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William Wiseman
Rebecca Agosta
UWRT 1102-002
3 November 2014
Annotated Bibliography
What is the effect of IQ on peoples lives and mind? How does it interact with Identity?

Bhasin, Eric Goldschein and Kim. "11 Uncomfortable Facts About How IQ Affects Your Life."
Business Insider. Business Insider, Inc, 22 Nov. 2011. Web. 29 Oct. 2014.
Goldschein mentions the affect of IQ (intelligence quotient) on certain people. He
specifically states that hard work is in vain, IQ scores will always override esoteric
pursuits. As humans, it is thought that more work will make ones life better; however, it
turns out many factors throughout our lives can be affected by IQ scores. It has been
proven that 65%-75% of genes can determine IQ. Therefore, certain environmental
factors deter the score by a couple points, but in comparison high scores are inherited
from birth. Studies have also shown that any job is feasible with higher IQ. The argument
is that IQ is a much more determining factor in life than expected. Overall it can lead to
emotional and physical changes that can distinguish ones life from another. This greatly
increases research capability of this assessment, for IQ can be linked with life
possibilities. I learned that my hypothesis is correct that IQ is linked genetically and can
establish certain emotional responses/abilities in life. This source is credible since it is
from a current trusted business journal and has sources from universities to support
research. Furthermore, the journal supports my suspicions of the IQ tests and opens the

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possibility that it is an inaccurate measurement of Job/School capability. However it acts

as a double edge sword towards my research as well; IQ is genetically determined leaving
those with poor genes in a rut of mental arrestation. This research piece has shown that
IQ has an effect on all of us, since the beginning of our lives.

Why is it so important to have IQ? What are the effects of having a low score?

What is the consequence emotionally of having a low score?

Lerner, Harriet, Ph.D. "The Truth About Your IQ." Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness
+ Find a Therapist. Psychology Today, 18 Sept. 2011. Web. 29 Oct. 2014.
This source contains an anecdote about a young girl ashamed of her average IQ. She
scored a 109 and struggled with that for the majority of her life. Whenever she did poorly
on a test or failed miserably at something, she blamed her low IQ score. Her average IQ
had become a crutch for her life. She had to be reassured by a therapist 20 years later that
the Intelligence Quotient does not measure mental capacity. The argument of this
anecdote is that having a low score can predestine someones reaction to failure. Most
modern day business leaders agree that success is built from failure. The IQ test can
become a mental crutch for permanent failure. My research can be based from this story
alone. I learned that tests are having an impact on the youthful minds of today, who are
haunted by past SAT, ACT, and IQ scores. The resource is highly credible because it
consists of a personal story written by a credible therapist. In my final paper I wish to
write more about the psychological changes that occur after test taking and whether or
not it is a treatable disorder.

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Are there more facets to intelligence than tests and quizzes? What about social
interactions and creativity? What disorders can arise for test taking (panic attacks,

Why is IQ an Important thing?

Wiseman, William J. "Why Is IQ an Important Test and Why Do We Seek to Put Our
Children in a Category (with IQ Test, SAT, Etc.)?" Interview. Yahoo Answers.
N.p., 26 Oct. 2014. Web. 2 Nov. 2014.
This personal survey received 10 responses, short answer, that allowed me to
view why people take the IQ test. Some were forced by parents; others took the
IQ test out of their own volition. One commenter said that IQ is useless without
structured wisdom and common sense. The most noticeable response stated, The
only reason I can think of is pride and bragging to everyone. It is more important
to have common sense to deal with every day issues. You can solve more with
common sense then with a high IQ. The argument made is that IQ is useless in a
world where common sense is necessary for survival. If the human population
was to be eradicated, people with high IQs would no longer be viewed as
intelligent. The theme of the mind has shifted from the mental survival to mental
intelligence. The common theme among the posts was this, that common sense
carries much more weight intellectually than IQ. The information drawn from this
survey yielded a change in attitude towards the IQ test. This changes my research
from why is IQ important to how it is IQ important. For my final paper, I will use
the anecdote above to show possible psychological effects from certain tests, but I

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will use the survey results to balance the opinion. I think the IQ test is a
psychological battle, not a physical one. The test can determine intelligence in
certain areas; however, is this intelligence absurdly false? It behooves me to
discover if this emotional reaction to tests is a legitimate cause for concern. Yes a
reaction to tests has been discovered but does it mean anything? Is the fear of
failure imposed by fear of consequences? The source is credible because I
conducted the survey and collected the results. I am a credible person.

How is IQ related to Identity after it is taken? Does it become a legitimate part of a

person or a hidden ego/despair one hides?
IQ in question the historical context of IQ

Howe, Michael J. A. IQ in Question: The Truth about Intelligence. London: Sage

Publications, 1997. Print.
Since the beginning, man has always tried to find value in his existence. This is
known as a belonging, an identity to the world. In response to this calling, Alfred
Binet, the creator of the IQ test, supposedly came up with a legitimate way to
measure the effectiveness of a human mind. After the Renaissance, intelligence
was valued much more than survival. The smart became valued and was
measured as a success. However, as mentioned in this book, that is not the case.
IQ does not measure intelligence. Female beauty is something that has always
existed; however, it takes presence in many different forms. What I find
attractive, someone else may not. The same is true for the measurement scale of

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the IQ test; it measures only one kind of beauty in a manner of speaking. It

describes your relationship with Alfred Binets ideal mind and mannerisms,
something that died with him over 200 years ago. Times have changed as
technology has improved, and likewise so had mental values. The source I used
was a book; it was credible due to its absurd amount of research which I cross
checked with certain Google sites. My favorite anecdote is about a man accused
of fraud and stealing from a bank. When taken to court, a psychologist argued that
since his IQ was below 80 (average at the time was 100) it would have been
impossible for him to rob a bank. He certainly did not have the intelligence to do
so. However with outstanding evidence he was convicted. The man spoke 4
languages, won thousands of card games, and gained a massive amount of capital
sum. I question why he had a low IQ score and why it was brought up in court.
This helps my research by pointing out IQ is like a measuring tape. It can measure
a one dimensional line perfectly (obvious intelligence), but has difficulty
measuring the volume of an object (different kind of intelligence).

How has that view of one-dimensional thinking changed over the past 100 years?

What social-economic factors affect an IQ score?

Greenspan, Stanley. "Intelligence Quotient Scores of 4-Year-Old Children: SocialEnvironmental Risk Factors." No Records. Pediatrics, 20 May 1986. Web. 2 Nov.
The Pediatric database provided excellent data from studies conducted with 4 year
children relating to IQ. The study was conducted on 215 four year olds and

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yielded interesting data. The study found that no single factor affected the results
of IQ scores. Their argument was that children with high-risk homes
(economically depressed, abusive family, etc.) are more at risk for a lower score.
This is an understandable notion. With this data I can support my research and
reduce fabrication. This source is more for data than anything else. The primary
purpose is to also eliminate personal opinion. It is credible because it is located in
a vast scientific library backed by many sources and scientists. It contains
numerical values and very little textual data.

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