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Word clouds are an interesting way to introduce vocabulary words that need to be learn in class

and using traditional methods make this tasks boring for students, I have seen it myself In my
classes, but if we aim to use word clouds, and activities that are much more challenging and less
monotonous for student we will experience a fluent interest in the students interaction with the
Word clouds can be use in infinite ways in the classroom and with a variety of subjects it all
depend on the words that you are using and words are universal for al subjects so there is really
no limit on how to use this tool, you can make word clouds to give sneak peak of what a story is
going to be about by using keywords that need to be understand in order to catch the meaning of
the story, you can formulate sentences by picking out words from a cloud and give students and
idea of how the word should be use, you can use them to explain different kinds of grammar

1. Introduce the word cloud by yelling out loud one of the words that are in the cloud asking
the students to identify the word in the cloud and write it on his or her note book.
2. Do this quite a few times with several different words
3. Ask a certain student to choose one of the words that have not been mention yet and
have the rest of the class follow the same procedure as above.
4. Ask students to work in pairs and yell each other different words from the cloud to write
in his or her note book.
5. Now ask students to yell out words from the cloud and respond to them by making a
sentences with it.(Example: CUT the man was cutting a piece of paper.)
6. Make sure to use a different form of the verb and then have students identify such verb in
its normal form.(example. COOK Cooking- Cooked.)

7. Now for the finaly task ask students to try and formulated a sentence with the words you
will yell out to them and write it on their notebook.

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