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SR CTE USAC SCN CeTST areoRiCeT SS of 4 (242/43) Really the Cup of, Christ? The Giza X-Files’ Continua! More Eayptian Mysteries The Ark and the Holy Grail: Fre ape ‘the Same Object? 1 Firk of the Covenant: Extraterrestrit ‘Conmunication Device? Machy Plechu: Who Built 1k?) A Fin Ja-Depth Investigation ‘Ezekiel’s Spaceshins andi the Modern Parallels Vimanas in Ancient India- The Legacy of the Rishis “And the Children of Israel did eat Manna forty years tuntl they came to a land inhabited.” (Exodus 16:35) ‘Deus est machina’ is Latin for "God is a machine.” It is a pun for the popular term "Deus ex inachina” found in many Ancient ‘Grech plays. At the end of mnany plays, a god-ike character called "Deus ex machina,” or "God from the machine,” was lowered onto ib sepa planbe ton 9 ie play area lacey ocapeble situation. There has long been speculation as to what the “manna” which fed the Children of Israel in the desere really was. One tradition is thar che biblical manna was from the secretion of Coccidae which parasites on tamarisk trees (Tamarix mannifers), Theinsecs extract the sap (which rich in carolyats) ofthe branches of the tre. The excess sap which theie bodies cannoc absorb is secreted as drops of transparent liquid which congeal neo white globules containing glucose, fructose, and small amounts of pectin, The material is collected by ants and stored in their nests. Even today, the Bedouin collec this material and use cas a honey substitute. Infact, they call chs subsean Even though there is some resemblance between this material and the biblical manna, ie lacks several features of the biblical food. Ie contains no protein, whereas the manna 32 of the Pentateuch is described as “bread” and as a basic food. Furthermore, ‘man’ is only found during part of the yeas, and then in largely insufficiene quantities to feed 2 family - let alone a nation wandering in che wilderness. Some identify biblical manna with che lichen Eecanora esculenta but so far there is no evidence that this species has ever been found in the neighbourhood of Isl. ‘Where, then, did the manna come from? We think thar we have found an answer in the Kabbalah. The term Kabbalah is commonly used for the esoteric teachings of Judaism, especially in the form which they assumed in the Middle Ages, from the 12th century onward. The word is derived from the Hebrew BLE! ~ "tha which is received” Pare of this body of traditional Knowledge is found in three of the books of Sepher-ha-Zohar (The Book of Splendours) most of which was apparently written from oral traditions by a Spanish Jew Moses ben Shem Toy of Leon, in the 13ch century. The earliese physical source is the Aramaic Cremona Cadex (1558), from which the Latin Kabbalal, Denudaea (1664) and che English Kabbalah Unveiled (1892) were derived (now available at hgendaytnebookscom). Oar orignal work was cared oat using the English translation, and we are currently verifying the Gee oie clo oc neil cauailog We ay ‘Aramaic texts Vol. 90.9 No.4 ‘The dhree books contain a detailed physical description of some sort of deity (some say God) called the “Ancient of Days.” This entity consists of a male part (macroprosopus and rieroprosopus) and a female part (the bride of microprosopus). Twas the oldity ofa’god which could be taken apart into pieces and reassembled again later which caused us to look more closely at the texts, uncluttered by peripheral verbiage, and to decide that there was a high probability chat whae was described here was not 4 god but a machine referred to in anthropomorphic terms. In fact, we conchuded that everything written and described. in the Zohar, i just what one might expect of a non-technological society if they were required to describe a complex machine or technical mechanism. Such reasoning is supported when we find char che Apache Indians, for example, use anthropomorphic words to describe the parts of an automobile: for example, “nda (eye) for headlights enw (en) for wiring hin (inet) for a radiator hose, etc We therefore feel confident in interpreting the description of the Kabbalal’s“Ancient of Days” in technological terms. [F the “Ancient of Days" indeed was a mechanical device of some forgotten people, then we postulate that only today i ie possible to assign true ‘meaning co what so far seemed “mystical” knowledge because only today do we have the necessary and sulficien technical knowledge to ascertain che whae was descibedin the Kabbalay, was in ic, cecal in narureand bad nothing to do with any spi or°GOD GOD! “The Kabbalah is often used by ‘occulists” “mystics” and tual teachers’ and other charlatans. Unfortunately, much of their commentary and interpretation of che texts have done litle to clarify the Kabbalah original true meaning/ purpose. In fact, more often than nor, the Kabbalah texts were interpreted in the ‘wrong way, chus further complicating things, when, in reality, che truth can be interpreted in much more simple terms. ‘Manna: Machine-Made? We think that the descriptions in the Kabbalah are of a ‘machine for making manna. Why? Simply because the texts sy tot “Into the skal |.) dis the dew fom the white ead (-} and from this dew they grind the manna (..] and the manna did not appear tobe dered fom this dew excep atone time: the time when Israel was wandering in che desert: “The three books found inside the Kabbalah are divided into 2.173 verses. ‘To demonstrate our ‘method of reconstruction we will take 23 verses and show sketch based on the information contained in them. Of course, tis sketch is by ‘no means the only one which could be cleawn from the description. However, by making a series of skeeches from she texts, we have been abe to assemble a likely and self-consistent picture of the manna-making process. The chosen verses are_ 51-73 ofthe book called HIADRA ZVTA IDIShA (Lesser Holy Assembly). a embodiment of the description is shown in Figure 1. Figure 3 shows the parallel Latin and Aramaic texts side by side, verse by verse, in Kabbalah Dena (1644): Vol.9 No.3 80.4 “The skull. The top skull (1) is white. In it there is no ining or end. The hollow thing of its juices is extended (2) an is made flow [3] From dis holly ting for ju of te white skull the dew falls every day into the small-faced one (3) I And Bi end filed and rom he smal fed oni fl to the field fof} apples {or blowers] (4). And all the field fof] apples flow from that dev. The Ancient Holy One is secret and bales. And the upper widow is conoid ithe skal whet forurd (ie, can be seen) (5) and from this into that the Ancient ‘One is not opened (ie. there is no passage visible). And the bread (6) is not single [or alone] because itis the top for head] of the whole head. The upper wisdom is inside the ead (7): it is concealed and is called the upper brain (8), the concealed brain (9), the brain that appeases and is quiet (10). And there is no son [of man] that Rnows it (ies it is incomprehensible to us). ‘Three heads are hollowed out: this (11) inside that (12), and this above the other (13). One head is wisdom (14); it is concealed rom that which is covered (15). This wisdom is concealed, it is the top ofall his heads of the other wisdoms. The upper head is the Ancient and Holy One, the most concealed ofall concealed ones. It is the top of the whole head, the head which is not a [conventional] head, and is not kaown. (This amplifies what bas gone before saying that i is pot anormal head, capable of thinking, and that nothing is kunown about it, because it is concealed, and inaccessible]. And because of this, the Ancient Holy One is called “nothing” begi eae ee And all those airs (16) and all those cords (17) from he brain ‘are concealed, and are all smooth in the carrier (18). And all of the meck is not seen (19) [uo] There is one path that flows in the division of the hairs from de brain (20) [..] And from this path there flow all the rest of the paths chat bang’ into esha oie a} — a From other parts of che texts, we deduce thatthe terms"hairs and ‘cords" were used to describe wires, pipes and tubing. We also have reason to think thar che term ‘wisdont was used e describe the lil ased inthe proces of making mansa- Te Rabat tcl we yl ow prea shows dasripion ofa ‘machine derived from the Kabbalah: TMacroprosopus, the large faced one) has ewo:shalls one iin the Coy covloetd ‘thin on our shall The Spper ‘ullcontains tae upper orion whch dew dail and te lever Skull concang the Reeve oi Macroprosopus has four glowing eyes, che upper eye of the description is chown in Figure 1. Figure 3 shows chic ie in the mile ofthe lover sal The attr the eyes are po sel luminous and appear, om lfc co right co be black, yellow a red in color, There is a voluminous beard of 13 conformations, the Teac of whi of er a of he sald bak plat another. The hairs ar silky, and the holy oil runs through them. “The main Seatuce of talcroprosopus (che small-faced onc) it thebard akall within which thine tr an expanded freon one wide ati a on the other The subele ar whiled about be From this side, and the subtle fire is whirled about it from that side. The cil from macroprosopus descends into this sll, where ir changes olor rome ed, Around the had skal of microprosopus ic the lower brain, and from that skull there discs a dew upon him which is external, and Ells his head daily and this is manna. Below che skal of micropeosopar are che Hoses, or testicles, in which the euannd eolleti, ancl below: thea ie the’ penis through which the manna is drawn, There are few details given ofthe bike oc arcana kag betewEaay color bat ey termiuaten'a gold oalor/and she's sonfmactl mo micsopirasopnis! Gn the Sabbath, a trance Bll upon racroprosopusy and the swortan. is removed fom his back: ‘The pares are then cleaned and reassembled.” Reger ily, soe of Wee ead bacny sbvebanles Bs looked at from a tehicel perspective! By retranslating the original Aramaic, we posculare the Mannl-Machine as Ellows athe topizadev gals efieraed, coragated surface over which aris dawn, from whieh water conser Hee is fed Pa corialiee jin the center ann features 1 pone lighenancs foe ieadicing an alge eurure, possi, of Chlorelis type, ‘There are dozens of attains of Chlorella eal the balance of protein, carbohydrates and fats in chose stein eas bs rated by \cabeaag the appropriate Conditions of grow Boe the caleue. en Ee “This algae culcure circulares chrough a complicated array of pipes and tabes (some of them were of se-throngh mare) (RRih peed! cn each GF on een ent carbon diseag the atmapphere and alee Ssdipant heat The Corel gi drawn off into another vessel where it is treated so thar the starch is partially hydrolyzed to maltose, which is then burat slightly to pe the" honeyland-waters vor” (Exodus 16°31) The deed thaerial is then fed to two round contaioners (the testicles!) and through 2 ap (che penis! one container was exacted) emptied daily 0 provide the day's supply, and the other container filled up lowly citing the week to that's twra:days' nipply wai swailable’on 34 Dy Tae tome the eve of the Sabbath. This was the day when the machine was stopped, disassembled, cleaned, and put on-line again 1 machine had to provide one “omer” of manna per da per Ely For 600 families (In Exodus 7.37 the word theusand” can also mean “heads of families”) This is equivalent to about 1.5 cubic meters of manna per day. Since we are told that manna"was like coriander seed” (Exodus 16:31), the mainstream proposal or idea that che manna was picked from the ground ths seems clearly unacceptable - gathering ie from the loor would be more than a fall-cime job. ‘What happened to the machine? After the Israelites left the desert, ic was not needed anymore: indeed, it stopped working (Joshua 5:12). After the capture of Jericho, the machine, having become a type of sacred object, was kepe at Shiloh (1 Samuel 4:3). Later, i¢ was capcured by the Philistines, who hastily returned ic after ic killed many of them, and inflicted a plague of “emerods” upon the survivors (1 Samael). ‘The second. century (ACE). Jndseo-Roman Josephus comments char the Philistines also suffered from dliarthea because of it. Upon its return, King David reinstae- ed ic as a ritual object inside a sacred enc at Jerusalem (1 Chronicles 15:1) and his son Solomon buile the Firse Temple to house it (2 Chronicles 2:5). When the Temple was ransacked in about 600 BCE, the machine was destroyed. Machines Onboard Spacecraft Clearly, machines of chs type would be essential equipment ‘onboard space vehicles, since they perform the dual Function ‘of providing oxygen to breathe and food to eat. In fact, Soviet scientists have constructed a similar machine and used ie for purifying the air ina closed environment (on board a Salyut space laboratory) in which men lived for months. However, the cultures were ferilized with the cosmonauts) own excreta and, quite understandably, were not eaten for that reason. “The main question remains: where did the Manna-Machine ‘of the Israelites come from? Its tempting to speculate, with many ‘other contemporary writes, that the Earth was visited by space travelers some 3,000 years ago and ro suggest that it was these Mtvors wo proved lhe machine to the eels, Granted, cis raises as many problems ast solves, and we prefer not to propound such a hypothesis today. Perhaps, when Se ates ment aaa oe willbe able to answer this specific question. ‘This paper was first published in 1976 seach etn sone rae ‘George T. Sassoon (1936-2006) was a linguist, engineer and a consultant in the electronics field, living in England and on the Isle of Mull, Scotland. He presented this paper at the third World Congress of the Ancient Astronaut Society, 2 Crikveniea, Yagoslavia, in May, 1976. This ace was also published in the Apel 1, 1976 edition of the New Scientist. Rodney Dale who co- authored this paper, is a biologist tndafeclmcecigneneg wey \ living in Cambridge, England. 3 Vol. No.9 No.4 Toward the end of the 1970s, George T.S. Dale reconstructed a machine from ancient Hebrew texts that was referred to by the Israelites as the “Ancient of Days.” In the fist part of tis paper, Sassoon will summarize the development and reconstruction ofthis device dhat they coined the "Manna-Machine.” In the second part eter iebag wegen Sassoon ana Dale as they examine the progress and assess the status of modern technology’s influence on the original reconstruction ideas proposed by Sassoon and Daten the lnve"70s. As tis pape wl laste Ssoon and Dale proposed ideas that seemed like science fetion 30 years ge. Today their ideas are on the cusp of beconsing “scence fact Part I: The Reconstruction (George T. Sassoon, M.A.) ‘Afier my mother’ death in 1975, I went through her collection ‘of books and found a strange book entieled The Kabbalah Unveiled by S. L. MacGregor Mathers (1). Although the book was first published in 1887, high demand has keps this book in print to his day. The book deals mainly with the translation of various parts ‘of the Zohar, an ancient Jewish mystical work. For the most part, the Zohar deals with descriptions ofa bizarre entity known asthe “Ancient of Days: Tame across a similar description ofthis known English hymn,”Immortal, Invisible,’ and also found a brief mention of i in the biblical Book of Daniel. When I was younget, simply assumed that the’Ancient of Days’ was merely another term 3 However in MacGregor Mathett The Kebbals Unveed Vol 9No.g &No.4 ‘ Dee etn (now available at, there was adescription that was clearly different from our present-day idea of the Almighey. The book consists of a series of instructions imparted by Rabbi Simon bar Yochai to a group of students. Rabbi bar Yochai maintained thar he was passing on anciene secret knowledge and wisdom that had previously been passed on only in oral traditions. Bar Yochai stated thar this knowledge consisted of the secret unwritten law, as ‘opposed to the written law set down in the Pencateuch (the frst five books of the Old Testament) Secret Knowledge The concent was divided into three sections: the Book of Mysteries (BoM), the Greater Holy Assembly (GHA), and che Lesser Holy Assembly (LHA).s in ehe Bible, chey were divided up into verses and ordered for easier quoting. So what kind of secret knowledge” was chs? I found passages such as these (GHA 37): Tradition: He willbe found (that is it is known ina certain way init defined extension), and He will noche found: because He cannot be entirely understood; but itis as if He is in form bur even now He cannot be understood by anyone because He is the Ancient One, (GHY 38): However, He is known in his properties: while He is the Eternal of the Eternal Ones: the most Ancient of the Ancients; the most hidden of the Hidden Ones: He is, above all both recognizable and unrecognizable in His symbols. (GHY 39): His garments ace blindingly white and his appearance is like a monstrous and horefying face KSereyT (GHY 40): He rests upon a throne of flaming light, so thar He can conduct its lightning. (GHY 41): The brighenes of His skull of His head is spread out over 40,000 higher worlds and from the light of cis brightness 400 new worlds are created inthe world. (GHV 43): In His skull there are 13,000 billion worlds present daily, which obtain thei existence from His radiance and are sustained by him, This doesnot describe" God At eat notin the "adional sense. In fact, chis is a description of anything but God! I couldnt help buc wonder why my mother had