wastes and soluble part. ~ et Cell organelles include Endo, esni Retin, Gols! Complex Mitchontsia, Ribosomes, Plestids etc, ~ (ve Jnsoluble wastes includes Calcium, Cettlose per nitrogenous waste products. Soluble partis also called Cytosal. See ee ye ¢ 1. Sol is the non-viscous, true solution. BATH Gelis aes colloidal solution, § (7764 i . _ Oval opi SSeEDR TS ' h u pratense réticulum ER}; + tis anetwork of channels (tubes) extending membrane. «Tho walls of these channels are called Cisterae = They axe of two types. =n Rough ER on which Ribosomes asta of proteins. «Smooth ER are without Ribosomes. They/ lipids, dé¥6xification of harmful drugs the cell to other: Rey sete oraber’ 9 Golgi Complex or Golgi Apparatusg &Y It consists of membrane poand Cisternae are ‘continuously: formed’ © Lysosomes are se “complex. © They are also known bodies (‘Lyso” ees pune wks means Body). penuh? They contain special proteins (enzymes) which are used to aaa down any: . ‘harmful foreign particles or bacteria which enter into the cell. ‘= They are also used to digest the food. 7 va 3 2) Waeuoles: ‘These are single menibrane bounded organelle. They are large in plant cell and present in the centre of cell, while small in animal rf? cell end are distributed in the cell. be z + They give support and help in pri x : n Mabrik °F Mitochondria: yy" zi bron oe « ieee Their number is different in different cells, depending yptp They have two menibranes; outer and irmer mel Inner membrane forms finger like folding called Inside the mitochondria there is present liquid mat ‘They have their own DNA. E ‘They are self replicating bodies. 3s ‘They synthesize ATP (Adenosine ti phoma) WERE Red to provide energy incell curren ae PY 9 Plastids: eee w eee © They ere only present in plantcel}. They ere of hme.tynes. —— vt 2 meqneriom - 9 esntaind Tiron Chloe) Haameg| a ae “a. Thiy are present in the petals of flowers. a le They imparts different colors to plants other than green ny ' = They help to produce attraction in flowers. == 4 They ate store houses of water and other metabolle products. YR Pp V3) Leneoplasts: : oak a J oul: “ charomssgnar Raker # é : Ty nope nny of ep © Thy are colorless. : ‘© They help to store food. + Ning * Nudleon flea 9. Centridle:. © They are only present in animal cel «They are present near the nucleus. ¢ © Eech centriole consists of nine: éd in a circle. « Each of microtubule is further consi tubules. — © They help in cell division by £ = pindle fibers. pgcheus memes 1) Nucleus: se ; e © Inaniooal cell it is present ze the cell membrane. u + Itconsists of two eS 1) Nuclear MembrQeeey pores presen * Ieis composed 8 GRolez ‘ther . © They consist of RNA and rDNA. Pundiee They are used to synthesize ribosomal RNA. + ») coronicerd They are thread like structures 4 . ‘These number is different in different animals, Humen bas 46, frog 26 ct, © They are only visible during cell division. achemeve, CaTornOsomes bave arms and centromeres (Spindle fibers are attached to centromeres during cell division). s° Chromosomes are composed of proteins end DNA, © DNA is the boceditary materiel (which trasfers from parents to effing). ucleic Acid 5 as Prepared by ah: : M AS a ae “There ae two types of mule acids. : wy . » 1" Deory bo muéleis acid (DNA), ‘ e cance OY yore os = _ Ribomoleio acid (RNA). v: - S&S . Pst De-oxy-ribo oY % . a © Itwas discovered by a Geman ess uy guth-® DNAs present in chromosor “= feoit © Itis the hereditary material, wit n° pee: iseatledl -fudeobd group, xe ye OSS + Misasingle stand strmonre. “As sub-umits ome © Ithas qibose sugar instead of deoxy ribose sugar. e ¢ Ithas nitrogenous bases, but instead of Thymine it has Uracil. + Itisnothereditary material. “e calla 4rarses phon © , Itis of three types, messenger RNA (mRNA), rivosomal RNA (RNA) and be transfer RNA (RNA). . . : ‘* .GIRNA carries the message from DNA. * © RNA is present in ribosomes.— * Malang 2 + tRNA transfers the amino acids from cytoplasm to ribosome forthe Synthesis of Protein. Formation @ Proton from RA MRNA bn calle A { Nucteslsdles > 7 ere Pod CUnemusemes hich cenbrel @ Per bate 6 7 Chevesctes - rey se trom qL DNB bs lanewy GS £ ; me Formalipen % i Ts nenhewi eri’ i piffeenbote Sehseem, Frovseniphen al ts Synthesis of mRNA from DNA is called Transcription. Synthesis of protein from mRNA is called Translation. “Difference between Plant and Animal cell”. Plant cell . Plant cell has cell wall. . Ithas plastids o 8 . Ithas large vacuole present in the centre of the cell . Ithas no centriole. . Nucleus is not present in the centre of the cell pre pp Animal cell |." Ithas no cell wall. E ‘4 & F i CS$- LENO - GLANDS Prepared by * Muhammad Atif Ali Definition: ’ ” Gland is a group of cells which secrete special chemicals called hormones or cuzymes. i" Hormones: by glands. Chemically Hormones are organic compounds which ipids in nature (steroids). hormones zre of two types, they ae either protein i Enzymes: : Enzymes are only composed of protei Glands are of two types, endocrine glands ph =, g Itis.a put of forebrat. Jt secrete Gxytocin and antidfuetic hormone (ADE), UNE r which are stored in the posterior part of pituitary glend, This hypothalamus controls all the endocrine glands. . ae eo: cl) Bypothalamus: ' spose chernicole = - . mosten land Cee an wo EN ‘5 SM ii Li @~ Pituitary Gland p”v Ae ; Te Sur NN Fesapnsy 4° Itis also known as master gland of the body, andits * size is equal to the size of the seed of pea. It has bes, anterior, median and +. 