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Course Syllabus INGL 3103 Intermediate English Composition I, Semester 1, 2014

University of Puerto Rico-Mayagez Campus

College of Arts and Sciences
Department of English
Professor: Franchesca Hernandez
Office: CH-009
Course schedule: M-J 2:00-3:15pm @CH-324
Mailbox: English Department
Office Hours: Thursdays from 3:20-5:00pm (By previous appointment).

This document may be amended over the course of the semester in order to meet course objectives and
correct unintended errors.
General Information:
Alpha-numeric codification: INGL 3103
Course Title: Intermediate English I
Number of credits: 3
Contact Period: 3 hours per week
Non-Contact Period: 2 hours of outside assignments for each contact hour (6 hours in total)
Course Description (according to the 2008-2009 Undergraduate Catalogue of the University of Puerto Rico,
Mayagez Campus):
English: Analysis of selected readings, such as essays, fiction, poetry or drama, and practice in writing
compositions with attention given as needed to grammar and idiomatic expressions.
Pre/Co-requisites and other requirements:
Intermediate English I (INGL 3103) is the first course of a sequence designed for entering students at the
Mayagez Campus of the University of Puerto Rico who have scored 570 or above on the College Board
Entrance Examination, but who have not qualified for advanced placement in the Honors Program of the
English Department by obtaining a score of 4 or 5 on the Advanced Placement Test. Those students who
receive 3 on this test are enrolled in English 3103. Students who successfully pass INGL 3103 must pass INGL
3104 and six additional credit hours in the English department courses to satisfy University requirements.
Students who were enrolled in Basic English (INGL 3101 or 3102) in previous semesters, cannot take this
course. Please see me if you have any doubts about your placement in this course.

Course Syllabus INGL 3103 Intermediate English Composition I, Semester 1, 2014

Course Objectives:
After completing INGL 3103, students should be able to demonstrate the following skills and abilities in the
area of writing:
Recognize in the texts they read several of the traditional modes of essay development such as
narrative, argument, evaluation, causal analysis, and rhetorical analysis
Effectively develop and organize the content of their own essays based on one or more of these
Apply the various stages of the writing process to his or her written work, including drafting, peer
editing, and publishing
Utilize one or more prewriting techniques
Narrow a topic
State an authors purpose and intended audience
Write an effective thesis statement and recognize such statements when they are present in the
texts they encounter
Provide relevant supporting details and evidence/justification for relevant statements in their
Recognize the organizational structure of essays assigned for reading
Write successful introductory, transitional and concluding paragraphs for their own essays
Carry out an elementary online research project using the campus library and/or internet including
the proper use of outside sources and the basic forms of documentation
Demonstrate correct usage of MLA documentation with general formatting, in-text citations, and
the Works Cited page
Instructional Strategies:
The following instructional strategies will be incorporated in the class in order to assure proper understanding
of writing composition. They will also provide the rhetorical, analytical, and content-based knowledge needed
to interpret, evaluate, analyze, and critique literary texts via writing:
Lectures and conference
In-class discussions
Reading, writing and social networking workshops
Minimum or Required Resources Available:
The required text for the course, internet Access off campus, access to online resources needed to fulfill the
course objectives.

Grading System:

Course Syllabus INGL 3103 Intermediate English Composition I, Semester 1, 2014

Grade Numerical Equivalent
90- 100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
65-69 D
0-64 F

Quantifiable (letters)
- Essays: These essays will not only measure how much the student understood a particular text, but
they will also measure the student's ability to make generalizations and interpretations of a specific
argument or contemporary issue presented in the assigned articles. Students will write 600 to 750
word essays based on a topic that will be given in class. The text(s) to be used will be given to the
student beforehand. The essay should be documented according to proper MLA guidelines and it will
be turned in typed in and printed (no hand written copies are accepted). Late submissions will be
penalized with a deduction of 10% from the final grade for each day after the assignment was due.
Plagiarism and the use translators will heavily affect your grade.
- Reminder: Every essay that you turn in must be accompanied by all the work done in the classroom
(brainstorming, thesis discussion, peer reviewing, etc.), and each draft of the essay. Basically, when you
turn in your final draft, you will turn in EVERYTHING you have worked on.
- Homework: Work given to hand-in next class is expected at the time that it is due. No exceptions.
- Online portfolios (instructions for these will be given ahead in the semester).
- Final Exam: Students will have two hours to develop a concise and precise discussion on a topic that
will be given on the day of the final exam. Attendance to the final exam is compulsory and there are no
negotiations that can be made to substitute or eliminate this exam. Final Paper instructions will be
given later in the semester.
- Incompletes: Refer to University policy in relation to incompletes. Incompletes will not be assigned in
this course unless there is a valid and documented reason (i.e., medical problems). Poor work in the
course is not a valid reason. The grade earned by the student will be the grade s/he is assigned. There
will be no extra-credit option in this course to improve grades.
Evaluation Strategies : While a final, graded exam is compulsory for all students registered in INGL 3103, this
course is based primarily on writing essays, not on exams or quizzes. The below chart lists the distinct tasks
required by your instructor, the quantity of each, and the percent or number of points of the total grade these
In-class work (exercisesreadings- summaries)
Online Portfolio