obtained and read such a book, buc chen T remembered that she had been interested in the ‘ccule in her younger years. This book appeared to be circulatin Smiongse mysie and oehers interested sn the osc as well a ‘members of alternative religions. Whar puzzled me even more was the face chara rather sober, unimpressionable engincet like myself was ll ofa sudden fele compelled to learn more about this to give this book a second look. Ac fist, was tempted co dismiss the book as complete and urter nonsense, but eertain passages piqued my interest, ‘mainly beeause they confused me. Why was ehis ancient “secret Knowledge consketed ro be so inporeas? Even nore compelling was thac this was obviously a detailed description of a physical object sand not God ~ an idol perhaps ~ and this did nor fc in with the prohibition of all idolatry in the Jewish traditions. Beyond that, ‘what was chis material doing in a"religious” piece of work? What was going on here? Thad nothing better co do atthe time, and I did wane ro find some answers to my questions, so I began a search forthe original source material. The main work was Knorr von Rosenroch’s Kabbalah Denudata (Frankfurt, 1677) "| which presented side-by- side cexts in Latin and Aramaic also located the Aramaic original inan edition princed in Lublin, Poland in 1882. Since Iam very fmilia with linguistics, I decided I needed to decipher ie myself so [ wrapped a cold rowel around my head and took a crackat the Aramaic. According co Gershom Scholem!”) che world’ foremost expert on the Kabila, the Zobar was originally compiled in about 1290ACE by Moses de Leon, a Spanish Jew. ‘Since that time, the Zohar had circulated in manuscript form, and later in printed form, amongst the Jewish community. Aramaic was the language of Babylon, which is related to Hebrew, and ie later became the everyday language of the Jews after the Babylonian exile Hebrew, on the other hand, was used for religious purposes only, similar to the role of the Latin language in the Catholic Church. Despite the linguistic difficulties, I was able to translate the ‘Aramaic; and once the text was stripped of che flowery expressions and embellishments of Mathers and von Rosenroth, it became vividly clear char this was a description of a physical object. ‘According to what was described, the Ancient of Days consisted of three skulls: an external one, which contained cwo additional ‘skulls’ inside of it, positioned above the other. At the center of this arrangement was the cardinal lamp which was"brighter than any other radiating brilliance.” "The object also had a"beard” with thaic” that grew oust of the“face"and"connected”(!) to another pare of the’face" There is no mention of abody, but there is mention of a ‘strongrrght army "six feet” and between them there are two testicles and a penis. Heres where it gets even more interesting: A liquid substance, known by the term‘dew or the"eil ofthe great diviniey” flowed from the upper part of this object which was collected in the testicles” and uleimarely exited from the “penis,” where it was tapped by the priests. Question: Is this how one would describe God? THE God? Most certainly not! “The Ancient of Days So the question arises: what is the purpose of all of ehis? + can be found right at the end of the “Lesser Holy (LHA 436):“Ioto the skull of the Small-faced One there drips the dew from the white head, and ies coneained init” (LHA 437): "And this dew is seen in two colors: and by itis fed the fell of che holy apples. ‘And fom ets dew they grind che manna tf che Just ones for he world to come. And by iethe dead are raised to life. And the manna did not appear to be derived from this dew excepe at one time; the time when Israel was wandering in the desert. ‘And (then) che Ancient one of All ed them from this place. Bue afterwards, ie was not found again.” ‘Asie is said in Exodus (16:4)"Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you.” And also in Genesis (27:28) "Therefore God give thee of the dew of Intheend therearea few possibleexplanations of the actual function of the Ancient of Days. I did not speak, ir was unable co move on its own, it was carried around through the desert, and it was secup on various’thrones' which were assembled and taken apart again for transportation to the next place. Since when is GOD unable to move? Since when does GOD have t be carried around? Since when does GOD have tobe assembled and taken aparc? We are also told that‘The Ancient of Days’ function was to produce manna. So, could this have been a type of machine? Vol. 90.3 80.4 nangmce bth be meni on pee According to statements in the Bible, the manna thar fed the Israelites fell froma the sky and was gathered by the people. Tee a number of practical problems with ths idea: If the manna really Fal"from heaven,’ it would have certainly been soiled and dirty by mixing in with che desere sand, duse and gravel. Furthermore, how «ould they have collected one gomer (36 lites, almost ane galon) per family in chis manner? Realistically speaking, there are no adequate, satisfactory modern explanations fr the so-called "manna miracle” Another somewhat outlandish theory isthe suggestion thar manna was the excretion of insects” The number of insects requited for this fear would have been formidable, and one would think that the Israelites would have mentioned chem ~ but insects are nowhere to be found in che manna story In shore, they are not apart of the manna story. ‘One fact that supports the theory of a machine is thar the Zobar texts contain numerous, very specific measurements oF its physical details. For example, che length of the” penis” is stated as being 248 “worlds” (more on this later). Since certain concepts (like machine parts) did not exist () in the vocabulary back then, those words were replaced with familiar words (or example. human body parts:“skulls;"eyes,"testiles, "beard, ec." Iris interesting to note that the Apache people also use the same methodology to describe, for example, zuromobile pares in cheir own language. Or consider words used in English, such as the“nut’ of asceew the"eye™ of a hurricane, oF che"mouse” for a computer. I began to wonder if ie would be possible, wich the help of our modern know-how and technology ~ perhaps using extrapolation if necessary ~ t0 Construct a machine capable of producing a basic, sustanable foodstuff thar provided the required nourishment? To test tis, I called upon my close friends Rodney Dale and Marcin Riches to hrelp me with the project. Rodney's degrees in science and machine design came in handy when he later suggested that a manna-like substance could be created through an intense cultivation of algae, specifically some microscopic water planc like Chlorella, a type of pondweed that can prolate rapidly under appropriate environmental conditions" “The most important preconditions for growing Chlorella like organisms are: wates, carbon dioxide, nicrogen and! light. As fara the water required, the upper pare of the Ancient of Days was a surface capable of extracting water from the hot, dey ait of the Sinai desert, accumulating as dew "!, Carbon dioxide and nitrogen were available from che air and could have been obtained by circulating them through ehe”beard hairs’ (hoses/wubes) "via Vol. 9No.g&'No.4 aasemi-permeable membrane, The light component can be achieved by whar che Zohar repeatedly mentions as the blindingly bright “cardinal lamp loaed inside the Ancient One, : Al of this, of course, requices some type of energy. If we consider a population of six hundred Isralite families asa basis, instead of the often-cited six hundred thousand families ~ you sec, the Hebrew word ‘lp’ can mean either: six hundred or six hundred thousand — we ave ta quasi of sbour 500g of ‘manna per day, which is cereainly within che energy capacity of a Sal naar actor!" Sacha eactor could have wanaformed es naclear energy into light energy withthe use ofa neutrino-charged laser. Heat would be a bi-prosuct in chis process, and with the use of thermo-electric methods, eleeriity could be obtained for the ‘machine’ controls and other ancillary functions. Some kind of cooking process must have been involved in the transformation of the algae slime into edible manna. The excess hheat produced for chis purpose could have then been used for burning waste products. As described, chese waste products were discharged from the nose” of the Ancient of Days, which appears to have been some type of exhaust pipe" This is where we os that che Ancient of Days created a pillar of smoke ora pillar of ire if iil vo everyone ae rove above dhe Tabernacle when the ‘machine was in operation! Assuming thar this device did indeed evise, whae happened ro ie? According to che Zohar, it was employed to feed the people as they wandered through the desere, bur ceased functioning when they arrived in their so-called Promised Land. Ar chat poine ic bbeeame something of a cule objece guarded by priests. When the Bible mentions the Ark of che Covenant being taken to the battle against the Philistines (1 Samuel 4), evidence suggests thac i was not the Ark per se doing che baetle” but ie was the radioactive Manna-Machine stored inside che Ark! The enemies captured the Ark and were mysteriously “smitten with boils” a description tuncanny of injuries caused by radioactive poisoning. ‘The ait fea te Schematron fect ‘praca oee Bosco 57) wien aoe anne UY Zar ema Gey Tot 7 a 4 4 Mahal. ELL Le rete 7 Eee ae ‘enemies were so cerviied of the Ark that they returned it to the Israelites, the only people who knew how to operate the device without harming themselves. The Bible says that the Ark was leaded onto a att rawn by evo cos bu the animals were also Frightened; they fled, pulling the cart behinel them all the way co Bethshemesh, where more people were"smicce’ by simply looking atthe object (1 Sanwuel 6). “The object mentioned in these Bible passages is referred to as the Ark, but in our opinion ie was, in fact, the Manna-Machine stored inside the Ark ehae caused all of tis terrible mayhem. It seems thatthe legends surrounding the Manna-Machine were ascribed to the Ark,and che"supernatural” powers of the machine were merged with Atk lore. Johannes and Peter Fiebag lacer postulated that the [Ark was the original transportation container of the machine, oF a least che disassembled reactor “The device stopped functioning when the Israelites entered the Promised Lang where e became a cule cbjece. Ir was there that che priests guarding it spent time extensively measuring the object Numerous meaturements ae meticulously ited it the Zohar, For example: (GHA 968):" The length of the penis i 248 worlds. And all of these (works) hangin the mouth of che penis, which called You” ‘Theunit of measurement called” world” represents the length, the spatial measurement and the volume. We concluded thar this unit of measurement is approximately the size of a mustard seed, and we measured an average diameter of 2.05 millimeters pet rmustard seed grain. Placed end to end, a length can be measured ina simple row of mustard seeds, the square area as a series of rows of seeds and the volume can be determined by filing up the ‘objece with mustard seeds (compare [4], page 251 and following). When we “translated” these unies of measurement, the result ‘was the same values for the different parts of the machine in the correct, relative dimensions anticipated in our previous technical calculations! When we used the" world” (mustard seed) as ourbasie measurement unit, we arrived at che following values OFF meters 0.309 meters TES square tors Tah of he oft Ant of Dap CS). Lent ofthe en 21) Facial area fhe Ancient OO Aes ofthe“ ‘Skull volume” ofthe Ancient One (3) Stull be onal fc SAT syuare meters xe cui (O58 cubic meters Bry To according to the text, the “Ancient “Small Faced One" are the machine's two main components thar had to be turned off every week - on the Sabah! - for cleaning and maintenance! Another indication that many of today’s religious ricualsare factually and physically (no spiritually!) rooted in nando etereaeomecons Reader hows to find out more how we have concluded conclusively that many of todays religious rituals are factually and physically rooted in misunderstood, extraterrestrial events, are urged to track down a copy of our book The Manna-Machine. Where to, and From Where? ‘According to the Bible, Solomon buile his Temple asa place in which to store the Ark of the Covenant, but imall likelihood, it was the Ancient of Days that required s0 much storage space inside the Holiest of Holies. With great jubilation and majestic fanfare, the object was transferred to jerusalem from its previous, unknown resting place. Legend has ic chat the Ark and the machine were later lost (or dlisappeared) during the Babylonian Exile is likey that they were hhiddlen in a eave on the river Jordan or in one of the underground chambers underneath the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. ‘The most sacred Jewish site today is the Wailing, Wall. Is it possible thar the objects in question are buried behind these ‘massive ancient walls? Another possibility is that che machine was indeed discovered by the Templars in the Holy Land during the Crusades and was brought back to Europe, where the Ancient of Days eventually became the Holy Grail of the Middle Ages, as postulated by Dr Johannes and Peter Fiebag. However, the biggest question of all remains: if there really was a Manna-Machine, where did it come from? According to the Zobar, the “Lora” gave the device to Aaron and his priests along with “important secret knowledge,” which, in all ikelihood, was instructions for properly operating and servicing the object. But tho exacty was this Lond"? Wasi realy che ‘lmighty God of today's religions? OF course not. What is described here is a figure who, in many respects, was very human, bue with advanced, “superhuman” powers because he had access to technology! Was “the Lord!" a visitor from outer space? Yes, bur our ancestors did not comprchend the nuts and bolts aspece of the extraterrestrials visic and thus misinterpreted it co be divine in nature, which it was not! Devices like the Ancient of Days were likely on their starships for feeding the crew and then given co the Earthlings as a gift. This explanation corresponds with the detailed facts we present in our book The Manna-Machine ®. am the first 0 say that we will not know any of this for sure until we have located an actual artifact demonstrating clear extraterrestrial origins. There, I said ic. Bur this disclaimer does not preclude me, however, from being 100% convinced that the Ancient Astronaut hypothesis is, in the end, correct! Part II: Possi (George ies of Modern Realization sassoon and Peter Fichag) “There is much evidence that supports our theories regard (be Marra Machen: and 25 years fe we legen Owe rcarcls there are ever more modern pleces of evidence coming along that corroborate our inital propostions. In Part I of this paper we will examine the question of how far we have come towards realizing @ technolagical version ofthe machine today. Vol. go. 9 & No.4 “The Phoro-Bio-Reactor While conducting research on a reconstruction of the Ancient of Days, we came across multiple news reports about an algae- growing device used for purifying the air inside nuclear submarines. Several ocher experiments were conducted with similar systems to determine if such self-contained ecological systems (biospheres) could be applied in space travel In 1974,Sergei Vlasoy described the SovierBios-3-Experiment in the Russian Journal Tekhnika Molodechi. He reporeed on a self contained envizonmental system inhabited by three people for six months. Their human waste products were recycled and purified with the Chlorella cultivation device. The biosphere also featured hydroponic cultures for producing wheat and vegetables. In 1985, the National Egyprian Research Center in Cairo and the Instiuce for Biotechnology, a nuclear research center in Jilich, Germany, conducted a research project for producing food in the desere" Similar vo what wed proposed much earlier they utilized algae specifically ewo species, Coelastrum and Scenedesmus. Project leader Dr. Mohammed el-Fuli postulated that che production of algae was the only feasible possibility for meetinglong-term protein requirements of the more than 50 million Egyptians. The algae are greenish-brown, single-cell organisms that can be harvested every five to six days. They contain up t0 70% protein, and also facy acids, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. Conceivably, 50 co 60 tons could be produced per acre per year In the case of the Manna-Machine, we are not dealing wich a large-scale installation for cultivating algae but rather an extremely complex apparatus, On September 19%, 2001, a sensational story hit the newswire. The respected and renowned German publication Fraunhofer Institut fier Grenzflichen- und Bioverfabrenstechnik (IGB) published the following press release announcing! ‘Aloe ar genuinely incredible they nt onl produce faty acids, vitamins and pharmaceutically effective substances, but they also purify snasteweater and produce energy. Researchers a the Fraunhofer Institute bave developed a photo-bo-reactor, in which micre-alga can be grown at low cost. They wil introduce a prototype ofthe machine at the Biotechnica Expo in Hanover held from October 9-11, 2001. Biologist Jorg Degen and Dr. Ulrike Schmid-Staiger demonstrated ihe enormous potential of algae cultivation, But they plated out thar iis only feasible if they are grown on lange industrial scale." Unsil now, all artempes at growing the tiny organisms in large quantities and economically have failed. The main reason Inve isalatons bare so far bean incapable of supplying the algae with enough light” Degen further staredsince the algae atthe cop absorb light from the surface, darkness pr. {usta few millimeters further dovwn so the organisms Further below inside the installation did not receive any light and cannot grow” However, the new Fraunhofer photo-bio-reactor takes advantage of one particular property of algae. The tiny living ‘organisms are periodically exposed to brief bursts of intense light, akin to a ash effect. Static mixers and flows of fresh air are conducted into the system, ensuring an even flow of liquid, circulating the algae from the dark interior portion of the reactor to the illuminated surface area “The researchers also point out che many applications of chis procedure: Purifying waste water and exhaust fumes, as well as supplying hydrogen for fuel cells! These are qualities that would make chem very suitable for a spaceship, for example. And the algae feature another remarkable property: their essential omega-3 fatty acids can lower cholesterol levels, thus helping co prevent arteriosclerosis, Vol. 90.3880. 