3 fad posterior Jobe. ~ ic Anterior lobe: / at It secretes following hormones: , « Somatotrophin hormone orm is SSS Enae the growtl of the body. It 3s amount in early life then it fopments of hands, feet, jaws Dwarfism (stoppageof the - . 5 There of Gonadotrophic hormones, Follicle Stimulating Homnone (FS! jgne (LH) and Pyolectin Hormone. oe a\> erate . 1) ESHE: tn females it stimuletes the cnt of follicles and secretion of eagen hormone. from the.ovaries. In males it stimultes the production of sperms in testis. o” - A” Y SETAE, 2) LEE In ene it stilts he tre of follicle to release egg. It om ‘iso maintains the Corpus Iuteum and the secretion of progesterone (pregnancy eae “pod Median lobe: I. . An Antidiuretic eS 2 wok oat & raat ee of water - . “ hormone), In males it stimulates the testis to secrete a hormone called testosterone. 3) Prolactin: In females it simulates the production of milk while in moles males itis ‘not i It stimplates the melanocytes in skin top brown pigment melanin, which gives color to skin. Excess secretion’ f of skin. Posterior lobe: This lobe does not secrete its own ‘hormones: yeni ate scereted by diuretic’ jocin. Beeachiro It censes the contraction and expansion of the h. It also causes the ejection of milk from the _, pasteriey Lbs . ¥ k : tedien tebe - Gee fl] Ly By astiok - SS Cilcitsnine- it consists of two lobes, situated below the ‘Tiyroxine end Calcitoaine. (> Thyroid gland larynx..It produces two hormones J) Thyroxine: © ~ - Papovioe ‘ ny . Ve 11 ipereases the metabolic rate of glucose, °° bsdy~ Panchen Ce, Thyroxi also involve in the growth of bod) along with Somatotrophin | bnione> which’ hormone. bt oitex Exe cyabaion reterd. © Goiter is mainly due to- component _of thyroxin. In amount of fat slso increase i 2) Calcitoning: * Itlowers down the (4) Paral ‘Parathormo LS pation of calcium ions in the blood. (Ss) ae renal Gland ‘They are present on the top of each Kidney. . Bech adrenal gland consists of two parts medulla. . > adrenal cortex and edrenal A ee Ne Arctvens| glow go a: a mae LG ~ kexchnee “lad Aetremalins ‘ men Relve robs Nu ate. Bae a) Adrenal cortex: «Tesecretes a hormone called cons Cortisol: convert PE tb Aes 4 Ieincreages blood ghicose level mainly. froan the metabolism of protein. b)Adrenal medulla: . If it is not secreted in the body then a.diseese is caused called Diabetes gStoretmn gg Yel 9 get Cost, “1 - > Clucogen Yotne gen blood iE pif cdycogen 2) Glucagon: be « Thinereeses the level ofssugeri she blood by breaking slyeoeeo ct, Gonads . Gonads include ovaries in females and totes in mals. A) Ovaries: ‘There are two ovaries < prsent in ferales a Oestrogen snd Progestoran®. , 1) Oestrogen: BES . Tt causes the development of has on the body, development glands ete. Treauses thickening of utezin S Ithelps is healing and 37 alls after menstrual cycle. «Deficiency of this vidual to matere sexually. 2D progesterone: yet Its produced by’ =4 Hisalso mown Ste Two testes are de testosterone. tr reste G e a Teeauses = lopment of secondary sexual characters ke growth of : emer pz body, change ofvoizee= 3 Digestive System Prepared by - Muhammad Atif Ali particles to supaller absorbable : spe sytem in which treakdown of ler food food particles tae place is called digestive system. Itconsists of following pants: erro 2 i ve Stomach eel zs ve Small intestine - . Jve Pancreas” " © Liver” «Large Intestine : Teeth help in grinding the food. + Tongue help in mixing the food There are three pairs of sali ret Inner lye, w a ee wae ” , ok oe! ; a Pnaceonsbical strani saat tentacles’ ah © When food the oral cavity is in the foom of a small ball like structure us) This bolus then enters into the next part of digestive system * =aebe ‘i “Tube like Srhclure 4 Esophagus onion! It is like a pipe which stacts from the oral cavit ‘» Its walls are composed of two types of muscl Jongitudinal muscies. «Both these muscles help in the movement fron the esophagus. + The movement of food from the esopl hole digestive system is called peristalsis movement. a © During peristalsis movement mus: 4 the bolus, and bush it forward, this process continues until foo inté stomach. ' vomiting takes