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Born to Dance Study Guide

Comprehension Skill: Authors Purpose

authors usually have 1 of 3 possible purposes: to inform, to persuade, or to entertain

the authors purpose is not always directly stated; sometimes, its implied (hinted at)
good readers use text clues to determine authors purpose

Vocabulary Words:





Vocabulary Skill: Analogies

an analogy is a kind of comparison in which one pair of words is compared to another pair
of words
analogies use synonyms, antonyms, or types of things
Ask yourself: What is the relationship between the first pair of words?
Examples: hot is to cold as high is to low (antonyms)
smile is to grin as mad is to angry (synonyms)
gold is to metal as broccoli is to vegetable (gold is a type of metal, like
broccoli is a type of vegetable)

Grammar: Pronouns

a pronoun is a word, such as he, she, or they, that takes the place of one or more nouns
an antecedent is the noun or nouns that the pronoun replaces
a pronoun should agree with its antecedent in number and gender
a reflexive pronoun is a pronoun whose antecedent is the subject of the sentence; they
end with self or selves
Examples: (the antecedents are underlined)
Kelsie told herself that she would get an A on the test.
Caleb was ready. He took a breath, and dove into the pool.
We went to the concert with friends.
Rori and Addison sit next to each other. They work well together.

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