4 GEORGET. SASSOON George T. Sassoon (1936-2006), son > Of the famous British poet Siegfried Sassoon, attended and obtained an M.A. at Oundle School and the Uni- versity of Cambridge. He worked in the electronics industry, specializing In the design and development of Sophisticated scientific instruments. Later in ife,he lived on his estates in Wiltshire, England and in Scotland. The reactor’s incredible efficiency has already been demonstrated: Fresh water algae with tiny cells of the species Chilorela vulgaris were successflly and economically gown in ehis bio-inseallarion A large version of the same algae production device is currently being buile in. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany). For this project, the Fraunhofer Institute founded the company Subitee Gmbit "", Clearly, a realization and reconstruction of the Manna-Machine has been achieved. The details we proposed decades ago, such as circulation of the algae slime/Mluid, have indeed rurned out to be meaningfal in practical applications. aan eee Obtaining Water ‘Another prerequisite for the effective functioning of the machine i a sufficient amount of water to ensure the survival of the algae. Authors Dale and Sassoon postulated that the water would be extracted straight from the airs humidity: Critics argued that it would be “impossible to obtain the required amounts of water from the arid air of the Sinai Desert: ”®) However, in 1993, British engineer Scuart Clyens developed a device thac clraws water from the armosphere during the night hours so chat sulficienly large amounts of water were available in the mornin =), The Bible describes how the manna was always collect in the morning. Prototypes of Clyens’ machine were tested successfully in the Namibian Desert. “Thaeis no al. In 1998, che Institut fr Umueltsvefabremechnik (Institute for Environmental Processes Technology) at Bremen University, Germany, under the leadership of Prof. Norbert Rabinger (", announced: “The Institute (...] has recently developed a new type of technical process for obtaining drinking wates, which is particularly suitable for drought-ridden areas, for example, in Arab desere couneries or any regions in crisis or in desperate need of water. Through the targeted selection of absorbents that are capable of drawing water from the air, this process can be opcimally adapted according to the specific reeds of each country: This means that this process is effective for obtaining drinking water in both hoe and cold countries!” Tn one night, one mere cubic meter of storage capacity would withdraw moisture from the surrounding air, condense as dew, and then yield 1,000 liters of porable water. Ifthe volume is expanded to 5 or 10 cubic meters, some 5,000 to 10,000 liters of 40 eu) Gastiuid interface Inert gas (argon) eae ee roe omer Me a ee elo eel peer Operating normally Core overheating / < Reservoir Reactor core region with fuel (uranium nitride) Envelope Vol. 9 No.3 & No.4 Pres eee case rede be ein cere eee fit inside a container measuring 1.5m wide, 1.5m tall and 3m long. Rural populations can take advantage of the machine’ usefulness as well, as its design can be adapted and changed depending on cultural requirements Rudlvicg Ge ke German BM. Magazine I also illustrates the eerie optical lary verver al ores andthe Manna-Machine is iced aitougl ie ened shew is collected in the charcoal filter of the installation. The poe epored an rue taco, water indie the cohes ea aey be extracted from a tap. Just Heche Manna Machine ‘The Energy Source ‘The Manna-Machineés sophistcaed source of energy, which, according to our” talculaons, produced about 500,000 kilowatts and was relatively small in size, has long been realized. Mini-teactors are in use, for example, in submarines, satelite and space probes like the Cassini Scrum othe Seull and offer radar resere bare alse been manufactured for residential use: Scientists of the Ceneral Research Institute of Electrical Power Industry (CRIEPI) have developed and constructed a mini-reactor intended to supply apartment and office buildings with ample amounts of cheap electricity "”. The devices are about the sizeof a small room and have an output of 200 kilowatts! The safety mechanism, which also corresponds to the Manna- Machine, features a reservoir containing molten lithium-6-metal. According to Mitsuru Kambe, the CRIEPI project leader, this isorope absorbs neutrons that keep the chain reaction going inside the reactor. If the lithium heats up too much, ie expands by itself dni the molten meal pushes itself through acube into etonot the reactor. Asa result, the nuclear fission process slows down, oF stops altogether, chus negating the argument ehae small nuclear reactors cannot be designed to be safe. We should also keep tabs on the rapidly expanding development of fuel cell technology. Such fuel cells are portable ‘miniature power plancs featuring +high degree of effectiveness in ric dod oe posuctin Gala mich eurclaline oc hhave been implemented in space exploration and submarines for some time. The molten carbonate fie cell, for example, produces up to 300 kilowatts. The water-heater manufacturer Vaillant/ Mororala has produced new types of extremely small fuel cells with energy efficiencies of up to 90%, comparable to the output of s combustion engine! These cells penerlly faneson for alesse 40,000 hours without interruption. Car-industry designers and developers continue cheir efforts to create a fuel coll capable of functioning independently of dwindling fossil fuels! Kleas are pursued to feed the cell wth hydrogen produced by solar energy Fue besteront Vol9No.g&No.g or nuclear fission. And as evidenced by the recent developments ac the Fraunhofer Instiute, an algae production device is another obvious choice for providing hydrogen for Fuel cells! So here we are, some thirty years after our first attempt to reconstruct the Manna-Machine. Today, all the cechnologies we postulated and derived from old manuscripts and traditions area reality and at our disposal: + A computer-contrlled, self-contained eco-biological life-support ‘pte which enables the succeed growth of ages Algae-growing devices which demonstrate the incredible wealth of rates proce by and contained within the one eled ‘organisms + The provision of ample amounts of water derived from the air erie gto tose tie eet or oto ke thisined in portal ard, desert conditions A strong source of ight featuring a “flash eet” for ikaminating the cnculeting algae cultures: + Mini-reactors providing energy, which can be emplayed virtually ‘anywhere and are relatively safe to use, even in the immediate wicenty of living areas ‘Manna Cookies Tasty cookies made of Chlorella vulgaris are sold by an ingenious German baker in Klotze, Atmark. This vitamin, rmineral- and amino acid- rich food not only tastes good, but also strengthens the immune system. The supplier Of the micro-algae is the German Okologische Produkte ‘Altmark GmbH company. The tiny organisms are produced on an industrial scale in 20 production units, underneath 2 Gigantic transparent roof inside thick gla tubes. Sunlight Water carbon dioxide and mineral salts areal thats required to produce this biomass. In a final step, the substance is ground into powder inside a centrifuge. It s*manna’ of the finest quality. | iad ‘Transportation AAS. RA. researcher Christian Forrer suggested, the the transportation problem of the ‘Manna-Machine. To provide each of 600 families with one"zomer’ (3.6 cers) of manna per day he calculated a storage tank that would, have to hold approximately 2,180 licers. We proposed in 1978 that one spherical rank would have a diamecer of 1.6 meters. The algae culture tank was thus estimated ro have a capacity of 5,000, liters, resulting in an external diameter of 2 meters and a height of 2.1 mecers. The coral height up to the level of the condenser was following theory. regardi caleulated a¢ 5.2 mevers PE tee era reer limensions (and an empty weight of at lease 1,000kg) could have been trnsporred through the desere Fore postulate that for purposes of transport, the Manna-Machine was disassembled inco ‘components (for example, the dew condenser as one unit, ct.),and the components were moved by means of carts drawn by oxen. In Forrer’s opinion, the most dangerous element of the entie machine surce ~ was scored inside the fabled Ark of the and "most sacred” transportation container of the whole lt. Since the Ark consisted of elements made of gold and. ‘wood, this container could have provided the necessary shielding fiom radioactive beta and gama rays, Bren if Forres concept verge sl 1m the ones we postulated in 1978, chey shou ey bx sidered iu Paine dseuiions. ‘There ill comea day when actual partsof the biblical Manna: Machine will be discovered, and our ideas will transform from “theory t0fact. When incelligene minds come together and work to expand the search for this artifact, we will suceed in locating the Machine. Ie oes without saying that uncovering only one ould be theultimate proof for - the nuclear power: Covenant, themai definicely Mani small part of the Manna-Machine wou! the Ancient Astronaut Theory. The hunt thus continues, Join us in the adventure! Examples of How People Without Technological Vocabulary (or Frame of ference) Describe the Components ofa Car: Apachetanguege: Human Anatomy Terms: Car Part Described aw 31 joe {ront bumper wos: shoulder front fender ‘gun hands and arms front wheels ea thighsand buttocks ear fender 2 mouth ‘gaspipe opening ke foot rear wheels chun back chass ind eyes headlights hee nore hood 3 forehead eartop sans ‘ein/bload vessel electrical wining 2k ver battery pit Stomach gastanke Tadiator hore itributor radiator References: [1] Mathers, Samuel Liddell Mi Unveiled, Lomion 1887, legendarytinesbookscort rgor: ‘The Kerbbalah row available at (2) Knorr von Rosenroth: Christisw Kabhalal) Dents ‘Suelo, Frankfurt 1677-1684. (Moses de Leon) Sepher Ha-Zobs, Lublin 1882, olem, Gershom Gerhards: Major Trends in Jewish “Mysticism (3° eton), London 195 [4] Sasoon, George: Dale, Reduey: The Manna-Machine Sigwic ont Jackson, London 1978. {S| Fichag Johannes and Peter: Artus, Avalon wnd der Gr Vienna 2001, 6] Avaitable from University Miers, Ane Arbor MUL Ref, No, AU00392 [7] Note: More details ow the possible ler history of the malin ca be found in dhe nanny books written by Dr Johannes snd Beter Fig, whose rssanc hse resulta ‘in evidence showing thatthe Templars mae their must significant discovery over 1,000 yoses go and tha they nen thot this mysterious object existed snd actually four tees of it, For example, ce: Fchag J. amd Be Die Fiwigheite-Mascbine. Munich 1998, [8) There is not enough roam nor isi the purpose of this particular research paper to list all the evidence s0 we recommend tht our readers refer tte flow The Manna-Machine and The Kabbalah Devos. ae the exellent works regarding the Ar ofthe Covenant ‘andthe Holy Grail by de Ficbag Brochers books well [9] Protein from Algae Jor the Egyptians. Frankfurter “Allgensine newspaper of 11/21/1985, 10} Frasshofer institut. Pres release [11] Degen, J Journal of Botedalagy, Vol. 92 (2) pges 89°94, 2001 [12] Personal correspondence from J. Degen on 12/12/2001. Leto collect water of Enterprise [13] Clpens Ss fstating defo inthe desert i: D. Reed Bem, 1993. [14] Television prograon Archinnedes 3/28/2000 on arte [15] Nitescbmann, As Bremer Frscher Gewint Trinkewosser su der Lafe (Bremen Researcher Derives Potable Water Fro Air) Die Wel, 1/21/1999, {16] PM. Magasin, 2/1999. (17 Japancrplanen Meine Kernreluoen fir Barobstser (Jpanese Pan Sill Nuclear Reactors fr Office uiding). Bidder Wises, 8/27/2001 (18] Kiffucr. Gz Das Troghare Miser ut boher Ausbeute (The Portable Mini Nuclear Resctor with High Oupus). Frmfurter Allgncine newspaper 11/28/2000. Vol. 90.9 No.4 Ly a ear hreene henee teens! (Over the past few decades, a number of engineers and writers have identified the Ark of the Covenant Aes electricity source or «two-way communication device, mostly because of its description in the ancient texts. Wolfgang Vogel analyzes existing ideas and introduces. some of bis own conclusions, providing compelling evidence for the theory that the Israelites’ sacred object swas some type of communication instrument One of the most interesting objects pointing to extra- tere active nthe remote pastiche Ark ofthe Covenant especially its construction, composition, usage and, ultimately, its fate, The major components of this ropie are discussed in derail in the biblical Book of Exodus. Ie is a relatively simple mater to follow this topic; various editions of the Bible from the 19° and 20° centuries can be consulted for the fall story. However, wwe must always keep in mind chac today’s Bible texts are based on translations of translations containing thousands of verifiable translation errors and added “interpretations,” embellishments, “corrections” and explanations: Comparing Bible Texts Let us compare three different Bible editions for their textual content inside the Book of Exodus, with focus on the Ark of the Covenant. Below, you will fnd Chaprer 25, Verse 16, eaken first from the Lutheran Bible (1895), chen the Pateloch Bible, and Vol. 9No, 3 &No.4 finally, standard German translation published in 1998: 1."And you shall put in the Ave the document which 1 will give 2."In the Ark you shal put the law that I wil give you. "And you shall put in the Ark the document ofthe covenant whiel T give you “Document! ‘document of the covenant” are che variant terms, and while ch first ewo translations use the furure tense, third is in the present rense. Another example (Verse 40): 1. “And make sure that you fashion it according tthe image which ‘you Dave seem on the mount.” 2. “And make sure that you fashion everything exactly according to the original image which will be shown to You on the mount. 3. “Make sure dhe you fashion him (db lamp/the glowing ose cconng tothe model that you bave seen on the owt Here, the first and third text examples are in the past tense, which would be logical: God (or the extraterrestrial beings mistaken referred to as" God”) has already shown Moses a model of the Ar when Moses wason the mount” Why does the second translation point co the fueure? Another interesting aspect is chat Verse 40 gen To 0 43 in the 1998 translation refers to a“cardinal lamp” or “the glow Soest reer a eies ee rtf thac che written Hebrew of biblical mes generally did not make a ineson berween past present and ature renses des hel, ‘According to the “official interpretation,” the Ark not only contained che cwo familiar stone tablets with the Ten Commandments, but also 2 “cardinal lamp” one gomer (approximacely 3.6kg) of manna and the seaf of Aaron A Critical Observation Let us take a look at the interpretations and explanations of the Ark of the Covenant, as presented by various authors in cour field of research and elsewhere. I will present some critical observations of conclusions drawn from alleged physical events. Let me be clear why T am doing this: Blatant inaccuracies and unchecked or unverifiable assertions, many copied unguestioned by other authors for their books, frequently lack self-criticism. Condacing seas in this manner i questionable and worse, icis noc a all conducive for the mainstream to eventually accept the Ancient Astronaut theory pe For example, in their book, Lich fir den Pharao (Light forthe Pharaoh ~ not yet available in English), authors Peter Rrassa and Reinhard Habeck take a look atthe work of Joachim Pahl who in his book, Sternenmenschen Sind Unter Uns ("Sear People Are Among Us") represented che following opinion:"Its consteuction alone required 6.5 cons of gold and sive, Pahl calculated, Ie has to be considered that certain quantities of copper and iron were Fequired aswell for the inital construction ofthe Atk, as Pahl gen further suggests, Pals conclusion? This construction mas have been some type of an electrical current producing aggregate. Te could have been used as a capacitor, as well as like a generator, and/or as two-way communication device Keassa and Habeck further noce chat Pahl then suggested that the container which, according to modern measurements, ‘measured approx. 