place. . If opposite movement (anti peristalsis gta? At its lower end there is. In between two sphincters fa ‘Stomach wall is com Parietal ce] © These scorete HCL (Hydrochloric Acid). ” . « Itkills the microorganisms in the food. . @ «It changes the PH of food. © Ttconverts the Pepsinogen into pepsin. - spac . Zymogen cells: ie - Repsi pede 4, hs life. | Sheweachs Heras - Prefer — poly. papkales of anaes = Protec - pebypep bol. Ang lene — Js. Btareh - ma We 4 fat - Fatty diols”. a2 1 oonpa ab “Ren iis: conversion into pepsin. changes the proteins into peptones ahd polypen ides. oe efor the food leaves stone it changes into semi-iu Hike struc called 7? chyme, which enters into stuall intestine. Be Small intestine = Small intestine is six meter long. _ Itis finther divided into three perts, Duodenum, Je} 1) Duodenum: — Entarskmare ROS & tis the first pert of small intestine, ” = . Jtis 20 to 25 om long. ¥ -When food enters into duodenum it causes ti + and liver. +, Both pancreas and liver pour their se eti Pancreas: * Tt i chyme. Liver: as SS . rts sexton s known 2 bile, which etes into the duodenem through bil 40 Tile contains no enzymes, but it contains bile pigments which give it green color. Tf these pigments trap into the liver then Jaundice may resut. Trapping of these pigments uay be duc to the accumulation of cholesterol in the liver which may change into gall stone. a . 16 + Bile pigmeats are formed from the breakdown of haemoglobin in the liver. : + Bile aso contnins bile salts which olp inthe breakdown offts. ~~ Duodenum itself only sceretes one enzyme called eaterokinase which. helps in the activetion of Trypsinogen into Trypsin. quails: — [xt 2) Jejunum: It is the second part of small intestine. Itis 2.4 meter long fc : Food is completely digested in jejunum. Secretions of jejunum are collectively kno} Tt contains five enzymes. Amino peptidase: It convertep . Erypsin: It converts dij 3. Lipase: It converts fats into } Maltase: It converts malt . Lactase: It converts la a Undigested food is = Itconsists of 1) Caecum: = Itis a blind sac that is present between ileum and colon. From caecum there arises a fingcr like projection called Appendix. ‘Appendix bas no function in human. Some times it is inflamed duc to the cattapping of undigested food particles and causing a disease called ‘Appendicitis. - 5 + Some amount of water and salts are absorbed in the caecum. 2) Colon: «= Incolon the remaining salts end water is absorbed here. © . Some veil baci ee aso present in colon wich helps inthe satess of Circulatory System Prepared by Muhammad Atif Ali Definition: ‘The system in which gases are circulated through out the body is called cireulatory system, It consists of three parts, Blood, blood vessels and Heart. Compositien of blood: Blood is composed of 55% Plasma end. 2S Oa S Plasma: Sy Plasma consists of 90% water, Carbon di oxide). 7 Solids are of two types, inorgag Inorganic are Na, K, Ca, ‘Organic includes, Plasma Non-protein nitrogenous «They are biconcave in shape. «Their size is 7.2 micro-meter. + Their number is 7-8 million per milli meter cube. «They have no nucleus. y + They conten haemoglobin, which help in the transport of geses e.g COs en O:- © Their average life span is 120 days. WBCs (Leucocytes): (ern ls Sobre, “They are round in shape. Their size is greater than RBCs. «Their number is 4-11000 per milli meter eube. © They have nucleus. © Their fimction is to defend the body from any Zen particle which enters into the body. © They are colorless. © Their life spen ranges from months to. Platelets: They aze oval in shape. Their size is 2-4 micro-meters. ‘Their number is 3-4 million per: ‘They also have no nucleus. Tae fmetion is in blood ttle © They ere colorless. «Their life span ranges fom: eee ‘There are three types of blood, Arteries: © These carry except = These carry and distribute it to other parts of body. «Blood pressur more as comipered to other blood vessels. © The wall of up of three layers, outer, middle and inner layer. «Middle leyer is bighiguatscular to withstand higher Blood pressure, © They beve no valves. # Shape of the lumen is round in arteries. Veins: . These camy deoxygenated blood except pulmonary veins. These carry blood from body to heart. 20 Blood pressure in veins is low as compared to arteries. F ¢ Thowall of veins is elso made up of thee layers, outer, middle and inner layer. Middle layer is not highly muscular. : © They have valves. ‘¢ Shape of the lumen is oval in veits. Capillaries: Z ; . “These cary both oxygensted and deoxygenated 0 «Blood pressure in capillaries is least. ‘= The wall of capillaries is only one cell thick. + Teise sae like pumping orgen. Se + Itis enclosed in ¢ double membrane cardial cavity. * + Heart is composed of special ome Structure: ey «There are four chambers of! 2 SS © Two upper chambers, right 2 © Two lower chambers, right © Right atrium and right ventriét ventricle, ° Vah it at thediar bf aves er present at hd A Circulation of blood ected from the body through veins. {nto 2 lange vein called vena cava (Superior and From tight veatricle there tet pulmonary arteries which in turn enter into right and left ngs. : ‘Then right ventricle coatracts and blood through pulmonary arteries enters into Jungs. ee : In the lungs oxygenation of blood takes place. - From cach lung there arise pulmonary veins which enter into left atrium. 