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deflect=to turn aside, to bend, to deviate

jab=a quick stab or blow

throb= to feel a pulsating pain
taut=flexed, not loose (ncordat)
square=to prepare to fight
double over=to bend at the waist
be game=to be reay for action
snicker=to utter a partly stifled laugh
roar back=to make a dramatic recovery
etched=impressed into a surface
fume=to show annoyance
slump=to fall or sink heavily
banter=teasing conversation
plop=to let the body drop heavily
smorgasbord=a varied collection
bluish=somewhat blue
splotch=an irregularly shaped spot, stain, or colored area
scrunch up=to make wrinkles
skirt= pass around, pass close to
top off=to fill up (a container)
plane=a flat surface
smug=exhibiting great satisfaction with oneself
huff=to react indignantly
saddle=to load or buden
down=to swallow hastily, to gulp
steer=to guide
exquisite=extremely beautiful
slinky=graceful, sinuous, and sleek
simper=to smile in a silly manner
gape=to open the mouth wide
mouth off=talk back
mottled=spotted with different shades of colors
haul=to pull or drag forcibly
scraggly=irregular in form
coil=to move in a spiral course
lash out=to resort to physical attackslit=a long, satright, narrow opening
quirk=to twist suddenly
fess up=admit a wrongdoing
a slew=a lot
skim=to glance over quickly
dweeb=foolish person
squeal=to give forth a loud shrill cry
slouch=to hang carelessly
trail off=to fade away, as with words
brawl=to fight noisily
recline=to lean back
slur=to talk about insultingly
to hove=to linger in a place
sardonic=scornfully or cynically mocking
saunter=to walk at a leisurely pace
topple=knock over
cackle=to laugg or talk in a shrill manner
loon=a crazy person

hunch=to bent
deft=quick and skillful
obliterate=to destry completely
vividly=presented in clear manner
ruddy=helthy red color
lurch=to make an abrupt sudden movement
balk=refuse to go on
dwell=to exist in a given place or state
numb=deprived of the power to feel or move normally
shallow=lacking depth of intellect, emotion or knowledge
jar=to cause to shake
elude=to escape the perception of
damp=slightly wet
faze=to disconcert
flare=to intensify suddenly
rear=to rise
crouch=to stoop, especially with the knees bent
scoot=to mode suddenly and speedily
figment=something made up
keel over=to collapse
twitch=to move suddenly and sharply
zero in=to aim on an exact target location
irk=to irritate
privy=conscious of something privare or secret
encroach=to take another's possessions or rights gradually or stealthily
face-plant= to fall onto one's face
to take in stride=to cope with calmly, without interrupting one's normal routine
spaz out=to become angry, upset, or excited
stir=to cause to move or shift, especially slightly or with irregular motion

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