1.73m x0.735m x 0.735m = 0.922 cubic merers (rounded up, this is one cubic meter) and supposedly weighed 65 tons!? Krassa and Habeck wonder just where did Pahl get chese staggering figures from? In order to realize/achieve such a et ert a emraeri Promila ont cae ae ei tie eae rete tere area ean is ee eee eee stupendous weight, approx. one third of the container’s volume must have been made of gold. Who could have ever carried such a weight, either by porters or even with a cart drawn by oxen? And to add ro ie all, what type of indeseructible, single- axle cart, dragged this behemoth through rugged desert scapes, ‘mountainous regions fora roal of forty years?! Let us just assume for a moment that the men that were with Moses were particulary rough and steong and that each one of them, hypothetically, was capable of carrying a good 100kg (eats) Ieee wer the cate, would ave all epee ase (65 carriers. Pahl postulated thac4x 16 men were assigned/Alanked toeach of the wo carrying poles, each pole with a length of atleast 22 meters. They would have had to walkin lock step carrying the sired aie trough ce nice ope youre illowing me ‘where I'm going with this: the physical reality behind the logistics for such an undertaking is rather slim! Isnt ie also a very strange behavior for*God who supposedly created che world with everything in ic"out of nothing” ~ which is something most people of the Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths acknowledge to be irrefurable gospel truth. Why would the Almighty” require such a demanding operation anyway? For what? Wouldnt simple"Ler there be. have sufficed? Unless, of course, the so-called Almighty" wasnt so almighty after al. ee eked Vol. No.3 &No.4 simple“Ler chere be...” have sufficed? Unless, of course, the so- called Almighty” wasnt so almighty afterall. More Feasible Calculations ‘A more relic approach would be 2 vonden construction consisting ofa basic body with rigidity supplied by coppet,or even bettet, bronze. Aer coating the whole contraption several times with natural rubber latex (from various rubber trees, such as Ficus clastca) inside and out, ic was also coated with gold leaf, again on tech the inside and the ouside, Figuring inal the acresorcy ike the carrying poles and cherubim, along with the Ark’s assumed contents (perhaps 40-50), the ArK® rotal weight could have been about 180 ro 200kg. Overall, such a weight makes more sense, and the Atk could have been transported oF carried by four smen or pulled in a cart drawn by oxen, even over long distances and rough terrain. The natural rubber latex coating. postulated above leads to other possible functions of the Ark. It is supposed to have been used as a capacitor, generator, eransmiteer and receiver, as well as a loud speaker and__mictophone. On the subject of capacitors, we ean state the following: Tyo conductor (aed "plates") are. separated from each other through dielectric material (for example, ain, natural rubber latex. or mica). From physicists point of view, this forms a capacitor, and itis irlevan siti i cates charge. The toral capacity oft epee epeitacee Goes or coating) of the plates, thei distance from each other and on the relative dielectric constant of the individual ‘material in question. It does not depend on the volrage. For this, we have the following formula cu ExEexEo yy ar In this equation, "C” stands for the capacity measured in Faraday: Ie represents the relative dielectric constant that is, for example, 2.5 for natural rubber latex. Eo refers to the absoluce dielectric constane (with a figure of 8.8542 x 10"). The distance ofthe plates from each other is indicated by the factor‘ and nis the numberof layers sandiviched in beeween and Fis the area of the places (area of coating). In this case, we arrive a che following, if we assume Er = 2.5 for natural rubber lacex and d= 2em (the thickness of che wooden body plus the natural eubber latex coating), as well as the coated area of 6 square meters (representing the sutface area of a body of tne cubic eter) 2 capa of 64 nor 66 x 10° Faraday And if the lid of the Ark was not an integeal component of the capacitor, the tocal capaciey would have decreased to 5.53 nF. “Theoretically this capacitor could be charged up to 20,000 volts. While the storage capacity of approx. 6.6 nF (or 5.5 nF, respectively) i velatvely low te high kage could very wel have «caused lethal accidents. And that is apparently what happened at Vol. 9No.3 80.4 lease three times in the Old Testament: Nadab and Abihu, two of ‘Aaron’ sons, and Ussa were killed by something eerily reminiscent of electrocution. The Atk, resting on four feet” or insulators, and therefore grounded, could have been charged up a8 a preventarive ‘measure against unauthorized handling, Perhaps Nadab, Abihu and Ussa were nor authorized co fiddle a they paid the ultimate price If the capacitor was intended to demonstrate such a cdeamatic effect, it must have been charged from an energy source, because it cannot work by itself. One idea is that the extra- terrestrial vistors found a means to tap the naturally occurring electrical feld of the Earth as a source of energy. Another idea, especially viewed from present-day standpoint, is thatthe energy soure cou have been a small nila artery sma 0 he ones used in deep-space probes. The weight of such batteries is usualy jasea few pounds. A nuclearbareery could also have supplied sufficient energy for Func- tional modules such as transmitters, receivers, light sources, etc. This type of technology is hinted ar when the ancient texts speak of, for example, “heavy blows dealt by the Lord” against the people of Exkron/Bet Shemesh (see Samuel 5:9 and following). Obviously they somehow managed to destroy the radiation shielding of the generator, resulting in the fallout that inflicted the damage glaringly reminiscent of radiation poisoning, Since there seems to be no difference in che damage done to the varions eattakers of the Ark at any given time, i would imply chacal sece equal afcred, Such « niclear ini-disaster is possible, if not entirely plausible, round with che Ark, and "The Ark as an Electrostatic Generator? ‘The capacitor lone cannot function as a transmitter of a receiver: additional parts. are required. For example, itis feasible chat some type of cone was placed into the lid of the Ark because a so-called electrostatic generator could have worked as a loudspeaker with good electo-aousicpropercs, In fit capacity, mitophones are lar in today's broadeaseing technology, and a similar concey Be eee ee eee eats the Ark’ le “The exteaterrestrials would have given all rhe required parts for the construction, operation, and servicing of the Ark ro Moses fon Mount Sinai, along with al the instructions for is care and, Appropriate protective measure: Moss was already a competent expert through the schooling and training he received in Egype, seeds wasalreatf incited ino the rece ced and wicket of the priests. “These calculations and observations allow us to conclude that the Ark of the Covenant functioned as some type of communication device between extatresal vistors and hhuman beings, thus providing a realistic background for d Ancient Astfonant Thc. And ifthe Ark ort pars are ever found (something which is a very realistic possibilty), it will be interesting to finally learn who was right. 3” ew Tin sine 45 WimanastinAncient India - (ica TET RSLS See char & Pec ne orld where the ed India is one of the few countries in the millermia-old worship places and practices have been prese and kept intact almost unaltered, with its Hindu, Brahman Buddhist temples and rituals still in existence. In Kanchipurana, the "City of a Thousand Temples” Thomas Ritter discovered interesting depictions of hovering objects, which, according to legend, were used by the gods and Rishis to fly across hndia when they visited mankind a long, long time ago... Kanchipuram is one of the"Seven Holy Cities’ of the Hindus, These places of pilgrimage are referred to as rirthas, Hind thae represent a crossover beeween physical and transcendental realities. Shiva Vishnu Kanchi is Kanchipuram sacred name, and itis also known as the City of a Thousand Temples” Today, only about 120 temples remain of the more than one thousand sacred structures, and of those remaining, Kanchipuram is one of che most magnificent. The gopurams, the mighty temple gates, reach impressively coward the skies, quivering in the heat above their long-range vantage point on the vast plain Homes ofthe gods Since the beginning of time, the Hindu cemples have been thoughe ro be Earthly homes of che gods. In order to persuade the 46 ¢ xGprey Tone more to reside in them the temples were constructed accordi Eee si gore ee ae the Kailasanatha temple, made enciely of imported Egypeian limestone, is one ofthe olde strucrate in Kanchiparans it was constructed more than 1,300 years ago, commissioned by the rulers of che Pallava kingdom. A wall more chan two meters call, decorated with artistic niches and alcoves, surrounds the roofed Jnner-eemple precinct, its massive appearance reminiscent of a forcress. “This precinct i also accesible to non-Hindus, an exception co the usual customs of India. Nocasinglearea ofthe wall seface is untouched by the ancient master builders, stonemasons and sone carvers; everything is covered with decorations of perfect figutes, sceneries and deities. In the niches and alcoves, one can sill admire the colorful remains of che countless wall paintings and reliefs, created by artists whose names and stories have long been forgotten by the relentless wheel of time. The elaborate depictions and images found here collectively represent detailed scenes from the most ancient ofthe Indian epics. However, nest to the scenes and likenesses of Arjuna, Krishna, Rama and Lakshmana — the main heroes of ‘the Mahabharata and the Ramayana ~ here ate also reliefs and depictions which inclade eerily modern-looking technological fying machines diseshaped ebjees that appear to hover in mide Vol. 90.38 No.4 ait above che heads of the humans and gods depiced chee Sone of de Opin dacs sce io be iting off rors the ground ei eck of oe Omer areepistad used pee ihe Erman acca . eds empl rss abou he meaning ofthese depiction =Thcee ae plese’ of ea vacataa! dhe ying ratcllass ‘of che gers he ansered without batting an ee More han 000 years mca hag eal was bu the steer ofthe viranad the were sil iia amongus human bangs In ater times they disappeared, and wih them wen the eared lnowledgerepurcing the consracion designs of the fying machines. Everything wae Peace eres Thal pit cea ao cotteice enczee soperabkes epee pun eweel a caeoe of che temple ingde a eared Rei pic prise ce el este oF ease eee and tanalsting them. Bur heres the problem: we are not engineers of tctnicans we are men of fic, IF there wan parce why wat a Ratan a propel kelp fi be had the patience and time to study chese ancient tents tnd oor guidanes and catelog, wo mater bow lng i woul take im fo fully understand the ancient texts uleimarl this man would be inthe postion snd expable o buld a full faceted tej a te Rid did clang Long acne a Wier tweed ae verse uae cetiarant seats forthe consurution and use ofthe fying discs we can set ete tei thes wallaeel pings acsall sel cat" oa ae peldes cence! Gearteas eich eels wo be rere al theres Wehrave the texte” PGES EUL aT Ts ED Palos Cee Taio ote irene aaa Pere Corrie Vol.9No.38 No.4 ale err cr deer fe rer een arta Cen es Pee eee So far, only a few of these precious manuscripts were rediscovered” and partly translated by mainstream science: the Samarangana-sutradbara ot the Vaimsanika-Shaastra, a more than 1,000-year-old Sanskrit teat, is said to have been written by ‘Maharshi Bharadwaaja, one of the Rishis. In numerous derailed chapters, this text describes surprisingly modern subjects such as thetrainingofpilowsfordiferenteypesofvimanasandthedepition of tuly prehistoric fight paths. The ancient text describes the gear, the mechanical equipment and even the supplies necessary forthe passengers. The text offers exact descriptions of the use of many individual devices, insecuments and machines found onboard the vimanas. Some rext seems to indicate specific militaristic aspects as well. Aecording to the descriptions of the Vaimaanika Shaastra, the vimanas were equipped with “magical” instruments, which could quickly calculate and determine the anticipated flghe path of enemy vimanas and ehus initiate evasive manoeuvres. We also read chat che ancient fying machines were equipped with modern communications ystems, with which communication beeween the fying machines was pos even over very long distances! There are also incredibly detailed descriptions and exact measurements regarding the siz of the fying machines, measured in stories of a building. ‘The vimanas! devastatingly powerful weapons systems 48 Gay Toes tons Ge are described in the Sanskrit texts as well. Flying Discs inside the Temple ‘Afier talking to the old priest for a while Kailasantha temple, he motioned me to follow him. "I want to show you a beautifil vimana,” he said, as we walked to a niche Thad overlooked before. The priest showed me a pristine, well- preserved depiction of an excraordinary flying disc rising coward the sky above the heads of a human couple. A row of windows and portholes, as well as a realistic depiction of the vehicles exhaust flames, unequivocally demonstrate the technological character of this flying object. The ewo portraits allegedly depict Prince Rama and his wife, Sita. The flying vessel in the background is the Prince’ vimana, which he used to destroy the demon, Rawana, from Sri Lanka, Te was a great battle, daring which Rama liberated Sita from the demon’ imprisonment. ‘One legend of Kanchipuram scares that, after the epic battle, Ramasvimanalandedon thespor where the temple wasconsteucted yearslacer, he intricatedepictionsareas ancientasthe templeitslf: ‘more than 1,300 years old! Scientists have analyzed che colors on many occasions and tests have confirmed the age of the paintings. Vol. 9No.3 & No.4 Facts he es hat Earth was vised by beings from outer space whose Home planers were located in other solar systems, and sometimes even in other galaxies is not a new concept to devout Hindus. Thissacred knowledge has been with them for millennia. In fit Indian scientists have also Bogan the lerdy rescore. Here a fact thac is rarely. acknowledged by the Western world: in India, i is no longer a question whether those vimanas existed, There is no debate about that. Researchers are more interested in differentiating between the types of vimanas built, who used them and whether the deseriprions in the ancient manuscripts can be used for developments in modern aviation. The old holy man in the temple also confirmed that there are many different flying vehicles described in the Vimena Veda. ‘The priest stared that some of these machines most certainly did not originare on Earth. Why would he say such a thing if it were ale ora fabrication? Inthe tes, the Rakshasasare mentioned, beingsof darkness and violence, who arrived on Earth from the depths of space in che vimanas. However, there were other flying machines that were created by earthly designers ~ the Rishis. According to Hindu legends, the Rishis were neither suman beings nor gods, but rather a species of beings that dwelled Vol. No.3 &No.4 con Earch long before humans began searching for the meaning of theiexipnce According the ancient tes the Riss were here since the beginning of time and passed through the different yugas (che Grear Earth Ages) accompanying the eee hamaeoate i . t eae ‘way. It is said that they were the mediators Tetveen the divine wo and the work of carthly men; they were the guardians of a universal wisdom and its all-encompassing laws, Possibly, che Rishis were the last survivors of a prehistoric high civilization, dlosecontinent which in world erature i referred to as, Mu, the mother of all civilizations. 3 References: Berlt-Reisefuhrer, Indien, 4. Auflage, Oxford, 1993 i Elis, Indien. Been, 1993 Rausch, 8. und P. Meyer: Indien Nepal. Wetz lar, 1992, Ritter, Th: Die Gehelransse indischer Palm. batbibiotheken. beck, 2008, Ritter, Th: De Palmblottbibliotheken und ive! Prophezeiungen zur Zukunft Europas. Rot-| tenburg 2006. i | Waterstone, R.: Living Wisdom India Londan, 199 Py Tie ee ev 49 In Legendary Times Magazine, Vol. 7, No. 2 & 3. 