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Name: _________Justin Kieffer___________________________________

Date: _____11/14/14_____________

Health Education Lesson Plan Template

Grade: __7th grade________________
Health Unit/Theme: Human Growth and Development
Health Topic: STDs
Lesson #__
(Where in your unit will this lesson be placed? Introduction/Third Lesson in the Unit/etc.)

This lesson on STDs will be placed at about the tenth lesson after the class talks about Abstinence, risky behaviors, and sexual
(What is the purpose/student/teacher outcome you would like to have as a result of this lesson?)

What Risky Behaviors can lead to (physical, emotional harm to your body).
(Explain what you want your students to know and be able to do as a result of your lesson.)

What an STD is

Facts about STDs

How STDs can be spread

National/State/District Health Standard(s):
(This lesson teaches to which national/state/district health standard?)

Standard 1: Core Concepts

Standard 3: Self-Management

Standard 6: Decision-Making
(Explain how many minutes will each component of your lesson will take.)

See table below for the times for each step of the lesson
(What audiovisual aids/student materials/teacher materials will you need to facilitate this lesson? Please attach these to your lesson plan.)


STD Note Sheet/STD Question and Answer Report Worksheet

Sexually Transmitted Infections article

Envelope with myths and facts on STDs (T-chart on whiteboard)

Homemade puppets
(What lessons need to be taught prior to this one to prepare the students? What does the teacher need to do to prepare both themselves and
their students in order to teach this lesson?)


Consequences of sexual activity

Healthy Relationships/Relationship continuum

Risky Behaviors

Sexual Intercourse
Facilitating the Lesson/Activity
(Explain step-by-step procedures the teacher/students must take to implement this lesson. Describe how this lesson will be introduced and
how long each component of the lesson will take.)


Step by Step Lesson Design:

Resources Needed:


Energizer: Line up-students get in a line and first person creates a

move that everyone copies. Then the next person rotates to the
front of the line and chooses another move and so on. Keep
walking around room until everyone leads once!

YouTube music/lyrics video: Move your Feet

by Junior Senior


Review: Risky Behaviors

Small rubber football to toss to students

when they answer question


Review: Three types of sexual intercourse

Small rubber football to toss to students

when they answer question


Review: Abstinence

Small rubber football to toss to students

when they answer question


What are STDs



Myths and Facts about STDs with activity

Envelope with myths and facts in it


How STDs Spread



Increasing the chance of getting an STD



Group work activity and presentations

STD Notes Sheet and STD Questions and

Answer Report Worksheet. Puppets for
puppet show


Lesson Review and talk about next class

Checking for Understanding:

(What will the teacher use/do to insure the student(s) have met the objectives and health standards outcomes for this lesson both during and
after the lesson?)

Ask the class what risky behaviors are. (Decision-Making)

Number one way to disease prevention is.. Abstinence! (Core Concepts)
Myths and facts about STDs. Anyone can get them!! (Self-Management)

Formative/Authentic Assessment:
(Explain methods used to evaluate what the student learned and is able to do.)

STD group activity: work together to fill out STD Question and Answer Report Worksheet
To inform class of what you know perform a skit, puppet, show, who wants to be a millionaire, or public service
While group is presenting, rest of class will fill out STD notes sheet

Self Reflection:
(Teacher reflection of lesson after lesson is delivered to maintain or improve lesson.)

I thought overall my lesson went pretty well. There are a few details that I can improve on to
make my lesson better. First, when I was giving the lesson I told the students that I would tell them what
to write down from the PowerPoint. However, I only did this for maybe two slides the rest of them I just
described what everything was on the slide. What I should have done is create a sheet where the
students had to fill in words for their notes. Another part of the lesson dealt with the myths and facts of
STDs and I had the students fill out a T-chart. I should have explained to the students more that there
were four myths and four facts just to help out the students. The last activity that I did with STDs went
over well but I had to fix some tweaks. When the students had to fill out their note sheet, they got
caught up in listening to the skits so they didnt get every note they needed. What I should have done
was have a note sheet filled out myself and put it up on the doc cam at the end of my shift. This would
just give the students a quick opportunity to get their notes completed if they missed one or two

answers. With my teaching in general I felt like I was able to be that authority figure when dealing with
laughing students. With a serious topic to talk about I felt like I handled it well. With all of these
corrections being addressed I believe it would have been an even better lesson. I am glad that I
challenged myself with this lesson because it has helped me be more confident with teaching
challenging topics.

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