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Why its important

According to a study done by,
40% of children have been bullied in the past year.
That is four out of every 10 children. By spreading
awareness and educating children and parents
about bullying, we can start preventing the
widespread issue of bullying in school.


How to Prevent Bullying

their issues and concerns.

1. Spread awareness to students

and parents. Informing children and
their parents about how bullying

4. Work with your colleagues

happens and explaining why bullying

and your principal to ensure

is harmful will set clear expectations

in your classroom.

bullying is prevented. By
involving more people, there will
be more eyes and ears willing to

2. Create rules and policies with

address the issues.

strict consequences. By creating

rules and consequences for breaking

5. Carefully monitor the

those rules, children will be held

bathrooms, hallways and other

accountable for their actions.

areas where bullying is most

likely to occur. Having a teacher

3. Create a welcoming and honest

monitor the areas where bullying

environment. Doing so will help

is most likely to occur will

children feel safe talking to you about

prevent children from having the

Ut eu

What to do if bullying has
already occurred
Ask Questions
Learning what to ask and when
to ask it will be crucial to the
overall issue of bullying. Here

Here are a few questions to ask

the bully:

are a few questions to consider

asking the victim:

bus, etc.)
What did the bully say, or
do, that made you feel

How do you think that

made them feel?

What do you think he/she

is feeling?

Have you ever

experienced any kind of
bullying yourself?

Asking each individual these

questions will generate

How did the bully make

conversations concerning

you feel?

bullying. However, listening

Why do you think the

bully did what they did?

Where were you bullied?

(Online, at school, on the

someone else?

When did the bullying

first begin?

Why did you bully

to the responses is just as

important as knowing what
to ask because you will learn

Do you understand that

a lot about each childs

the bully was wrong for

feelings by listening to their

hurting you?

responses. Offer positive

Do you know that being a

feedback and a safe space

victim is not your fault?

for children to speak.


Nam vestibulum dolor quis libero.

Donec ultricies congue nulla.

Nulla rhoncus tortor eu risus.
Praesent viverra, libero a
aliquam pharetra, lacus urna
faucibus dui, at vulputate ante
augue sit amet justo. Nulla leo
est, suscipit in, laoreet
accumsan, pulvinar et, massa.
Ut interdum orci sed nibh.
Fusce quis purus. Quisque
cursus nonummy metus.
Quisque purus. Proin ultrices
lacus et lectus. Nunc nunc elit,
hendrerit at, tristique a,
rhoncus eget, est. Nullam
congue pulvinar nulla. Mauris
ornare. Aenean non nulla eget
erat varius euismod. Proin
diam. Sed odio pede, porttitor
eu, faucibus nec, volutpat ac,
metus. Donec sit amet arcu in
tortor adipiscing fermentum.
Nulla ut metus non purus
consequat dignissim. Mauris
eget nulla eu arcu aliquet
condimentum. Praesent magna
libero, cursus at, sodales id,
ultricies in, purus. Sed in
tortor. Vestibulum quis massa
nec augue malesuada
nonummy. Morbi in pede sed
turpis. Nunc arcu ligula, mattis
sed, accumsan et, ultrices nec,
enim. Vivamus iaculis cursus

Morbi sodales tortor quis velit.

lorem ipsum
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