2005, the authors Fiebag, Belting and Eenboom reported on some incredible aeronautical reconstructions in the 18th and 19th centaries in their research paper “The Theotechnology of Ezekiel” Here, Klaus Deistung presents to furth pe ee modern aeronautics. ‘The flying device seen by Ezekiel, and reconstructed from ancient Hebrew texts by the late NASA engineer Josef F. Blurrich, comes ever clser to technological realization. In his writings, Blumrich’ predictions about these developments were the foundation of bis research years ago. Blumrich’s ideas have now reached the realm of reality. Over the years, many engineers have cried to create Bzckiels ine” as described sn the Bible: 763, an attempe was made co construct a “cherubim chariot” ® — Melchior Bauer's attempts were mee with total incomprchension by his contemporaries and he was labeled akook. More than 100 yearsago there was first areempe ro construct and actually flya machine developed after Ezekiel’s biblical accoune by Burrell Cannon” ‘When NASA engineer, Josef F. Blumrich, heard chat"some fpyby the name of Ech von Diner’ wrote in 1968 thar the ible contained a description of a spaceship, he decided to refute EyDsclaim, especially because Bhumtrich was abona fide aerospace engineer. Never in a million years did Blansrich imagine ehat hed conclude that what was described in the Bible turned out to be 50 oy Tit ti wee a transport shutce for Rights from space to Earth and back, but also co fy around all over Earth Christian Forrer_pre- sented_a technological varia~ tion of the reconstruction by Blumich in 2000 Today. it becomes. in creasingly clear that modern- dlay engineers come up with designs for fying craft thac bear’ astonishing. similarities to an objece described in che Bible thar flew through the atmosphere at atime when all the civilizations known t0 us werent even technologically capable to build Aying mach- ines of this kind on their “Two further interesting developments justify both the theoretical considerations as well as Ezekiel’ reports * Over a decade ago the development of che Roton, a passenger transporter in space, was pursued feverishly (S17) "Unforcunately, it lost the battle in the race for launching farure passengers. due to lack of funding. © +A few years ago, the German television special A UFO 1s Successfl” presented an aeronautical model thar was clearly reminiscent of the Ezekiel flying machine, ‘The Roton Project The Roton Project can be compared with the technological principle undeslying one part of the fying crafe reconstructed by Blumnich. "! The Rocon was intended to be a space transporter for loads of up to ten passengers. It had two propulsion types: ordinary helicopter rorors for altitudes of up to abour 100m above ground, used mainly for takeoff and landing, and a rocket propulsion system for tansportinco space and braking using retro- rockets. In principle, this model (Fig. 2) is eerily comparable ro the spaceship described by che prophet Ezekiel in the Old Testament. Was ates teal 0 ee oe only a single sec of rovors. Aside from that one difference, che technological aspects are identical “The Rocon takes off in an”economic” fashion ike an ordina helicopter. Then, ac an altitude ofa few thousand feet (Blumeich’s dlesign set an altitude of about 3000-4000 feet), the rockers are fired launching the machine into orbit. Depending on its mission, equipment and payload, ean remain in obit roms oneto fourteen days, "This design is economical on energy consumption because a helicopters propulsion system derives oxygen for burning fuel, from the ar; therefore i does nor have roe par ofthe payload ‘When landing ~ always the most difficule part ~ the Rocon’s Vol. 9 No.3 & No.4 advantage is that it can perform a precise, soft landing, just like a2 helper! Compared with a convesouindlog using poruchaves,cifing eff course (cated by wind did odie cor} {s avoided. To reach the return trajectory after the mission, retro- rockets are fred to slow down the speed of the craft. The craf’s ‘main braking energy is absorbed by a heat shield. In order to prevent the helicoprer rotors from melting, they are folded away during re-entry so that the heat does not affect them. At an alae of afew thousand es he ce rockets are ignited once again, braking ehe crafts free-fall speed, so that icopter rotors do not snap off when they are lowered and locked into position. As soon as che helicopter rocors reach thei fll capacity, the retro-rockets are switched off For added safety if a problem acises with the rotors, a parachute system can be deployed for an ‘emergency landing. Eines the Reser eannor sabilze wich only one rotor ie uses ophiated ee ee a by Ezekiel. lightning lashed from it.” (Ezekiel 1:4) ‘After servicing and refueling, and possible, replacement of the heat shield, che craft can take off again with a new crew within anya fw day, The rechnologeal concep ofthe Reon — consciously or not — follows the technological principles of the Ezekiel spaceship almost to 2°T: ‘The UFO" ying Mode yee ee, A few years ago, the German television special A UFO Is Succsfal PTE prtsenced an aeronatiel tmodel. Heres the description from the program's press release:‘A flying vehicle was designed by Klaus-Michael Doth. He will presene his UFO that he co-developed wich Daniel Gurdan. Four torors are atached to platform andi hovers with a highly sophisticated, self-regulating sensory system. This fying robotic platform won the fourth place in che category for Technological Innovation at the 2008 Jugend Forsch (Youth Research) competition” Te is unlikely chat the designers and builders of these devices are aware that the Bible descbes a similar fying machine thar «existed over 2,500 years ago. “The round exvmal shape and ie Bar side view of hae plaform mast ave inspired the mame “UFO! Is principal seructure can be quickly explained: four propellers, driven by electric motors, are evenly spaced on a frame. At the center of the frame, the electric power supply is installed, along with the remote control for the four rotors (see Fig 3). When all four propellers work at che same acceleration, the device can life off Since a total equality ofall construction components cannot be assumed in practice, a way of adjusting all steering elements has be incorporated. Therefore liftoff witha slight tile to one side is normal, and can be modified using specialized sensory software. ‘Thesensory software has toimmediately correctany deviation from the platform’ required horizontal position. To achieve the desired stabilization, so-called “fuzzy loge” is applied. Fuzzy logic tea cerm sued for all rethods dealing with Geaaodele where the outcome is unclear. Remote control can intervene, allowing the device to fly in a desired direction by a slight tilting of its position (compared to a helicopter). The exact and simultaneous Steering ofthe four fast-running motors (in principle, they could be conbusion cayines hough hs would be moce dial bo accomplish) in combination with the stabilization sensors is the ‘main problem to be resolved. This model demonstrates that this «an indeed be accomplished! ‘An adjustment of the motors battery power supply (usually Vol. 9 No.3 No.4 the only option with small models such as chis one) has co be conceived with the least possible loss of capacity. An analogue adjustment is not an option. An “impulse adjusted regulation’ is advantageous because the motor wil draw power for shore periods from the full battery charge; the loss of voltage via the transistor is negligible, as is the loss of output. A higher voleage for the motor is avantageous sine smaller cuenta the same voltage ensure a lecrease in loss of ourpur. Reducing the welghe of fe ernceute/ farts elio imporeant. Suitable technologies and techniques from many years of model constcuctions exist, including an outer ring filled with helium ‘A few months later, another tik model design was presented on Germany's Stern TV, The basic model had been developed in 2003 as an entry arthe” Youth Research comperiv 6, The frame ofthe model was now made of ha -foam plastic and srongerincraly making it eal oner ing redundane. A baeery energy supply and an elec:ronic remote control syscem are SE ee ieee. = “The tcamis currently developing a much larger version ofthe device equipped with acamera and microphones so that che device an be used for reseate fights. The nal callengeis developing dhe motors ene apply nese for tended igh durations 1 use of a small electro-a and a combustion engine or igrivedghe Red elf sy be set eakernaes, Filipe ting stppore as mentioned above, presens a valid possibilty ‘The Comparison In the past, heated dis- cussions have taken place about Blumrichs recon- struction and whether it could fly in a stabilized feshion: But from an aero- nautical poine of view, jets such as the Eurofighter, can fly with stability only with the help of eonstanely ‘operating computers; other- tac iewould be impossible to steer them. In fac, they would not even be. able 10 ake off withour them! Modern fighter planes are constructed in such a way that they are inberenth tinstable in flight, but chi allows them to achieve a a A sila sation cn be seen with the small “UFO? fight model, They roo are capable of fying only with electronic steering. This devel Blears tecsnter an ec eal ke sed is a acne and confirms chat lopment demonstrates well. Ie is unknown exactly where the center of gravity was located in Ezekiel’ biblical flying device, but we do know that a low cencer of gravity can be achieved through deliberace weight distribution (for ex- ample, with the position of fuel tanks or ‘cooling chambers) je essential difference between ‘earlier “fy-by-wire” steering systems and poversmcing oytens (ir came, power-steering in automobiles) is the completemechanicaldecouplingofsceering elements between the steering wheel/ console andthe acral engine, Today mast etronie means. In planes for eeamle, all maneuvers are run through a fighe- control computer before the maneuver is actually ervied our, because the compuer calculates and, checks for plausibility of We ae slowly “ediscoveri advanced extraterrestrial technology which was present here on Earth many thousands of years ago." Scientists, ‘experts, researchers and engineers con- tinue to perform excellent work for our movement. For example, Peter Belting, Pecer Fiebag and Algund Eenboom have done outstanding research into aviation technology of the remote past. They erform practical workeand help to present Farcher research goals and directions for the AAS. R.A. They also show quite impressively how" bona fide” scientists and professors can be involved in A.A.S. R.A. research projects without fear of ridicule "Aihardid Prof, Ds, Detlef Linke! say recently? "Many scientists and professors are afraid of losing face if they become involved in religious questions” However, ie muse be clearly pointed out that when discussing these topics, atthe core, these questions have nothing do with “religion” in the conventional sense! What is described in the Old Testament has nothing to do with God or the divine. Our ancestors faiely interpreted extraterrestrial visits as something divine in nature, which it was not. The term we use frequently is “misunderstood technology” and it describes four ancestors’ interpretations of their ineeraction with extraterresrials. With the ‘ongoing research, discovery and teamwork devoced co this fcld, we wil soon be able to change that term to “understood technology” af Gey Ti ete gy 52 teferences: 110i idl Deusehe Bbegsselshan Stuttgart 992. 38 PFenbom, A: Being, Pg zeuge der Phorooen,Rten'8 2004 [p1Dunken, Eu rmmenngan on cu funf. Duseld 1968. [alive Es Warum ch mene Melnung nderte. Neue hess Spares, Fisy-€-« Dink, Goldmann 932, hoe ch: Der eect fenpet le ‘gerd Gtr. Tagungsband defor fchungseselichaf ur reals, Astonautcund STI 2um One-Day tee rain Bern 200, Nother Vero, Weteiminorst 2009, 5. 73-78 {61Fureine og ns Al dam Sorta, 301.2000 $2825, [p1beisung De Roton~Alegen ie cu lichen Zeiten, Naren 2200p, Special 967.8. 77 (ets8 Tage der Rauntart vor 7 bis Sep [tember 20cnteubrandenbue [p]20e Die gross Knot oft Shows in of at Eel [no] est, Ks Cer oton legen we zu bbischen Zee. megan 20001, Special 9:67,5-77 [nn VDE Sonderptis Miretetork 2003: Die uros komen, hes nde de/VOE Nounghe Seba slerinenjugendstrscht.hin IM Baros - Vom UPD bis zum die: len Wocthund:Bundeswetoevero ‘fuged ose let NsferepLogi tp ew jpede/ausat) gern |" nusebrabers mit ce Rotares und ener iesporender Gosh hte! oo 2hin UsSIRT Sie 1 Cleves Kids as inde Gymnasium in Wlederbayern [os hgene fret. wongendosc de Ebrlwiigeda: Apap. nti aan | preteallede/Leskon/y-by Wire tml sIIDC}D'scovery Channel 20 hr Motor ug: hp osouiscoveryde/de/ p08) E specials motrtug/miitary sean? Iso] Destung, cs Wirhoban ae Erdscheibe och nich bern! Magazin 20005 N84 6/2003, 5. 44-47 {aolGasenerc;Konneler, C De Roppasi et er eigion Gahirn & Geist 2008, Saar Did Ezekiel Witness A Gyrocopter? On The Trails of Ezekiel - Part I] André Schubert Without question, the biblical Ezekiel text has become a classic in the Ancient Astronaut field. In this article, André Schubert proposes some corroborating thoughts with a variant model of the wheeled system developed by NASA engineer Josef F. Blumrich for “Ezckiel’s Lander” Schubert postulates that Ezekiel could have seen a gyrocopter. “The Shuttles“Divine” Wheels When Ezekiel recalled the “Glory of the Lord” he was very meticulous in describing the "legs" and “wheels” of a bizarre objece that has been interpreted as a flying machine by the Ancient Astronaut field. The prophee reported in the Old “Testament: "Their legs were straight; and the soles oftheir feet were lke the soles of a calves feet. They sparkled like the color of burnished bronze.” (Ezkiel 1:7)! Vol.gNo.3&No.g Blumrich extrapolated the vehicl’s landing gear from these passages. Christian Forrer also adopted this idea "In mose of the well-known reconstructions, che'landing craft’ usually stands con these legs. However, chere is che confusing business about the wheels: "Now as I Toaked atthe living creatures” ~ dhe engine units with the rorors and che landing gear ~ “bebold, one wheel stood upon the Earth next t0 each living creature, and it looked like Jour wheels.” (Ezekiel 1:15) So along with the four landing stiles” this flying device also had four wheels. I find this a bic strange. Blumrich preseneed a solution for the construction ofthe wheels, but I have a slighe problem with the integration of these wheels {nto the toral concept of the raft. cant accept the idea of wheels being used to move the vehicle on the ground, and I would like to offer a different interpretation, After Ezekiel was taken fora spin in chis curious machine, he observed: “I alo heard the noise of the wings of the living creatures that touched one another, and the noise of the wheels beside them, and «great thunderous noise.” This passage i also sometimes translated also heard a great thundering of a waterfall ofthe wings ofthe living creatures tbat touched one another” — Blumaich interpreted this description as rotors similar to a helicopter ~ ‘and alo the noise ofthe wheels over agains them (...]” (Ezekiel 3:13) I inerpret thisto ie that lok asf the wheels werent sanding stil luring flight, nor were they even retracted, as one might expect, bur rather that chey were moving as well. Did ehe wheels have a particular function during the flight? So when the Aying machine was resting on the ground (that is, when the rotors were switched off), they no longer made a ‘rushing noise” since they were not turning. Ezekiel continued his description in chapter 1, verse 21: "When they/those went (che rotors), they/these went as well (the wheels); when they/ those stood, they stood as well and when those were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lied up together with them.” Wouldnt itmake more sense co postulate tat the rotors and dhe wheel ea single vechnological component? So far in Eackiel’s story, i was proposed that the wings ~ rotors — were used to Ry and the wheels were used to move around on the ground, but I postulate thae the machine Mew with both che wings and the wheels working together as one unit. Chapter 1, verse 19: "When the living ereatures went (the rotors turned), the wheels went with them (che wheels also turned)” Moreover, are wheels really required for moving around on the ground, if ic is assumed tha Ezekiel spaceship operaced atnox ike a helicopter wen inside the Ears srmepbere? Ie can therefore be assumed that the vehiele was capable of landing precy on a desired spot (ike a neicoper) seng down with ics landing gear. Also, it doesn make sense to have gigantic wheels on such an advanced, high-tech fying device, or whedls that would produce such a loud noise when in operation (described as the “great thundering ofa waterfall). Td expect smaller, almose silent wheels, pethaps made of rubber or its equivalent Still, we cannot deny the fac that Ezekiel described the wheels as large, but it may be worth considering that perhaps Ezekiel estimated ther size based on the charioc wheels of his time, a size with which he was more familiar. Accordingly, he wrote: “As for their rim, they were so high, their height was terrifying.” (Ezekiel 1:18) If the wheels Bzekiel described were not used for driving around, what could they have been? I propose that they were some type of verrical roror or propeller [ris possible chat what we have here is merely a further extrapolation ofthe already existing Vol.9 No.3 No.4 technological interpretations that could explain Ezekiel’ slightly diverging description. In principle, I would categorize the four wheels in this manner. However, exacdly where they were located on the flying device is unclear even though “their appearance was as if it were a wheel within a wheel” (Ezekiel 1:16) ‘The Solution: A Gyrocopter? Po one een the como of prea recnolggy? Think sy and tin the feleopes wih « dite propeldon Sechanion The ‘gyrocopter principle and design was developed between WWI and WWIL soit face, the predecessor ofthe present-day helicopter. “The gyrocopter Uses either one or several horizontal and vertical rotors. Like a propeller plane, the vertical rotor blade provides the power for the vehicle eo move forvard, wile the horizontal rotor blade generates lif. In addition, distinctions are made between passive and active gyrocopters ". A passive {gyrocopter has a horizontal rocor chat is not engine powered. An active grocope ia bit iferen she horzonal rotor blades are fe the Lk function, witout the power to move forward (aa is eee a) hee ame na sitioned rotors (propellers) is required for forward motion. Pil Active gyrocopers are mich Eater than heicoptrn, and more maneuverable than conventional planes. But gyrocopters can be a a disadvantage: unlike helicopeers, they eannot hover in ine position, nor can they take off or land vertically Even active _gyrocopters suffer from this handicap, since they would spin like 4 top if the main engine were switched off. But itis these Aight functions, so typical for helicopters, would be a requirement for Ezekiel’s spaceship to land inside the temple as reconstructed by Hans-Herbert Beier [As we can deduce from the text, the machine described by Ezekiel not only possesses one rotor of both types, but four in total. After switching off the main engine, the device does not necessarily have co spin like a top, ifthe rotors are configured to run in the reverse direction of each other, cha is, chey are able to adjust and balance and keep the machine steadily in the ait. ‘The same principle can some-times be seen in small helicopters, fre two rotors er the othe, each rotorturing. in opposite die- P References! {21ie Bibel, Deutsche Bibelgesellschat. ‘Stuttgart 2992. la}Fiebas,P: Eenbom, Az Belting, P: Flug My conclu- | avugederPhoraonen. Rottenbutg 2004. sion: the flying | (5]Dsniken,€ vs Erimenungen on ale Zu device describe anf Ousselort 968. by | Bzekiel was 1 (gurl | Werum kh meine Meinung pechaps some gnert. In: Neve Kosmische Spuren, typeof active a Hrsg, E.. Dariken, Goldmann :992. [s}Fomrer, Ch DerExechiel Tempel In: le: ‘gende Gotter Tagungsband der For. schungsgesellschaft fir Archdologle, ‘Astronaut und SET| zum One-Day-Mee- ting in Bertin 2000, Nacther Verlag, Withelmshorst 2000,$. 