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Gerald Martinez

Elementary: 9\8 9\12

Learning the Pentatonic Scale
1. The student will be able to identify and construct a pentatonic scale in C, G, and

3.2.2 (A) read music notation, using a system (letters, numbers, syllables)
3.3.1 (C) describe relationships between music and other subjects.
4.1.1 (B) use standard terminology in explaining music, music notation, musical
instruments and voices, and musical performances
5.1.1 (B) use standard terminology in explaining music, music notation, musical
instruments and voices, and musical performances; and


4 different colored white board markers

Students seated and attentive
Energized teacher


Outside before class starts Ms. Machado will sing a pentatonic scale and have
the students copy her. Then she will ask if anyone knows how many different
notes were in the scale the students just sang. When a student says 5, then Ms.
Machado will ask if anyone knows what a scale with 5 notes is called. Some
classes might remember and others will not. If the class does not remember or
does not know then she will guide them to the answer by asking, What do we
call a shape with 5 sides? The students will know that the answer is a pentagon.
So if a shape with 5 sides is called a pentagon what is a scale with 5 notes
called? Most students should remember its a pentatonic by now but if they do
not then she will tell them it is called a pentatonic scale. Ms. Machado will have
the students sing the scale Do-Re-Mi-Sol-La one more time then have them
enter the classroom.
Start off by asking the students if they know their Alphabet.
Without making any noise, raise your hands if you know your alphabet
All students should know their alphabet by the 3rd grade.
By raising your hands again, can anyone tell me how many letters are in the

2 Gerald Martinez
If students get rowdy, choose a student who is sitting quietly and praise
them for doing so. The other rowdy students should begin to calm down.
Okay, now that we know there are 26 letters in the alphabet, does anyone know
how many letters are in the musical alphabet?
Call on student who is sitting quietly with their hand raised. The answer I
am looking for is 7 letters in the musical alphabet.
With a black marker write ABCDEFGABCDEFGA on the board.
The musical alphabet is similar to the regular alphabet. The only
difference is that there are seven letters and when we get to G we go back
to A!
Lets say ABCDEFGA over and over as fast as we can together. Ready. Go!
Listen to the students as they say the musical alphabet quickly.
Then pick a couple of students and see who can say it the fastest. (This is
the make it fun and to assess at the same time)
The musical alphabet is not hard at all. All of you know it!
Raise your hand if you remember what Ms. Machado called a scale with 5 notes
Write Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti on the board with a black marker and circle Fa and
This is our normal scale with 7 notes but today we are learning about a
pentatonic scale that has how many notes? (Choose student to answer.
This is to repeat the idea that a pentatonic scale has 5 notes)
In a pentatonic scale we are going to take out Fa and Ti which will leave us with
5 notes.
With a green marker write C next to Do.
Lets start a pentatonic scale on C. If C is Do then what is Re?
If the students are confused just remind them of ABCDEFGA
What comes after C in the musical alphabet? Yes D! Write D next to
Do the same for Mi
When we get to Fa remind the students that we are not going to sing or play this
Ask the students what comes after E. When they say F, write it down next
to Fa and circle F so it visually shows that that note will be taken out.
What comes after F? Yes G! So is G
Reminder: What happens when we get to G in the musical alphabet?
Go back to A!
That means that La is A
Remind students that we will not sing or play Ti.
What comes after A? B is correct but we will not play this note
Circle B

Gerald Martinez

This is our C pentatonic scale!

When we play the C pentatonic scale we will take out which two letters?
Point to the circled letters: Fa- F & Ti- B
We take out the Burgers and Fries!
Do the same thing for teaching G and F pentatonic.
In G pentatonic we take out the Coke & Fries
In F pentatonic we take out the Eggs & Bacon

If I am in G pentatonic, what notes do I take out?

If I am in C pentatonic, what notes do I take out?

If I am in F pentatonic, what notes do I take out?

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