150 Pts.
150 Pts.



75 Pts.



50 Pts.
75 Pts.
500 Pts.

Course Syllabus INGL 3103 Intermediate English Composition I, Semester 1, 2014

According to institutional policy, attendance to class is compulsory. It is expected that students come to class
daily and on time. The student is responsible for all of the material that was discussed and covered on the day
he/she was absent. Bear in mind that every tardiness or absence will affect your grade negatively. However,
you have three free absences (Use them wisely!). Excused absences will be counted as half () an absence, so
be sure to remember that even prolonged excused absences can still affect your grade. In addition, every
tardiness will also be counted as a quarter () of an absence, so please be sure to arrive to class in a timely
fashion. Only medical and university written excuses will be taken into consideration as valid excuses for this
course. In the case of a prolonged illness or personal issue (death of a family member or friend, school related
trip, etc.), please meet the instructor during his office hours, or contact him beforehand via email. The
following chart discusses the penalties that will be given for absences in this course:
Absences (or Equivalent)Percentage Subtracted from Final Grade
Highest Possible Grade
1 3 No Penalty 100% (A+)
4 -05.00% 95% (A)
5 -10.00% 90% (A-)
6 -20.00% 80% (B-)
7 -30.00% 70% (C-)
8 or more -50.00% 50% (F)
Appropriate Classroom Behavior
As with any course, the success of this one depends upon students abilities to work together as they explore
new issues and information. It is therefore imperative that we treat each other with respect and civility. You
are welcome to artfully disagree and engage in passionate discourse with your classmates, or myself, yet
rudeness or prejudice of any sort will not be tolerated. This course is a learning community and therefore
depends upon each of its members effectively working together to succeed .While I do understand that it is
natural for students to talk amongst themselves to a certain degree, especially while collaboratively trying to
answer questions, please refrain from speaking during class. Cell phones, texting devices, laptops, iPods, iPads,
and other disruptive electronic devices are only allowed if its use is related to the class work. I will also assume
that any student whose phone rings in class or is texting, etc. does not have enough work to do, and, again, I
am happy to assign extra work. Any disruptive material will be carefully placed under custody for the
remainder of the class.

Purchasing and Accessing the Required Text

All students should have a copy of the required text for the class by the second day of class. If you receive the
Pell Grant and it has not yet arrived, the book store offers a line of credit that allows you to purchase the book
until your grant funding arrives. To take advantage of this possibility, you must bring your ID and the bill for
your registration costs. When you receive the grant check, you will repay your debt to the bookstore.
If you do not receive the Pell Grant and cannot afford to purchase the text, you must make photocopies of all

Course Syllabus INGL 3103 Intermediate English Composition I, Semester 1, 2014

required readings from the copies of the book available on the shelves and/or on reserve in the library. There
are five copies of the text on reserve (available for one hour in the library), one reference copy (available an
unlimited time in the library) and two circulation copies (available for a two week period outside of the library)

Bibliography/Required Course Texts:

Graff, G. and Birkenstein, C. (2014). They Say/ I Say: The Moves that Matter in Academic Writing.
Ruszciewicz, J. and Dolmage, J. (2012). How to Write Anything: A Guide and Reference with Readings.
Boston: Bedford/St. Martens.

Additional Recommended Resources (These books may be accessed in The Writing Center or in the library)
Hacker, D. (2007). A Writers Reference with Extra Help for ESL Writers. 6th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martens.
Lunsford, A. (2009). The Everyday Writer. 4th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martens.
McWhorter, K. (2009). Successful College Writing. 4th ed. Bedford/St. Martens.
Raimes, Ann. Keys for Writers. 5th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2008.1
Rosen, L. (2009). The Academic Writers Handbook. 2nd ed. Boston: Pearson Longman.
Wysocki, A., and Lynch, D. (2009). The DK Writers Handbook. Boston: Pearson Longman.

