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La final, dati-le dosarele si spuneti rima Table time:

Marker de tranzitie
Trimiteti copiii la locurile lor, folosind markerul de
tranzitie ales.

Table time
4 Fisa 3 Tracks 1/2
Aratati-le copiilor fisa 3. Aratati catre fiecare imagine
pe rand si spuneti Cookie the cat, Lulu the kangaroo,

girl si boy, incurajand copiii sa repete dupa dvs.

Impartiti fisele. Rostiti cuvintele, de exemplu, boy ori
intrebati Where's? Fiecare copil trebuie sa arate catre
imaginea corespunzatoare. Apoi intrebati Where's
Cookie the cat? Copiii il cauta pe Cookie si arata cu
degetul. Indicati copiilor ca trebuie sa arate catre
imaginea corecta cand dvs. puneti intrebari Cookie the

cat, boy, Lulu the kangaroo, girl. Pe masura ce copiii devin

tot mai increzatori, spuneti numele din ce in ce mai
Ridicati fisa dvs.; spuneti Im (numele dvs.). lrn a
girl si demonstrati incercuind fata. Spuneti Girls,
stand up. Girls, circle the girl. Repetati aceleasi etape
cu baietii.
Impartiti creioanele, spuneti rima Table time si
executati actiunile:

Everyone. listen to me,

Circle your picture.
1, 2, 3,
Fetele incercuiesc sau bifeaza imaginea cu fata, iar
baietii pe cea cu baiatul. Cand termina, spuneti Well
done! Apoi cantati cantecul Tidy up si indicati copiilor

faptul ca trebuie sa faca ordine si sa dea inapoi

Now it's time to tidy up, tidy up, tidy up.
Now it's time to tidy up.
1, 2, 3.

Everyone. Listen to me. Worksheets in your foiders.

1, 2, 3.

5 Bye-bye

Track 5

Use Cookie to wave and sing the Byebye song.

Encourage ihe children to wove and join in.

Extra activities
Boy or girl?
You will need crayons and o copy of the bay and the girl from
photacopiabie page 96 for each child. Ask the children to
colour them, Say Colour the girt, Colour the boy. As they work,
go around, point to their pictures, and ask Soy ar gird?
Clap hands 2::
Track a
You will need the recording. Sing the Clap hands
song again, getting the children to clap on the word
clap. If they are enjoying 11, play the sang again,
encouraging them to do the other actions (lump,
dance) as they hear the word in the sang.

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