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1. While the ternary operator (?

:) is well known, many dont realise

that it can also be used as lvalues.
x = (y < 0) ? 10 : 20;
(a == 0 ? a : b) = 1;
Otherwise, you would be writing this as,
if (a == 0)
a = 1;
b = 1;
2. The namespace alias is pretty easy to miss. Once you know about
it though, you will start recognising it everywhere. It is
especially useful when yourr writing a large code with a lot of
namespace hierarchies.
namespace x = boost::filesystem;
x::path myPath(strPath, fs::native );
3. Variables arent the only ones that can be declared in the init
part of functions. You can also declare classes and other functions.
for(struct { int x; float y; } loop = { 1, 2 }; ...; ...) {
4. The unary + operator can be used in order to promote or decay a
number of things. See below for some examples.
+EnumeratorValue: This gives your enumerator value a perfect integer
type, which lets it fit its value. This is quite useful for
implementing overloaded operators for enumeration.
Passing a temporary value to a variable: You can create a temporary
value for a variable using this operator. For example, if you have a
class that uses an in class static initializer without any out of
class definition, but sometimes the system fails to link.
struct Foo {
static int const value = 42;
void f(T const&);

int main() {
// fails to link and tries to get the address of "Foo::value"!
// works - pass a temporary value
Decay an array to a pointer: The operator also works when you want
to pass two values to a function.
void f(T const& a, T const& b);
int main() {
int a[2];
int b[3];
f(a, b); // won't work! different values for "T"!
f(+a, +b); // works! T is "int*" both time
5. You must know the id/identity metafunction. Now check out this
usecase for it, which is for non-template cases.
// void (*f)(); // same
id::type *f;
// void (*f(void(*p)()))(int); // same
id::type *f(id::type *p);
// int (*p)[2] = new int[10][2]; // same
id::type *p = new int[10][2];
// void (C::*p)(int) = 0; // same
id::type C::*p = 0;
It helps decrypting C++ declarations greatly!
// boost::identity is pretty much the same
struct id { typedef T type; };

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