2 ‘After oxygenation blood enters into the left trium through pulmonary veins. . ‘Then left atrium contracts and oxygenated blood enters into the Icft ventricle trough a valve. From left ventricle there arises 2 main artery = When left ventricle contracts blood enters into ‘where oxygensted blood is distributed into the whole body. Diastole: The relaxation of heart chambers is called diast6l Systole: Contraction of heart cambers is called © One complete heart beat consists about 0.8 seconds. Pasa : = ee ea AhytReh the “sespiratory tract dying ; See. meflees th oa hches f Bron chi [8 sonchioies Y Ringel: Excretory System Prepared by Muhammad Atif Ali Definition: “The system, in which metabolic weste products are exoreted out ofthe body”. «A pair of Kidney is preseat in the body for the exeretion of metabolic, waste products. ae «Right kidney is slightly lower than the left kidney. WU Kidneys are tvo'in numben They are attached to the dorsal body wall, on either si oral column. Structure of Kidney Bech Kidney is bean shaped. =” eS Its weight is less than 1% of the total weight of & 20% of the blood during each beart beat is suyp In each kidney there is a lighter outer region WHE ‘The inner pale region is known as Medulla, There are cone shaped structures Pyramids. © There is 2 funnel like space into © Ureter~a duct- emerges from this: © Ureter from each kidney enters intola Urinary bladder opens to the outsid «Each Kidney is composed of about 2- ENG Se tht proximal end of the each nephron called » From Bowman's cap {nto three parts. «Fist convoluted partis kBOWia5 Proximal tubule. : . Long U shape part is known es Loop of Henle. a ., + Second convoluted past is known as Distal tubule. 4 © Distal tubule opens into a duct called Collecting duct. ae 4 «Afferent artery enters into the Bowman's capsule end divide repeatedly to form a ball like structure Glomerufus. Glomorulus dpwenans carsule - ‘4 23 i. QU (>) Fe preitin Peoctsral Pube- i } pidat tubule ; W cobechng duct » 3 ‘+ Walls of the Glomerulus are porous. + From Glomerulus there arises Efferent arteriole which forms a network of capillaries around the proximal, ovina, lop of Hele and dist tubuls, that network is called Peritubular capillaries. Working of Nephron: - z J) Filtration: . es 0 us blood is filtered 2) Reabsorption * All the useful constituents of the fi rbed oa ibular 3) Secretit © The inner layer of the nephron itrogenous Wesproduets into the Iumen of nephron. All the waste products from ‘which intems opens into the pelvis. From pel into the urinary Other Fanetions | ve Regulation of b Ve Regulation of b v= Regulation ofion balance We Regulation of acid-base balance Vv” Synthesis of vitamin D , Vidamim D u% Sun Shine vebonin & Preduced.ey Sun Lyht- Or etera 2 / Soma v ; Ass “ Central Nervous System. <,./, Prepared by - A a Muhammad Atif Ali Neuron: - , “The structural and functional unit of nervous: Central nervous system consists of Brain and Spinal cerebrospinal fluid. «Brain is divided into three parts, Forebraih « It is further divided into The Thalamus: BS © Italso transfers: D coment thee Limbic System: © I is fither hippocampus. C= ae Hypothalamus? © It controls body temperature, hunger, menstrual cycle, sleep-wake cycle. ; ‘water balance and the Amygdala: , «It produces sensation of pleasure, punishment, _sexual srousel and feelings of fear end rage. . hare . Hippocampus: ee + Stcontvols long term memory and is required for leering, Cerebrum: : o Itis the Ingest pact of brain fe . SS i {jnfonmetion, processes theanearsietes forare use. DO! Itcontrols voluntary movements, end is: ‘hinking. It is also involved in intelligence, reasoning at. / Mid It connects forebrain with the hi It contains reticular formation, information, ; Itcontains relay centre for andijiesty son. Tt controls reflex movements . Lae +e Itconsists of three p* Z and cere! <> PS / Medulla: 2 ‘© Itoontrols breathi ye 3 Pons:. ¥ - «+. Itcontols transitions bobveen sleep and wakefulness. _ ~ Cerebellum: . -eUh or are four kinds of vertebrae whi 1d after their location in the Cervical Vertebrae: scons vertebrae, which lie in the neck a = zs Thoracic Vertebréasy re 12 th , which are jocated in the thoracic SV are 5 SS which are Lumbar Vertek located in the lumbes.réar Pelvic Vertebi in