71-78 [sl Fr einen Tag ins Al Bild am Sonntag, 23.01.2000, 5.28 +29. rocopter of a Sophisteated and advanced. design, td considerable in size in order to transport heavier payloads, af Gey Tie meme vt 53 Machu Picchu: Machu Picchu, the world-famous tourist attraction, is 112 kilometers (approx. 80 miles) northwest of Cuzco, Peru, at an altitude of 2360 meters (approx. 7750 feet), bigh above the winding and sometimes violent Urubamba River. Early each morning. 4 train jam-packed with tourists departs from the Quillabamba station in Cuzco, chugging down into the Urubamba valley for « travel time of about four hours. At the valley station of Baca Picchu in Aguas Calientes, the visitors are transferred into rickety rmini-buses and speed off at breakneck speeds up the countless nauseating hairpin turns along the Hiram Bingham Highway, all the way up to the Hotel Turistas. Prom ther, itis just a few steps over the next rock peak to monumental panoramic spleidor revealing a ste that remains a mystery to scholars, ‘The American explorer Hiram Bingham (1875-1956) is considered the discoverer of the site, chough the natives alwa) knew about the place. Bingham merely rediscovered the site for the rest of us. ichu means “ancient” or “old,” and picchu means “peak” for “summit” Machu Picchu is thus the “old summic” but its somerimes referred to as old mountain peak." Opposite Macht Picchu lies Huayna Picchu, che" young peak.’ ‘The ewo stick up like feeshly formed cones of sugar reaching toward the skies from che ‘humid, misty Urubamba river valley Below, separated only by the silver strip ofthe rumbling river that can be heard even ac the high clevation of Macha Picchu. Machu Picchu is pretty much indescribable even thou; many have tied: Roger Cailloisof the Académie Frangaise called it a" hymn in stone of overpowering, even pompous splendor: Icalso hhas been described as the most stupefying ofall city Foreresses, the “armored safe deposit box ofthe Incas, and the"divine residence of the sons of the Sun’ No one knows the crue age of Machu Picchu, nor its original name. Some 290 structures rise up on artificially created cerraces and platforms, covering an area measuring 800 meters long and 500 meters wide. This does not take into account the countless agricultural terraces, some of which appear to stick 54 py Tn oe More Ancient Than The Inca to the sides of vertically plunging rock faces. The sophisticated design of this unique engineering marvel allows it 10 remain undetectable from the Urubamba valley below. “The mareial used for construction consists mainly of blue and emerald green granite, as wellas light-colored volcanic rock. ‘According to Hiram Binghams many reports, he and his colleagues discovered some mysterious items in their excavations: iron places, pieces of bronze jewelry, bracelets, knives, hammers, needles and mirrors; no jewels, gold or silver were found - native grave robbers had already looted Machu Picchu Jong before this excavation. Bingham and his team excavated 173 skelecons, 150 of which were of ‘women, fueling initial speculations that Machu Picchu might have been a city of Inca priestesses of sacred virgins. Another mystery that has remained unanswered was the discovery of 156 disc-shaped objects with sizes varying from flactened tennis balls to old-fashioned bed-warming bortes. Forty-two of these finely polished dises consist of a green, almost transparent material. Bingham proposed that they might been some type of ‘counting discs” ‘The smaller ones signified units of one, and the larger ones may have signified units of ten. But Binghams proposition was rather illogical in light of the fact that Machu Picchu's builders had already proven sophisticated ‘mathematical knowledge through their engineering skills: i was unlikely that chese primitive counting devices were required for such an impressive undertaking. Even if a visitor rushes through the ruins, pressed for time and led hastily around by imparient guides, one thing thar is immediately apparent are the thre diferent styles of construction and structural elements found at Machu Picchu. First, ehere are the retaining walls of the agricultural terraces and some seemingh modern houses sinlar tothe houses of today Smal pecesof rok are piled up and bound together with earth and soi. Second, there are mighty Inca walls with the polygonal, precisely cut and fitted blocks of stone, with monolithic lintels, huge, imposing towers, and the classical eapezoid openings. Finally there are the massive ancient megaliths weighing hundreds of tons, on top of which everything else is buile. Yes, you read chat right: all the smaller structures are built on top of the massive ancient structures; from a technological evolution perspective, this makes no sense a¢ all Teis without question thae che Inca once lived in Mach Picchu, and indisputably, a small group of indigenous people survived there while they were hiding from the Spanish catastrophe, er, I ‘mean, invasion. But those natives or survivors were not the original builders of Machu Picchu. First of all, they didn have enough time for such a massive construction project. Machu Pieehu's design and architecture makes i clear that this was the work of generations, constructed on top of a much oldes, megalithic complex; like many other ancient sites,” The Lost City of the Inca" was not Inca a all, but pre-Inca, existing long before Pizarro ever approached, « Vo. 9 No.3 &No.4 The stylistic differences between the megalithic construction methods and the work of dhe Incas are clearly visible. For example, theso-called’royal mausoleum’ washewn entirely from he natural rock, and the seven steps that lead down into the mausoleum were cut into the same natural rock, This is completely different from the Inca style. The wall of che horseshoe-shaped main temple of Macha Picchu stands on top of three massive pieces of rock cut rom « single original Bock. These artificial rock walls are ewice as tall asthe Inca wall erected on cop of chem. This means that only the upper portion of the temple wall canbe attributed to che Incas: the lower section of the structure can be ascribed to an unknown, guild of sophisticated megalithic builders who constructed the original Machu Picchu somewhere back in the mists of time. It goes withour saying thar if che Incas themselves had buile the entre cemple, they would have adhered to their own conscruction methods and style - block on block, seamlessly freed together like countless other Inca walls seen in and around Machu Picchu. “The “guard rower” a semi-ciecular walled structure above the“mauseleum,’ corroborates this ~ i is here thatthe Inca buile around the existing large megalithic structure. The Inca lefe the bewildering ancient structure untouched for unknown reasons, To this day, no one knows what the purpose behind this peculiar massive stone formation on the floor of ths guard rower. Next to the breatheaking panoramic views of Machu: the most photographed megalithic formation isthe so-called"Sun ‘Scone" oF “Incihuatana” Ie is incomprehensible as well. This giant ‘monolithic block is ar Machu Picchu's highest point, accessible via TEiroW steps hea ec the rock while x doen below de lier seepentof the Urubamba snakes itself through the lsh valley. The Inihuatana, a single huge boulder, scems as if ie was milled and cut. The ground and the mysterious stone merge seamlessly with xno apparent joints, almost like a mold the various steps converge in an unconventional, right-angled spur, standing like a silent witness t0 a never understood technology, pointing directly co the sky. The main block of the Ineibuarana is orientated exactly the four cardinal points, and the diagonal of the spur points to a distane mountain peak. Ir is clear chae whoever created the Tnrihuarana muse have determined ics positioning within the sce right from che beginning, as ro ence ener pe teipnel meet ee have been shaped and polished with greae care and exactieude: if piece was accidentally chiseled off it would've ruined the entice seruceure because such a piece could not be pur back in place again! After the stone monument had been hammered out in all its impressive geandeut, the entre platform around it was leveled off, chiseled, and polished. Years of hard labor to say the least! ‘There are theories, but we do not really know what the Sun Stone was used for. The name Intihuatana refers to che ancient Quechua language: inti means the Sun,’ and huata means" year: Bur huatana also means tying” or ‘arcaching” Intibuatana would thus have been he "year ston,” connecred or tied” to the Sun, Indeed, along with the steps and the edge of the neighboring Hest rena eae ire ga lia rt during the solstices, the transit of the ren aed aereatree positions of the course of the Moon. Accordingly, if one looks along an extended line across the southernmost edge of the spur 22%, the Sun can be observed rising exactly over the "Gate of the ‘Sun’ a few kilometers away. This Gate of the Sun is located on the old Inca road that goes from Machu Picchu to Cuzco, ‘There is a predominant opinion in expert literature that the ancient priests arranged for che construction of these ele eae ll ecrincee anal determine-wben w place the seeds in the ial Vol.9No.3&No.4 gaye 55 i for a successful harvest. The predictive knowledge derived from these “calendars,” the experts maintain, would have given the priests the power of predicting the future,’ thus making them prophers see several problems with this explanation, In fact, I consider it fairy ludicrous. Why would gigantic blocks of scone be piled around the world ~ in Stonehenge, Britany in France, in Cuzco, Machu Picchu, allover the world — just ro reveal something with which everyone was already familiar? Our ancestors were such closer co nature than we are as a society today, and were wholly capable of following che course of the seasons closely without needing any elaborace and labor-intensive seructures! IF the high priests, relying on information gathered from their fisanse sone “lends deny proclaimed, "Now is the ginning of spring!” but the ground at Machu Picchu was still frozen, or there was still snow on the ground, would these so-called calendars become quite useless? They do not alter the realities of natuce in the slightest! Lets face it, people who were closely in touch with nature observed the arrival of spring very simply: budding greenery. They also knew when the fruit was ripe forharesting No igh prt sere necessary fr tat! Eucchermare, calendars and sun clocks can be fashioned quite easily by placing afew stakes in che ground - the construction of time-consuming, ‘monstrous megalithic structures was not required! So what was their true, original purpose? Piedro Ciega de Leon, who participated in the military campaigns ofthe conguistadores from 1541 to 1550ACE, reported the following abou the calendar towers’ they encouneered on the ‘mountain slopes of Cuzco: (At) certain intervals...small towers can be found thee, from whieh the movements ofthe Sun were observed, something which was fen ret sina. The ins fr soving, 0, and tbe ss were determined according to the shadows cast by those towers. The Incas observed the heavens very closely forall kinds of signs, which is also made them great soothsayer. Let’ be logical for a moment: determining the time to sox the seeds would nor require several calendar towers: only 10 ‘would have been necessary I propose that the Inca were watching the heavens for quite a different reason: They awaited the return of the gods! Peshaps they knew from the old traditions which star constellation in the sky was the home of the gods. Maybe they ‘watched for signs, a flash of light ina certain region of che sky that ‘would herald the gods approach. As Legendary Times Magazine readers know, there are countless traditions that report about the gods promise to return to Earch. “The observation of the Sun may have been important for the determination of the solstices, and ic is a known that such observations were carried out with impeccable diligence and celebration, as Inca Garcilaso de la Vega reported. The observation of the stars, however, must have had a much deeper significance ‘We know nothing about the true meaning of the structures at Machu Picchu, Were even bateling with dubious explanations that are considered dogma: for example, the ‘discoveren” Hiram Bingham, referred to the round tower above the so-called mausoleum’ as the“miliary tower” Since the windowsills ofthis, “military cower” feature an array of mysterious holes, Bingham nth, ee postulated that snakes were bred in these holes for cult purposes! And ever since Bingham came up with this proposition, the ‘windows have been referred to as ventanas de los amarus, which means" windows ofthe divine snakes” Case closed. But iit realy? ‘Ocher researchers interpeet in these holes and channels a “wacer cule” while ochers maintain that the entire structure is simply unfinished. This juse shows thae we know nothing conclusive about Machu Picchu, and confusion reigns supreme. Terms like “royal squate,”“dungeon,”"palace ofthe princesses,"grain storage” and “gain sls” are nothing more thin modem clasiications of the ancient unknowns. Even “Machu Picchu’ is not the sites original name, Legend says that, originally, Machu Picchu was called Tampu Tloca. “The origins of Machu Picehu are just as nebulous and controversial. Bingham referred to the reports of the Spanish chronicler Fernando de Montesinos, whose writings claim that ancient Peru had two dynasties before the Inca: the Pirhuas and the Amautes!") Contrary t0 other chroniclers and weiters, Montesinos maintained thae ‘more than one hundred kings had ruled before che eee ed cee aly ied eet be flat-out excluded, then we are once again faced with the same paradox that applies to countless other ancient cultures: The oldera culture is, the more perfect their megalithic construction technology! Why do colder cultures seem to have more exact megalithic construction technology, with structures that are more imposing, more grand and built on a more massive scale, compared to everything that followed later? Everything that followed these more ancient cultures is less imposing, less perfect ~ junk, realy ‘The older, the more perfect. ‘According to Montesinos’ version, the Cuzco Vol. 90.3 & No.4 valley was inhabited long before the Inca, and che well-known 16 eek tles| were thr poeceiors Gf te Amaneas, gc used the eradiions handed down by Moneesinos as evidence and condluded that Machu Picchu had been built between the seventh and tenth centuries by Pachacutee VI (not to be confused withthe Inca ruler ofthe same name), an emperor of the Amautas. When the Inca arrived later and made Cuzco their “navel of she wold Taps Teo (ns Macs Pha cid then) sank into oblivion and was forgorten. Apparenth the Ina dd nocesurect the secre ste unt the ime of the Spanish conquistadores. Dr. José Gabriel Cosio, a scholar of Inca history and the official Peruvian delegate of the 1912 Yale Expedition, had a differene opinion. He ehoughe thar Macha Picchu was over two thousand years old and went back co the megalithic kingdom of the Quechua, whose capital, inal likelihood, was Tiahuanaeo. Tn more recent times, rumors continue to bubble below the surface at Machu Picchu. For example, the French press agency reported fom Lima thar Peruvian archaeologist Julinho Zapata had discovered entrances ‘oavast system of underground tunnels