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Hope Walker-Sulki

7-8th hour
The Tale of Romeo and Juliet speaks of young love gone wrong. These two star-crossed
lovers go through hectic problems. These kids end up gone forever, Who is at fault of Romeo
and Juliets death? It was Romeos fault of his and Juliets death because he is irresponsible,
vengeful, and impulsive.
To start, Romeo is to blame for his and Juliets death because he is irresponsible. In Act
1, Scene 5, Lines 48-49, Romeo says And, we mean well in going to this masque;/ but tis no wit
to go. Romeo was not invited to the Capulets Party, but still attended. As a Montague, he
knows he wasnt welcome. insisted to go and ended up falling in love with, Capulets daughter,
Juliet. He pursued her and led her on. If he never were to go to the Capulets party, which was
irresponsible. He would have never fallen in love with Juliet and kissed her that night.
Next, Romeo is at fault for the death of himself and Juliet because he is vengeful. Romeo
was banished by the Prince because he slewed Tybalt; The cousin of his wife Juliet. For
example, Romeo said himself Juliet thy love,/An hour but married, Tybalt murdered,/Dotting
like me, and like me banished.(3.3.73-75). If Romeo were to never have killed Tybalt, he would
have never been banished and could have been happy with Juliet.
Finally, It is Romeos fault for his and Juliets death because he is impulsive. As soon as
he found out Juliet was dead, he impulsively made the decision to go to the Capulet Tomb to
kill himself next to Juliet. Romeo bought poison from an apothecary right after he received the
false news. In the tomb, he saw Juliets body under the charm like death and killed himself. As
follows in Act 5, Scene 3, Line 122-123, Romeo says Heres to my love [drinks.] O true
apothecary!/ thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die. As the example shows, Romeo killed

himself. He caused his own death, leaving Juliet to wake from her slumber to his dead body.
Where she then wants to die because her lord,Romeo, is dead.
Furthermore, Romeo is the cause of his and Juliets death. He is a reckless boy who took
love to the grave.On the other hand, Capulet is also the cause of Romeo and Juliets death
because he is resentful, inconsistent, and careless. Lord Capulet is resentful because he hates the
Montagues. He is part of the Capulet/Montague feud. It made it difficult for Romeo and Juliet to
show their love since they were meant to be enemies.Capulet spoke My sword, I say! Old
Montague is come/ and flourishes his blade in spite of me. (1.1.82-83). Capulet is inconsistent
by letting Romeo stay at his party. He lets Romeo stay, when he does not like the Montagues. In
Act 1,Scene 5 ,Lines 62-63, Capulet told Tybalt "Young Romeo, it is? " Tybalt came back with
"tis he, that villain Romeo" Capulet replied "Content thee, gentle coz, let him alone." Lastly,
Capulet is responsible for the lovers death because he is careless. When Juliet asked father to
hold off the marriage to Paris, Lord Capulet made it a day earlier. "A Thursday be it then./Go
you to Juliet ere you go to bed; prepare her wife, against this wedding day." (3.4.33-35). This
made things hard for Juliet. She ran Friar john for a death-like potion. Though it seems like
Capulet's fault of Romeo and Juliet's death. It is actually Romeo to blame for the of himself and
Juliet. For he killed himself, driving Juliet to follow his lead.
In the final analysis, Romeo is at fault for his and Juliets death. Because he is
irresponsible, he went where he isnt allowed. Romeo is vengeful and killed his own cousin
because of a friends death. In result, He was banished and made things difficult. Romeo also is
impulsive and took his own life, leading Juliet to take her own. Romeo, with his child-like
actions, has caused great grief beyond belief.

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