the pelvic regiog. Ze EN Anere are 13 pars ohiins: which are attackioS pasievio® with the thoracic vertebrae and 10, em attach the sterum. The 2 lower pairs are calles. ribs, because: not attached with the stemum ASS ys ce sacterial Diseases Disea: Name of Bacterium Tuberculosis — —* + Mycobacterium tubercle baciti Leprosy _ om Mycobacterium leprae Tetanus —- : Clostridium tetani Meningitis Meningococci Diphtheria ; : Comybacterium diphtheria Cholera tL Vibrio cholerae Dysentery ~ +; "} Salmonella shigella Typhoid : ‘Salmonella typhi e ob Araligan . wy, y % Pi 7 Vaccines: Prepared by Muhammad Atif Ali Definition: “The administrations of killed or attenuated liv illed) micro-orgenisms (bacterial of virus) into the body to protect it ageinst i by stimulating the formation of antibodies”. Qe Characteristics of Vaccines: “Vaccines are given orally or intremuscular 35 : ‘Vaccines are safe and reliable but not p It provides immunity within two weeks, A single dose of some vaccines pro Types of Vaccines: SS oe of vaccines: SS Killed Vaccines: GES . © These ere those vaccines whi ‘killed micro-oeD organisms retained the property of putigenicity. «These vaccines can be miro «For example, Chole hes etc. eye specific treatm rn - 5 © These micro Se basically half killed. or attenuated, which have the ability to pro sunity but are unable to cause disease. 4 For example: Polio, TB, Yellow fever vaccines ete. eae nigh probit ded OM Ticro-axgomion Rapklancdics Ow produc by While beold Sots: ogenst ae 2? , Creeegn enkias | nnfco conor: Pes Enzymes Prepared by Muhammad Atif Ali Definition: . “Enzymes are biological catalyst which are increase the pace of a biochemical reaction and are specific for . Structure ofenzymes: ~ Bs . SS) for, 29 Temporory able p, Pevrecctently 3 . But some have 2 non-protein part wae 2 * © Co-factois are, like Magnesium, Ge the co-factor is detachable then pice Tf the co-factor is not detachable Rs ay 1 Ifeofactor is loosely attached 7 mee meh Ma. Mechanism of en Enzyme + Subgtrate -> ee] Characteris 30 Immunity. Prepared by Muhammad Atif Ali tf recognize the intrusion of any matecial, specific cells and cell products to help to remove tbe: af forcign material vain greater speed end effectiveness is called izamuntt S + Mainly white blood cells form the immune. They secrete special chomicals which are p antibodies. = Agy foreign substance, which stim called antigen. Types of immunity: ‘There are two main types of immunity, Ag! 1) Active immuni ‘The use of vaccines to stimulete the; body immune against the disease is ‘The active immunity whi is called artificially induc * gequure b) Naturally induge ‘When a person is exposed to ai fection becomes ill and survives, then this immunity develop against that disease is called naturally induced active imamunity. 2) Passiveimmunity: arg ules ‘The immunity which is echieved by in! called Passive immunity. 31 troduction of antibodies directly into the body is. Ab OWL organ Compounds bihith, aut erserbal br & font g% Sealy. Thee me tro 3 PAPA Y vitamins: — o asa we”. Vitamins Rapoducs ‘and Prolongation of blood clotting - ? soluble vitamins — Z [ z : fp Ba (Ribotiavin) T] Dryness of tongue and sida ~ geo [ORE Cale Feliaga Gellow skin) BG (Pyridoxine) Disorders in central nervous 3 system and protein * msl Bia (Cynocobalamine) ; 4 a ce PES se) Peal | r Z aestoy my erent when 9 analar Them r grsends ; ( Abrahen Lim coln ). oe eh 2 Balance diet Prepared by Muhammad Atif Ali Definition: TA hen a eal ins fd i rope pen cle balance diet”. et ih tet dt Cerbohydrate, fats, protein, water, vitemins and minerals. Gatot cove meatoned it and are required in large ‘quantity. as compare to remaining ones. _ ~Percentage formula . . . (OCR 1. Corbobye sey < Micronutrients - 30% 12% 2 Me ell > (ER = Quality formula Vitamnins . 4 s Wedey 1. Carbohydrates 600 grams 2. Pats 100 grams _ 3. Proteins = - 37-62 grams ‘Minerals end vitamins exe required in very minute quantity. nskes wee ee S morl4> * eR atonpietes literally means "Hydrated carbons". "They exe composed of Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen” Tr ral mas Cx Gy Whe ¥en dese mae fen en peste miolecies Classification of carbohydrates |Thyee TP”: ‘There are three main types of Carbohydrates, Monosaccharides, Oligoseccharides and polyseocharides Clg wed be Byer Oe > e - \ Vs So? Monosaccharides: ~ . F These ore simple sugars. ; . = Thoy are sweet in taste. «They are easily soluble in water. © They cannot be hydrol «For example, glucose, zibase etc. Oligosacehariaer: ; ; CoP RY a less omen tte 2 © They are less soluble in water... ° « They can be bydrol a og ay iy pot to 1 Monosaccharides. mbined together, they form Diseccharides, «When two monosaccharides ere Cot When 7 once en hy formers 98 » For ee eee ost Coby ar os 22, ee Pol eee es: Wee ceeernacanna ‘They can