Online Resources:
Blog for They Say/ I Say:
Companion Website for How to Write Anything
This website offers students a guide and reference for materials and topics addressed in the book. To use this
site you will need to register as a student. Registration is free and only takes a few moments.
How to Recognize Plagiarism Tutorial
This website provides a one to two hour tutorial created by the School of Education at the Indiana University
Bloomington to help you to understand and recognize plagiarism. It also allows you to print a certificate

This text is available in the General Library rather than in The Writing Center.

Course Syllabus INGL 3103 Intermediate English Composition I, Semester 1, 2014

upon passing a related test. Your professor may require you to turn in your signed certificate as evidence that
you have confirmed your understanding of plagiarism and how to recognize it.
The Internet Detective
a free online tutorial that will help you develop Internet research skills for your university and college work.
The tutorial looks at the critical thinking required when using the Internet for research and offers practical
advice on evaluating the quality of web sites.
The Owl at Purdue
The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue Universityhouses writing resources and instructional
materials.Students, members of the community, and users worldwide will find information to assist them
with many writing projects, during any stage of the writing process.
Rogets New Millennium Thesaurus includes a brief definition, synonyms, and antonyms (where
appropriate) for each entry. Arranged in easy-to-use dictionary-style format, with more than 18,000
TomsimoTM is an English-Spanish, Spanish-English Dictionary that makes finding words easy by automatically
searching in both languages. Tomsimo aims to provide an unabridged, bilingual dictionary for the English
and Spanish languages.
Bylaw 06-33 (Institutional Policy on Partial Exams Offered Outside of Regular Class Hours):
According to article 6 of bylaw 06-33 (Institutional Policy on Partial Exams Offered Outside of Regular Class
Hours), Partial exams offered outside of the established course period should not conflict with other classes,
laboratories, or departmental exams in the program of studies of the students registered for a course. If it is
not possible to accommodate students at the same time, or if a valid excuse is submitted by one or several
students in a timely manner prior to the exam, the principle of equity demands that these students be tested
at another time, in conditions equivalent to those of other students in the section. Article 7 indicates that
scheduling conflicts that cannot be resolved between the student and the professor can be directed to the
attention of the director or the directors of the corresponding departments, programs, or offices. Contrary to
what some professors have indicated to students, there is no reason why they should miss classes when they
confront situations like this. As such, an absence from a class due to an exam in another course will not be
According to Law 51:
All reasonable accommodations according to the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) will be coordinated with
the Dean of Students (Prof. Teresita Cruz) and in accordance with the particular needs of the student. Any

Course Syllabus INGL 3103 Intermediate English Composition I, Semester 1, 2014

student needing such accommodations should contact the Office of the Dean of Students in the Decanato de
Estudiantes building, Office DE-6 (in front of the Jos de Diego). For more information, please call (787) 2653862 or (787) 832-4040, exts. 3258 or 3274. You may also email or
Consult the Servicios a Estudiantes con Impedimentos website ( for
more details.
NB: The Dean of Students notifies the professor of accommodations that must be made for a student via a
formal letter, however students disabilities are NOT disclosed to the professor.
Departamento de Orientacin:
On the first floor of the Decanato de Estudiantes (across from the Jos de Diego building), you can access
counselors who can advise you on managing your stress, your time, and the various pressures that you might
be confronted with in your first year (or future years) at the Colegio. Don't be timid about seeking help when
you need it. Recognizing your need for help and actively seeking resources to support you is a sign of maturity.
For further information, link to or to schedule an appointment,
call (787) 832-4040, extensions 2040, 3372, or 3864. This department is open Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m.
to 4:30 p.m.
The Writing Center:
Students should take responsibility for obtaining help as needed. In addition to the instructors office hours,
the Arts and Sciences Writing Center, located at 323 Celis. The Writing Center supports all reading and writing
needs including the reading of texts, vocabulary development, pre-writing, drafting, content development,
organization, and the preparation of final drafts.
Academic Honesty:
As per Cert. 45, 2005-06, it is the institutional policy of the Mayagez Campus to observe the highest
standards of intellectual and scientific integrity and to pursue the prosecution of all violations. Violations
include plagiarism (using the work, processes, ideas, and results of others without proper credit). Moreover,
Article 14(A)(2) of the UPR General Regulations for Students identifies cheating as a punishable conduct.
As such, a professor may present a formal complaint to the Campus Disciplinary Board if she or he believes a
student has committed plagiarism. If the professor pursues this line of action, Article 15 of the UPR General
Regulations for Students stipulates that the repercussions may be the following:
A written warning which will be included in the students official record
Probation for a determined period of time
Suspension for a determined period of time
Administrative permanent withdrawal from the UPR system
Other sanctions provided by special regulation

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