and caverns neat Machu Picchu. This report was confirmed by Manuel Chavez, professor of archaeology at the University of Cuzco, Peru. Chavez thinks theres a possiblity that these passages lead ro subterranean tombs, temples and other secret sites. In che spring of 1971, the Peruvian press published reports about a subterranean passage spstem allegedly stretching for many Ilomerer discovered near Oruzo, a small ron east of Trujillo. For many years, Peruvian newspapers have reported thar eseacher have penetrated and explored the underground tunnels, Gigantic stone doors were found ae stupefying depchs Of G2 meres, 8 meters call3 meters wide and 25 meters tick: Despite their monstrous weight, the doors could be moved open by only four men, because the doors rolled ingeniously on stone ball bearings. The tunnels are said ro be clad with slip-proof, grooved paving stones and some of the tunnels feature a slope of tp t0 14 per cent. One of these tunnels passes by the riny Pacific village El Carmela and apparently continues in the direction of the Guaiape Islands group, which lies abour 50 kilometers off the Peruvian coast. Unfortunately, the underwater sections ofthe passage are no longer accessible due to flooding. Sens consider earch on the ind of Guafape pointless, claiming hat nothing there indicates that a passage from the mainland was ever bul afl the way to land. The December 1971 issue of the German science publication Bild der Wissenschaft reported: "Nobody knows where these underground roads and tunnels of the Ineas and their predecessors ended and whether they mighe be the long lost key to open up the way to chambers fill of teasue from long lose world and cultures" T would not be surprised if one day an extensive underground system of roads was discovered which connects the ancient megalithic centers of Tiahuanaco (Puma Punku), Cuzco and Machu Picchu with the coast. The Andes region continues co be a treasure trove for new archaeological surprises. Time will ell. Te appears thar such a system of subrerrancan passages is still in use today by a few individual Quechaa Indians from Peru Years ago, a 12-year old Quechua boy appeared in Machu Picchu. He called himself Tapacyamuro. This is neither a firse name nor a last name, but itis similar to the name of the last Inca ruler, Tupac Amaru (1569-1572). The boy appeared sporadically and Vol. 9No.3 & No.4 disappeared again after a few months, He was highly revered by the indigenous Quechua population. When questioned by the Cuzco police, he maintained that he had woken up from a deep sleep several’ months before inside an underground chamber, almost like a vaule, near Machu Picchu. Tapacyamaro did not remember his childhood, yet he knew the entire genealogy of the Inea dyastes by hare and possessed extensive historical Imowledge about the Inca and pre-Inca periods. Afeer the Last eee ahah pasion rch alloversTopacyamacedappeared again ~logend bat fe elesteate oc lla oar beter Geol Machu Pied Ir is also worth noting that during the questioning, the (eerie unyreal send ereealln pespreditbast hctanessreed the Inca came from the stars. ‘One thing is certain: mainstream archaeology has yet to propose a satisficrory explanation for the megalithic engineerin skills found at Machu Picchu and around Cuzco. We are faces [i arteatona crmuesees/of longest calearet acl Goria Sail lon sadn, shld nor er x ee ele att reales THe pas be tote thas tage flea Gln technued and feel astronomical mathematical knowledge in’an unknown peebirtoric aleure — even though when we stop and think aboxt & objectively, this ene coald foc posi hte bd scene bo sock modes concepts. No advanced technical knowledge or technologies Sppear euddenly, overnighe, just lke that. Everything has to be ‘oleed wis gen oie stand ie hen handed me Une Nile oa bate snc Ou nd ph moll diceare that we are more ready to accept the impossible than to cuibter cit poet bic earneiaeracthe gesinceslL era ieaeas and mythologies were flesh-and-blood extraterrestrial. af Referen {1,] Bingham, Hiram: Lost City Of The Incas The Story of Machu Picchu and Its Builders, New York 1963. (2.] Justo Paueat, Andia: Machu Picchu. Cuzco 1980. {3.] “Bin Weiteres Geheimnis der Inkas’ (One More Secrer About the Incas). In: Bild der Wissenschafe, December 1961 Gay ne sane 5 out 57 Unravelingalhes ileal Hedgesaerustal Musferu eset In this paper, Flip Coppens reveals evidence thatthe oficial account of how Mitcheli-Hedges found the famous crystal skull in the Mayan city of Lubaantun was a cover story to bide the truth about ow the explorer actually acquired it. Grab your mosquito Fepelene ap ysl ta je”e foc blag) tide! Mose major archaeological finds have a known date of discovery. Thisis not the case ofthe Mitchell-Hedges ceystal skull, ‘even though new information has now come to light, ‘The skull ‘owner, the English advencurer Frederick A. "Mike" Mitch Hedges, writes in his autobiography: "How it came into my possession I have reason for not revealing” — and he never did. Mitchell-Hedges' persistent secrecy was not shared by his adopted daughter, Anna, who inherited the skull from her father Uupon his death in 1959. She would state chae i was she who found iz, in che Mayan city of Lubaancun (in British Honduras/Belize), on the occasion of her 17th bicchday (1 January 1924). I true, begs the question as to why her father was so reluctant to reveal this rathet mundane and innocent discovery The" Labzantunrersion’ has become che most aceped and widely quoted story. The place ofits alleged discovery, Lubaantun, isnot de most famous of Mayan riny only Because is off the common tourist route. Its name means “place ofthe fallen stones and its location was fist reported to the British colonial authority a the end of the 19th century. In 1903, che governor of British Honduras instructed Dr Thomas Gann to survey che ste. Gannis conclusion was that Lubaaneun had been a major site within the Mayan empire. The next series of excavations occurred in 1915, led by Harvard University professor R. Merwin. He uncovered three ‘memorial stones, showing men playing the ballgame, and also ‘uncovered the court in which the ballgame was played. Gann rerurned for a new round of excavations in 1924, 8 ey accompanied by FA. Mitchell-Hedges, his daughter Anna and Lady Richatdson-Brown, his companion and financier. The ac~ cou goes that despite two previous series of excavations, Anna ‘was nevertheless able to find the top part of the crystal skull in what seemed co be an altar. Three months later, the jawbone was, discovered nearby: Despite Anna Micchell-Hedges' repeatedly telling this story (ofen with minor bat nevertheless important variation) sve researchers could not believe her version. Hence, some argued thar Michell Hedges had dcovered the kl omeime before and had hidden i for Anna to find on her 17th birthday. Other accounts argue that Anna did nor find the skull ae all, while an- other account relaes that the local population became close to hysterical when the skull was shown to them. Alice Bryant and Phyllis Galde in The Message of the Crystal ‘Skull (1989) report chat the local ‘Mayan people began ro dance ‘while others worshipped ehe skull a a relic. In no time, an alear was erected on which the skull was placed. Alleged) ~ the local workforce stopped al further excavations fora period of three days for feasting. Apparently the locals’ veneration of the skull lee Mitchell-Hedges confused, not knowing how 0 behave and what re do I seems that he ven ofered the skal as a present to the local people, provided they revurned to theit Cxcavation work ~ which suggests he didnot think to highly of the monetary value ofthe sll or he placed the welfare of the expedition and the local people above any financial ain. Allegedly, the workmen agreed and returned to work the following dey If thie accoune i correct, chen not only was Mitchell-Hedg- es silent about this discovery but all of the other people on the cexpedicion remained equally silent, including De Thomas Gann. Upon his reeuen, Gann left a detailed aecount of his travels. This publication is intriguing, if only because none ofthe photographs shows Anna, which some have sugested means she was nor even in Lubaaneun as claimed. For sure, eravelling in those regions with a 17-year-old daughter was not customary but not necessarily extraordinary either, seeing her dad was a famous explorer and, unlike most, knew where erue danger lurked. But what is mast re- markable is chat Gann account does not mention anything about the discovery of a ceysal skull ~ a unique artefact, regardless of whether they fele ie was highly prized or not. Gann was not the only one not to speak ofthe skulls discovery: nether did the other smembers such as Lady Richmond-Brown or Caprain Joyce, each of whom lf an account of the expedition, Questoned about this problem, Anna Mitchell-Hedges replied thae Captain Joyce knew the entice story of the skull bur cefused to tell anyone — just like her father. There is one good reason ~ seldom quoted ~ 2s to why Gann vould remain sen about such a discovery. If he sel had been found during this excavation, ownership would immediately have gone to the expedition’ financiers, and Mischell-Hedges would never have been abe to retain this artefact. Bur though this might explain Gann’ silence in the 1920s, the questions remain: whac is so controversial abous the discovery of chs skull on Annas 17¢h Dich and why did Michel Hedges tree decades ler ill refuse co tell? Securing possession of the Ceystal Skull ‘To geta proper understanding of why there was this apparent eed for fesse we toed ta ssee ty Mba Pledges ane A licele-known face is char the skull is referenced in Danger My Ally, his autobiography ~ but onl inthe UK edition, Indeed inthe UK Vol. 9 No.3 &No.4 dition, published by Elek Books Ltd, London, in 1954, there are a scant 13 lines dedicated to the skull, which were later removed from the American edition, published by Little, Brown &¢ Co. in 1955. The all-important question is why these lines were removed. Observers have noced thar, if anything, che US publisher would have requested the author to enlarge upon i rather than delete Let us firs lok o the UK edition, which has a chaprer ti “The Skull of Doom and a Bomb" Ie contains a full-page picture of the skull, and Mitchell-Hedges adds: “We took with us [to Africa in 1948] also the sinister Skull of ef i aa oii Hit aca Thave reason for not revealin the Skill of Doom is ade of pure rock nya and according to scientists it must have taken 150 years generation afer generation working all days oftheir lives, patiently rubbing down with sand an immer lsh ook te perfect Sal emerge Iisa least 3,600 years old and according to legend was used by th igh Pris ofthe Mayo whe performing enter ris. Is suid that when be wild dead withthe help of the al, dent invaraly followed. I has been described as the embodiment of all evil Ido not wish to try and explain this phenomena [sc).” “There is at fire sight nothing too controversial as to why these few paragraphs should be deleted from the US ‘except for one details as Mitchell-Hedges had always ‘would not reveal how he acquized the skull:"How ic came into my pesssson Ihave euon fr not reveling” For any publishes and {fe US pabllber ndcubsollydeided vo eaqure wich te atchor aso why he did not want co reveal such details. No doubt upon learning the facts, chey subsequently decided ro remove the entire section s0 that no questions would be asked and so chat problems for che publisher, and specifically the author, could be evaded. ‘he controversy over its origin has led skeptics co argue that Mirchell- Hedges only acquired the skull in 1943 from an auction at Sotheby's in London. As is usual, the skeptics have reduced a camper aecont toa very elablsreatonalis theory neglecting certain important aspects thae speak against i. The sll was known to be in the poteesion of Sydney Burney, an old school friend of Mitchell-Hedges, in 1936, when the journal Man featured two articles on it in its July edition (Vol. 36). The frse article, written by De G. M. Moran, tiled ‘Morphological Comparison of Two Cxystal Skulls” (pa 105-107), s followed by Adsian Digby “Comments on the Morphological Comparison of Two Crystal Skull” (pages 107— 108) In the article Digby nores that he could not nd any history ofthe skull prior co January 1934, bur that in 1936 it was in the possession of Burney: Whether Burney ‘owned” the skull or was merely looking afer for Mitchel ledges nohighighted in the ale What is known is that Burney kepe ie untl 1943, when ie was put up for auction at Sotheby's by Burney's son. In the auction catalogue for October 158, i is listed as Item 54:" supecb life-size exystal carving of a human skull” lengeh 174 mm, and described thus: “the lower jaw separate, the details are correctly rendered. and the carver has given the orbs, zygomatic arches and mastoid processes the similieade oftheir nacural forms, glabellar-occpical” Ie refers co the face that this magnificent skull” was the subjece ofan interesting article” in Man in July 1936. Mitchell-Hedges apparently acquired ie for £400 (Sotheby's has lose che details of che sale), and in his letter dated December 22" 1943 to his Vol. 9No.3 80.4 brother, he mentions: “You possibly saw in the papers that I have actualy acquired a Crystal Stal fbemetl in the Sydney Burney collection.” “The auctioning of the skull that would be valued at more than $500,000 by the mid-1970s is a curious episode in its history. For skeptics i is all che evidence they need that both father and daughter lied abour how the skull came into their possession. But why would Micchell-Hedges have tried o cover up that he bought the skull ara public suction, instead claiming that he would never reveal how he acquired it? Legal experts have noted that, under contemporary law, by purchasing the skull at auction there could be no contest over its ownership: Mitchell-Hedges was che rightful owner, regardless ‘of how he acquired it. Hence, the rue importance of the auction might have been totally missed by the skeptics. Ic is true that Mitchell-Hedges began to speak aboue the skull only in che late 1940s, bu, cater han this being evidence that be acquired ie in 1943, ie might be evidence that from 1943 onwards he felt liberated and able to speak openly about it, knowing thar he now legally possessed it and no one could take i away from him, Furthermore, the skeprics have failed to address ~ let alone answer ~ how Burney gained possession of the skull. Digby, in 1936, said he did not know and all he could do was erace the possession of the skull back ro January 1934 ~ a decade after Anna Mitchell-Hedges allegedly found iin Lubaancun. Anna Mitchell- Hedges (who died in 2007) always maintained that Burney only tad the sl on loan fom her father ntl he could pay ofa debe cowed Burney. The skeprics argument ~ “Ife was indeed a loan, why did he jst payin bac” = doesnt work because, even if it wwasa sale, Mitchell-Hedges could have arranged this directly with his friend rather than buy che skull chrough auction. ‘According to Anna Mitchell-Hedges, what really happened was that Burney had inexplicably put che crystal skull up for auction. Unable to contact Burney, her father got up at 4:30AM the next day and traveled to London to retrieve his property. Sotheby's informed him chat the vendor was Sydney Burncy’s som: and when they refused to withdraw the item from sale, Mitchell- Hedges realized that the easiest way of regaining his property was to purchase it back. In this scenario, the fact thae the auction filled the legal loophole of ironing our the ownership of the skall is incidental. However, probably the best evidence that Mitchell- Hedges possessed the skull prior ro. 1943 comes from Patsy Wilcox, owner of the guest house “The Watchers" in Polperro, Cornwall, who in a 1999 ineerview stated that in the early 1930s Mitchell-Hledges and his daughter stayed at the house for several months and had in their possession a most unusual crysal skull, which they kepe in a closet in one of the rooms they rented. “Therefore, as a working hypo- thesis, let us therefore assume that Micchell-Hedges obtained the skull at some point before the 1943 auction = as he himself claimed. The question then still remains: how? We know that hhe never wanted to reveal how he got the skull — which by defuule means there is some aspect involved that would be hard to explain. sf End. of Part I~ Part IL and the conclusion ofthis article will appear in the next ise of Legendary Times Magazine. Stay tuned! oy 7 ee 59 “Ancient Indian texts provide concise evidence that Earth was visited by extroterrestrials in the remote their visits.” In 1943, a cranslation of an ancient Sanskrit text, che Vaimanika Shastra, commissioned by the Royal Sanskrit Library in Mysore, South India, was published. For many years, the text's explosive nature went unrecognized, even though this translation is now seen as a pivotal moment in che history of the Ancient Astronaut Theory. The text lists all relevant points about prehiscorie space travel, and provides a solid foundation for the conelusion that Earth has a legendary past Texe passages include the gear and training of pilots, specific light routes, descriptions of the construction of various ying vehicles, the metals and ‘ores used for their construction, defense mechanisms, weaponry, propulsion drives, and more, Years after the