be hydrolyzed They are least soluble in water. For example, Starch, Glycogen, cellulose etc. Bipat LOA ontahen TA spids ) Fc ‘These are heterogeneous (“Hetero” ° means different and" "geneous™ maeans types) group of compounds related to fatty acids. SpmpeNt acoluble in water but soluble inorganic solvents lke ies Seahe elcohel, chloroform ‘Those include fats, oils, waxes, cholesterol, etc, Seponade Note: - Moxls Protein orks ber 4 restate palma ofmanyamize ais] P70 Toe a amind Quids. Importance of Protein: « Thoy build many structures of the cell . rey ten “e . Some protic x cio and tno spec sbtmes Hie onygen, ons © Inhuman the? % about 20% water in bone cells, 85% water in brain cells end GB, | 30% water interbody cls. ‘© Woter is an excellent solvent. + Enzyme can only work in aqueous environment. . _ Water has great ability of sbéorbing heat. © Water also forms & fluid cusbion eround organs to protect them from traum2. © Daily up take of water for normal individual is 3-4 liters. . aur body's conpssecl 49 pie watev- 100 per cent with weter and the soil becomes. Water pee ener by uhammad Atif Ali Definition: “The state of soil when water table raises to surface becomes saturated Pproduction”. Sources of Water logging) 1, Rein fall eS Koilwop Lent : is a) Raodls . é Serta et SD SD Effects on ESS SS ZH Water replages air (0 forthe growth ofl Remedies: Seepage interceptor drains (along both sides of canals). Surface drains. Pumping of seepage water inthe canals. Lining of canals. Pomiping if ground water. Restricted practices of irrigations. s ihre 2 Plantation along the benks of canals. EXP? © Eucly Pras Proper designing of oasis (shoold run parallel to the ee Proper Sow rage ioc e Badlliongs 9 comals 3 . 7 , = Soil erosion Prepared by Muhammad Atif Ali Definition: 7 “Detachment and transfer of soil from one place to’ Te 4.7 million hector area of Pakistan is © One billion tons of soil is lost from fi Effects of erosion: : . + Removal of surfce soil. een lig silting Effects on floods.: Qhecvei Spread of diseases. @ * gril, Eo Farms operations (expensive SUSE. ‘The extent GED fren, Lack of vegetation oa the soil. Method of ploughing: is 2 © fot i oe ae Peceeee e 2 r = on { Remedies: » © By providing more vegetation on hilly arcas. » By making bunds. «By leveling the soil end gullies. . By ploughing the area ecross the slope of the soil. . ‘Avoid grazing of the animals on the sloppy land. . Building of small dams to check the flow of waters © Strip farming. B) Wind erosion: a Sopeiee S Factors affecting wind erosi Aidt es aD Velocity of wind. G Remedies: Le Pesticides Prepared by : Muhammad Atif Ali . Pest: . os adnate ntigtatcomicissebambag Pesticides includ. insects, Redonda, Neale Bump icoles and aed “Pesticide is any substance, organic or i inhibit the action of pests”. Classification: On the basis of types of pests, pesticides 1) Insecticides: 7 Insecticides are those pesticides se ‘a) Insecticides of p! Soe phorous insecticides: * Methyle parathion. © Malathion. © Diozinin. d) Caricides: * Chlorobenzilate. » Dicofol. 2) Rodenticide: - . ; ‘Those pesticides which are used to kill mouse etc. For example: Bes 3) Nematocides: ‘These are those pesticides For example: « Dibromo © Fensul fot 4) Fungicides: ‘These are those pesti © Ditiiqrophenoxy acetic acid. « Dichloropropionanilide. 38 S° i we Hazards of Pesticides: . © Mishandling of pesticides during their use can kill the famaers. ‘These also kill the beneficial insectsad animals. Pollen Allergy — Prepared by, Mubqinaiad Att Ali ee Definition of pollen allergy ~ ») = S ‘The allergy whichis caused Bye Explanation: 5 In spring a large cater human nose end Symptoms: Q se Preventive urgasures: Sy «Migrate Homioae place to another place not tronsfer their pollens through ir (move «Remain indoors during windy days. © Wear face masks. . . Vet ditions inside te bome and car canbe quite elpfl in redocing pollen levels. : Other eir filtering devices (bigh efficiency ‘particulate sir) should be used in home and cer. . cr ses which produce oasne should nat be used, beranse ozone isthe . main irritant in the nose. . ann to void unnecessary expose to ds insect spray, smokes et pollution and paint. where those plaats are present which do from hilly areas to seashores). eo - uo’, ave - xe “ego po | l 7 . = Plub cavity s Human Teeth Gel Prepared Muhammad Structure of tooth: a The visible portion of the tooth is called beneath the gum line is the root, Homan teeth are made of four distin cementum. a!) Hetroctent anton diffevert ‘pes Fhe took, Fk - a, Hemgdarit means Sane yes g. Gg, teeth § eninads ° Hunan Aneto meds. of pan ciekiek E tps oF timet : : TO Enanch= fardak okey Lopes of he Talk. - at . lentes & beneath tk trv anl- ee oe ih Palps. dene elendce Corba or bleh ! eee esc tay Bae ones ‘ aur Soetinr at lees bebo Ko dun. oa