texts initial translation, ‘a young man came into contact with this material, and its volatile contents stayed with him for che est of his life. His name is Prof. Dr. Dileep Kumar Kanji. Kanijlal was born on August 1°, 1933, in Caleutta, India. He received his doceorate at the Sanskrit College of the University of Caleutta, where he studied the ancient language of Sanskrit, along with the Vedas, the Puranas, the texts of the national epic, che ‘Mahabharata, the Rigveda and the heroic epic, the Ramayana. Dr. Kanjilal spent much of his professional life establishing himself asa respected scholar in Indiz and abroad. In 1956/57, he worked at the Scortish Church College in Calcutea as a Sanskric teacher and then also worked for the West Bengal Educational Service. He then became a professor at Calcutta Sanskrit College and after that worked asa professor and dean at Victoria Collegein Coochbehar. From 1969 until 1971 he spenc time in England as a research fellow of the Association of Commonwealth Universities, and from 1978-1980 he worked as deputy director of the State Educational Authority of West Bengal Later in life he became a professor for the West Bengal Senior Educational Service and he intensively occupied himself withthe elaborate mythologies of his native country of India with a special focus regarding the Ancient Astronaut Theory. ‘The Great EvD Encyclopedia (not yet available in English), describes Kanjilals work: *...without adding any unnecessary embellishments or interpretation, (he) translated ancient Hindu 6 Giptang Zones Mane 0 ut past and that mankind was influenced by Kumar Kanjilal traditions which contain exact descriptions of fying vehicles of the gods in the remore past” Erich von Diiniken first quoted this Sanskric expere and hhis sensational findings in his book According to the Evidence in 1977, when Kanjilal became a Member of the A.A.S. R.A. At the 1979 A.A.S. R.A. World Conference in Munich, Germany, Kanjilal delivered his first A.A.S. R.A. lecture "Flying Machines in Ancient Indian Sanskrit Texts.” He followed up his research findings with his lecture paper” The Mechanics and Use of Flying Machines in the Vedas and in Classical Sanskrit Literature, which he presented in the A.A.S. R.A. World Conference in Vienna, Austria. Kanjilal also contributed an extensive piece to Brich vonDiniken’s 1985 book, Habe ich mich geirt? ("Was I Wrong?” - not yet avaiable in English). In 1985 Dr: Kanjlal published his defining book Vinsanas of Ancient India, as well as a research paper "Flying Machines, and Space Cities in Ancient India,” which firse appeared in the Fiebag brothers book Aus den Tiefen des Alls ("From the Depths cof Space” — not yet available in English). ‘Over the years, Prof. Dr. Kanjlal published more than 100 research papers, text reconstructions and studies in the field of Sanskrit research, In 1989, he presented an extensive research paper_of his theory about Indias prehistory. "Underwater and Orbital Space Cities in Ancient Indian Texts” once again succeeded in laying out the compelling evidence that “aircraft, spaceships and space stations were commonplace in Vedic India and in che post-Vedie period. They were 2 realty. Disputing their physical existence would be tantamount to denying Indian history and Indian cultural heritage’ At the 1991 A.A.S. R.A. World Conference in Berlin, Germany, Kanjilal sec a further milestone when he presented "Flying Machines and Weaponty of the gods in Ancient India” and well, Kanjialis an Honorary Memberof the A.A.S, R.A, and still occupies himself with the legendary past of his native India, His latese research findings can be read in Legendary Times Magazine. We are proud to have such a distinguished scholar on board. Vol. No.9 No.4 “Tam not one of those semi-educated enthusiasts, who, § immediately interpret every badly documented UFO sighting as «an extraterrestrial spaceship. Still, I do consider the extraterrestrial hypothesis to be the solution to many of the unanswered questions.” Reinhard HaBeek| Many of the most ative Ancient Astronaut researchers began theiesmlesara very young age and have remained active inthe feld ever since. One ofthese’ persistent’ researchers is Reinhard Habeck, an Austrian non-fiction writer who has continuously produced fascinating new research ideas. Habeck was born in. Vienna on April 20th, 1962. After complecing his apprenticeship and beginning a career as a land- surveying specialist, his ideas on how he wanted to earn a living changed drastically, and it soon became clear to him that this professional career would not fulfill him. In June of 1986, he resigned from his position in order co dedicate himself ro things he fele were important. OF that turbulent time, he wrote: overnight jumped ship and dove into uncharted waters... ust so that [could follow adeeam.. Years earlier, as a young student, Habeck made contact with ‘Ancient Astronaut authorsand researchers exchange information, ‘materials and ideas. Over time,he became close friends with some of them, most notably Peter Krassa, the Austrian von Diniken.” Their close friendship would later lead to a prolife research cooperation. Tn addition to being a thoroughly committed Ancient Astronaut researcher and writer, Habeck realized that he had talene asa cartoonist and created a second career for himself as an illustrator and comic strip artist. From his pen came several comic strips connected to Ancient Astronaue themes, such as"Risselmops, der Ausserirdische” (Russelmops, the Excraterestrial) and "Erich, der Sonnagsfrsche: which, ination to many eter tps ave been in print for over 20 years in many European newspapers, periodicals, and books. However, Reinhard Habeck’s focus ahvays remained firmly on the Ancient Astronaut field. With his friend and colleague Peser Kinssa, Flabecke spent many years searching the oo-clled Dendera “ight bulbs” postulating about the ancient < knowledge and use of electricity (see LT Vol. 2, No. 4, 2000). The sents decaled research was publhed inthe evo popalar Books, 19825 Liche fuer den Pharaoh ("Light for the Pharaoh’ ~ not available in Englib), and 1992 Das Licht der Pharaohnen ("The Light ofthe Pharaohs" not yet available in Engl). In the following years, in addition to articles and anthology contributions, Habeck published several books on various topics all containing sensational news items and spectacular new facts. Within our field of study, Habecks research findings often led to You. 9No.9 &'No.4 lively discussions and other followup research. Habeck’s public- ations deale with mysteries such as Die Palmblactbiblichek (“The Palm Leaf Library” not yet available in English), which he weote with Keassain 1993, nd Das Unesklidliche ("The Unexplained’ not yet available in English) in 1997, and he also tackled unexplained UFO mysteries, such as 19975 UFO — Das Jahrhundercphnomen UFOs - The Centennial Phenomenon” not yet available in English), and 10,000 Jalre UFOs ("10,000 Years 6f UFOs" — not yet available in English), published in 2001. ‘After Habeck published farther research regarding Egypt, Adantis, and ancient technologies in 2001, he published the volumes Die letzten Geheimnisse - Ritselhafte Funde der Menschheitsgeschichte (“Last Secrets ~ Mysterious Discoveries (of Human History” — not yet available in English) in 2003, and Im Labyrinth des Unerklrlichen (“The Labyrinthof the Unexplained’ not yet available in English) in 2004, which he co-authored with Klaus Dona. In 2001, with Austrian expo organizer Klaus Dona, Habeck presented a new andl sensational exhibic called” Unsolved Mysteries” For the first rime ever, Habeck and Dona brought together in one place the most controversial, astonishing original artifacts from Eround the wodd, such as fotlized tools, atronaurlike ancient Figurines, several crystal skulls and other bizarre relics from museums and private collections. Since nothing like this ezhibigion fad ever been done before (or sinc! the exible arcracred more than 100,000 visitors in Vienna, Interlaken and Berlin. Berween 1980 and 2004, Reinhard Habeck has participared jn numerous expeditions to Egypt, Italy, England, as well as South and Central America, and he has given many lectures to enthusiastic audiences at the A.A.S. R.A. World Conferences and at German AAS. R.A. One-Day Meetings. More recently, the Viennese author has turned to mysteries from his native Austria. His work results were published in his cwo latest books Geheimnisvolles Oscerreich (“Mysterious Austria’ not available in English) in 2006, and Wandersame Plitze in Osterrech (‘Austria's Miraculous Sites = not available in English) in 2007. Teisgood ro know char the Ancient Astronaut spirit of mystery andadventaretsalve and wel a researchers like Retard Flabeck “Though he is from a new generation of enthusiasts, his expertise is another valuable contribution to our ongoing work. ey “Tn ane 6 Appeal to A.A.S. R.A. Members We need your help. Word of mouths the most powerfl marketing oo inthe word youar interested in long and prosperous future fr your ‘organization and jouna, then we need yout el. You are an integral part of this ganization and we cannot grow without you, You hae akready become a poneeby ning the exclusive ans ofthe AAS. 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So here are ‘three brief, friendly reminders... 1) When you receive your renewal form in the mall it is time to please pay your renewal if you haven't already done so. 2) The time to please pay for your membership dues is when you receive the renewal notice in the mail. 3) Please pay your membership renewal when it isdue.Thank you! ‘Year: 4Joumals 2Years: 8 Journals $40.00 ($60.00- outside the U.S. ue to airmail). 570,00 (580.00 -outsie the US. due to airmail) Administrative Corner ‘Your current email address, ‘Ifyou haven't already done so, please send us your current email address ‘0 so we can update our database and notify you withreaking news Change of address. IF you have changed your address please send an email to info ‘ with your old and new address so we can update our files. ‘you don't have email, drop us line at ‘AAS.R.A. Legendary Times, Box 6400, Oceanside, CA92052, USA juidelines ication in the world to exclusively. Legendary Tne san open Legendary Times i report about the Ancient Ast forum for anyone. We offer the o to publish research, fom ‘professionals or laymen alk, as long asthe research is substantiated by reputable reference. The AAS. RA doe®nat discriminate against academic background tis mandatory for the subject mate of the atic to remain within ‘ur flo study, namely the Classic Ancient Astronaut theory the search for evidence of extraterrestrial visits to Earth inthe remote past. ‘The article must be orignal, and must refrain from any kind of New Age, numerology, spirituality, psychic and paranormal phenomena, or contemporary UFOs and abductions. tcl speaking, these topics donot fitnto the above declared objectives ofthe AAS. RA Analready great amount of well authenticated material is avaliable to the AAS. RA, which asin any serious branch of science, must be further wel sreened, developed, extrapolated, critically reconsidered, improved, and added to by devoted researchers worldwide Eachartcle must be accompanied with acomplete ist ofall references ‘sed, o we can follow through on back-up checs, 2s the temptation unfortunately exsts to invent a story for personal fame. To best serve the ideas and objectives of the AAS. RA. a minimum of 6 references is required. Beware of obscure and untraceable references, frequent consisting of eroneous material copied from previously published, faulty works, Due to scientific integrity, we categorically refuse to publish articles byauthors claiming tobe inate, prophets, adept, holders of secret lore and knowledge, recipients of private revelations given to them by beings from a higher plane, and similar unscentficmumbo-jumbe. As a researchers guideline, first concentrate on the great deal of Valuable materia already availble and then add to it by gthering new items, well authenticated by dear and realy vefabe references, to ancient texts and scriptures (utilizing only authenticated translations by reputable University sources), inscription, petroglyphs, sculptures, ‘monuments, carved rei, enormous stone statues, archaeological sites/ anomalies, strange round markings, passages from books and reputable journals, documented by undoctored photographs. ‘Weencourageyoutoinclude photographs and/or diagrams tollutate your article. I you do not hae any photographs et us know what you need so we can locate appropriate images in our extensive Legendary Times ibrary and photo archives. Due to logistical easons we cannot and wl not return any submitted material (including photographs) Therefore we must ask you to please make copies of your work fr you files. Arties cannot exceed 3500 words We eserve the right to abbreviate artes if necessary Articles may also be etd for purposes of dart, We prefer Word documents but can accept paper copes a5 well The AAS. RA. eserves the right to determine which articles are suited for publication in Legendary Times, “Twenty copes ofthe issue in which your article appears wl be mailed to youias compensation Please submit all aries to: AAS. RA. Box 6400, Oceanside, CA 92052, USA Don'thesitate, send us your articles today and get published! 62 Grey Toe moe Vol. 9 No.9 &No.4 Legendary Times Magazine Back Issues teieateowrcersantanincctas Wiehe ee een Only $6.50 each! Eissonkonertntminrinn’ eoeteen Spctnea geet, Sleeanenetettowe nas Rurmipseion oma rer, SLE nia XS tat lene tr aoe ar TERN: SRR samen eee Ssemnntehnerhonatioe Secehantst etter’ nbOmewtne a 1 wenn soma Lm 9 ounce ‘rs po yg Sake Leeman Sottnriinecenuemnemes — Yusmaltncate tres! See eeeeE. wncamee Seumctewee Skate. eee Seavucnis cna eure neta ep Toeato eda hve ns. se rae Sondre eer ver mooi eon Soe Sheet me cama cr ye bees i tacts cto air ge 0 meats inca Sporn (itech cae WOR mcrae ey ont ots (Slay cere dety on oe suman, feces Roitman Siemtaniee cece cimiaen, gam Sate ecsleee atime mae Sener, uma, Recreate, idintcremtenni oe See, Le mee, leeeteemteene ane Somers e Masteemmciees 0 em a onmieie en ciara ene hasten stectoeteet nce) SE Te a Snape ast ame wemeraeee REM oce | TE ee, SS soe Sena” eee eeerani eee See UMM 0 nang ede ac Sa. chee 24cm EE vanes SE sme = eee SS a ee See ee, Srey ana Ii pete eS 0 ery Has Sefer tern LEGENDARY TIMES BACK ISSUES - ORDER FORM Ae youmsing somes feed Tes Maye Ten why rtf youn and ode back isus whl tee slit Tbe atae ths spc apart. 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Datetels.Winteenerseal 6 tit susoeoalobotcexaneteeb. =$4500(onbten Vol. 9No.3 No. Seat fonas ase pos Sincere pi ‘easton incr ese Siredinntncalaaetn cree ‘opicachodera fee nc Seeateaeeieene”™ Neatsansea sone Cr ames smegma ees Bee oteneemetees fintantes” Sgaegimrenemnin” — ERemenieranamtat mene opt ionaa ecto tue auton noe UiSsyeane tanec mob pragma biel RMT cai ie somifbeheysunn hte Fi La ane ‘Addr Gy Sate p oe: County ne Se Email a (ae er ‘Method of Payment: LIVISA [ ] MasterCard [ ]American Express [ ] Personal Check* {} Money Order [Jnternational Money Oder (aati semrne ke oops dso AS A) Number. Espiation Dae: ‘cwisecutity Cede: Signature Spy Tine ame 63 et Cruising Over the Andes: Secrets of the Flying Shamans ‘The Logistics of the Gods: Who Is the Rocketman? Mysteries of the Elongated Skulls Exposed! Exploring the Elongated Skull Phenomenon All Around the World WORLD EXCLUSIVE! EvD Breaks Silence: ‘The Truth Behind the Lost Tayos Gold Library! Did Akhenaten Have Contact with Extraterrestrial? Tn Ques of Lost El Gran Patiti / El Dorado - Expedition Report History Is Wrong! EvD Tells You Why and tons more - don't miss it! The Official Journal of the Archaeology Astronautics SETI Research Association Te Gener or Anon foro ema « + Robert C. Beas Bedford, TX + Jan Benesta, Trondheim, Norway + Mihai Bit, Edmonton, Canada + Debora). Bord, Las Vogs: NV Jolin Boruth, Phoenix, AZ Kote Wee olin Darid Campos Carpinteria, CA Gary Chough, Westminerer CA Join Degle, Chester Ralf Ep Bradley E Dick Eeremans,Kapele, Belgium KereyP Gans, Tucson, % Ren Greaver Alexandra, VA ° eels emer Hetemy td « Uche Reae itegrea eotey Menber Siver Spring MD + De thomas Rc Rowe,Jopiter Garinma Ehuygen Depenbeck, Belgium + Ichan Saba satay ree: fiero ns, Clinton, NY + George Noory Honorary Member, Se Lass. MO Rupert Palmer, Conon aly I}. Batt, Emmen, Holland 1 Sami Tkonen, Virasa Finland Danyel Seagan, Filsboro, OR + Per Frode ohannessen, Oslo, Norway + “Tatiana Sedachenkova, Burbank, CA 4 Pier uch Zvi, Switzerland Dz Pasqual 5. Schievela, onorary + BosYoung Kang Seoul, South Korea Meni og oenon NY + Khalil Kensal, Amma Jordan + Ania Schneider, Gunes IL 2 Andree KreskownKachenes,Canada + John & Cindy Schrimpé Walsham, MA + ME-and Teddy Larsen Johannesburg, + LM. Schouten sestein, Holland South Africa 2 James L- Steward, Dubai + David M-Lierman,Litleron,CO United Arab Emirates {Edward Link/ TTCA Incy + HHL Squire Springsure Australia ‘usntington Beach, CA 1 James H, Site Santa Barbara, CA «Stays Gay of Gamers CA\\. «DB Sepa Satan out, OF Swiceand” 1 fies F Tanner Louis VA « Jim Nii, Feversham, Canada 2 Dennis A Tito, Honorary Member ; Pafie Palisades, CA Leonard Morphy Karoo Ausra + Shwe Rs Nagy San Marea, CA + Mica! Walon Maple Ridge, Canada Coming Next Issue... Ancient Colombian Space Shuttle Special! 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