a = bene ne Lie Amb st. Adult humans typically: i Git together and work in concert to chew 3 usually identical to the teeth on the left referred to as sets, or pairs. : ‘Humans are heterodonts—that is, they Bave tecth ¢ Gifferent functions, such as tearing and grinding’. many animaals are all the same size auld shape, ‘Humans have four types of teeth, = Incisors: 4 + 4 RS ~ ‘Adult humans have eight incise: jaw and four in the lower jaw, . ch) Canines: > +9 . On either side of the incisors are HB eanines, named for their resemblance to the pointy - fangs of dogs. The upper canines are sometimes called eyetecth. There are two canines in cach jaw, and thoir primary role isto tear food, = eg A, Premolar: 44 4 Bekind the canines are premolars, flat teeth with pronounced cusps thst grind and m food. There are two sets, or four premolars, im each jaw. : . wy Nit teeth = Ae bath Th amenth - 42 Plmentant death: Git Stove “7h yeav 2-5 aye + Tela the front of the mouth—four in the upper a ghar ee thats used to cu foot =k re mititetks Iwisaiom Teeth Stext Natal 4 yh t Molar: ¢ +44 28 Behind the premolar are the molars, where the twelve molars—three sets in each jav-—referred to Upper Jaw Permanent t teeth: By the time a child is six old, a second set of 32 larger teeth, called permanent teeth, start to erupt, OF Th out ofthe gums, eventually replacing the deciduous teeth. ‘Wisdom teeth usually erupt by the age of 244 ekOSOlmOTemnen te GaeO em Hepatitis Prepared by, a : Muhammad At STZ Definition: EL ESS) "The condition in which inflammation of the Iv i or continuous exposure to alcohol, drugs, oF Tze aerosol sprays and paint, is called Hepatitis” eS Symptoms: - Oo ‘tendomess. 5 6 Koother symptom is jam iG What are the functiQ@s2N 5 Hepatitis? - ¢ = So ee the livery; to vadble energy forms, and producing an} PSS : Vftepatitis A virus AV) Itlives in feces in the intestinal tract. How it spreads: : p «itis spread when infected, individuis do not wash tei bands afi using the tllet end theahandle fool aad "| hen'a person changes an infected infant's diapers ‘and then handles food before Seine od su igh i ens hco ASS ‘contaminated with raw sewege. as ice, or to wash fruits or EAV. Eating raw or partially cooked with raw sewage can also lead to i, © Bebies bom fo m infected mother have 2 90 to 95 percent chance of contracting HBV during childbirth Treatment: 7 . “AVazsalachiboctincs ac Uaaliaitidg spfackelnd Hianeeakontia Re haces the’ only one currently available is interféron, e drug that is effective in only 35 to 40 percent of patients treated. » @ Liver trensplants may be beneficiel tf infected patients, but the virus remains in ie ody a mania yend may eventually attack the new liver. The Hepatitis C virus (CV) 45 Inter” Th were ans. gates Cem inng How it spreads: «This 8 slowly progressing oe, spread by, intravenous ang uses. SS HCV can also be spread stoop contaminated needles with an infect fafected person; and from mother tg Treatment: =>" «Interferon is also used to treat cases. +. + The therapy, see 1 deug bavi tas bese approved to treat hepa 1s people wi nee interferon Ly General Preventions&—> ~ Rabies Introduction: Rabies is an acute, contagious infection of heeeaaa nervous system, caused by specific virus that enters the body through the bRSoY aipnima All warm-blooded animals are suscep! f ‘common in fo . Mo by the bite of one of these animals, : ‘The incubation period in humans vari bout four to six weeks, Rabies is vj Symptoms: ttment: SPS. In 1884 the Frebeitba gist Louis Pasteur developed a preventive vaccine against ze tg Pee pl tls ey Ta Pasteur pro; a of it, has greatly reduced the fatalities in humans from = a Modem treatment, following a bite by 2 rabid or presumed rebid animial, consists of immediate and thorough cleansing of the bite wound and injection into the wound and elsewhere of hyperimmune antirabies scrum. A 14- to 30-day course of daily injections of rabies vaccine is then given; booster doses are given 10 days after this course and again asap. a Addison’s disease Introduction: ‘Addison's Disease, chronic endé 3 that do not produce enough cotticogersid rmones. The disease was first described by the bstdsh physician Thomay-Adgisopin 855. Adreael glands may be adversely a€fectod by a severe infedtion, such ad tibertdloss, massive bleeding of the adrenals.oF swBey cases the origin of the affecting the glands, such’ of a tumor, but in most disease is unknown. S : * Introduction: course of a week the rash develops of nonfatal cases, smallpox pustulgsct permanent, pitted sears, er ‘The smallpox viruses belong to.0°¥is Bet refered to more simply 5 ~ virws's. a £5 How it spreads? SS particles into the air in king, coughing, or simply ‘the droplets. By this means, person WSRESA with the smallpox vis, cbout 12 day pss before the ngson bogins fo. feel sick, atime known as the incubation period. Daring the ineubation period, while the infected person still feels healthy, the smallpox virus multiplies in the lymph nodes, Ings, and other tissues. By the 12th day the virus moves into the bloodstream, producing sudden and drematic symptoms that include high fever of 39° to 41°C (102° to 106%F), headache, muscular and abdominal pain, and vomiting. Within two to three days the virus spreads to the skin and the rash appears. At first the rash takes the form of skin spots known as macules. By the second day of the rash, as infection worsens within the skin ells, the spots become raised Icsions called pepules; by the seventh day these papules fill with pus and are referred to as pustules. Smallpox patients become most infectious during the week following the appearence of the rash. In the most extreme forms of smallpox, the virus causes bleeding undemeeth the skin, 49. giving the skin 2 buraing appearance. In Gamage to skin and to intemal organs, and other body openings. Such ceses are inverisbly fatal. sbock, cardiovascular those who survive the pustules form scabs and finally drop Treatment: There is no cure, or even 2, outbreaks, medical care use of intravenous fluids ta iri i Antibiotic ‘bacteria infections. In > “Supe, ond one of history’s landmark Biomed SRR took place in 1796 with en experiment pecfored by the mes Jeoner, He bad observed that young womea who milked cows British physieioa Bawa for a living. afte Coniiacted 2 minor skin infection known && cowpox—and that these mailkmait sv"seemed to be protected ffom smallpox. Jenner amanged 19 Sight year-old Jemes Phipps, sratching his arm with pus taken Perr cowpor Tzion of a mallmaid. Six woeks later, when Tennes soratched Phipps's Som the cow nnalpex lesion, te boy Sle to show enyreacdon os ness 28 cowpox virus bad created natural immunity ‘smallpox while carrying none of the coupox vis roafon vita acta soallpoe vis. Thus, with is new roses vie nas leer dubbed vecination (from the Latin word wacca for cow”), Jenner set the course that ultimately led to victory over sonallpox. ; ribo Nuelare Ato Do-oxy- ribo qyudsic dee ot ribo (fucleie Aco og perform an De- ory-7ibo Nucleic Act PwA% Ribo Nuslete Aad Ribo fuctsic devel Rilo -Nucteve frei Ribo Mactece heidl. - Introduction: ‘Typhoid Fever, acute infectic sed by bacteria called Salmonella typhi, The bacteria is ¢, oF Solid food contaminated by feces of typhoid victims or of gatiers. SS ‘The World Health Organization QWHOjestimates that globally some 16 million cases of typhoid fever occur aimually; using 600,000 deaths. hevsolation of the first antibiotic col, prepared in the ASSO Controkl SSS : i ion of milk ond water supplies, nd the pasteurization of mille fa ‘greatly reduced the incidence of the typhoid bacilli. Of equal Bijertence in the control of typhoid fever has been the recognition of Geniess, who can then be prevented from, handling food, end improvement of sewage facilities. “a ‘Another important factor in the control of typhoid fever is typhoid inoculation of ‘persons exposed to the diseasé, such es hospital employees and travelers to areas Chemical Composition ofa pate cSS\Percentage - Components Water Proteins Carbohydrates Lipids DNA RNA Other organic mo! € Elements Sry Oxygen . & 65% boxe ct Sw 18% 10% 3% 2% -. 1% ~ Poliomyelitis S “The term poliomyelitis derives from Greek 3 mse inflammation (itis) of the szey (polios) matter of the spinal cord (rnyelos) = It is infectious viral disease that Sjplysis. The infectia chiefly sometimes: 2s inte youme adults end is cay op f tree related viruses called but polioviruses. SS) Pow Polio develops? 9 “& eo There are three types of poliovirus = identified: ‘Type | (also known as Brunbildey CSS ‘Type 2 Camsing). Ga Type 3 (Leon). ‘Type 1 is the most common Fars severe, paralytic progressiox— virus multiplies in the in further, infections. For spread the virus : Laxge quantities’ Opole ‘multiply in intestinal tissue, where cells of the bady's lymphatic systeincgrecnnce Passage of the virus into the ‘body's lymphatic system SGmulates the produgton:nf antibodies. These specialized i defenders, in time, wal, dete i “Ajzal intruder. From the lymphatic system, the virus typically invades the bldodétream. = Types of Polio Diseases and their Symptoms: Once the virus emters the bloodstream, the virus may cause one of four types of inesses marked by varying severity. Dy Some infections result in abortive poliomyelitis, 8 mild form of the disease characterized by fever, headache, sore throat, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting. This than 95 short-lived form of the iliness lasts only from hours to 2 few days. In more perceat of cases, the disease gets no Worse. Sometimes, however, the virus may 54

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