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As a daybook keeper, I can address what I think is good and poor with my daybook. [\^.XrE^il
find myself to do the daybook readings and entries by each class period. By only having
one day per week, I find it to sometimes be an issue with remembering to do my
However, to remedy my forgetfulness, I simply just do the entries after my class on that same
night. By doing the entries on the same night, I am guaranteed to get the work done for the next
class. I feel that the quality of my work could improve. Since writing in college differs from that
in high school, my writing seems to echo that of my high school years. Interpreting the reading
, Y-p"d then formulating answers for the given questions can prove to be difficult for me at times.
*f,STtre amount of rigor might not be up to expectations for this course; therefore, I give myself a C
in the daYbook entries.




In order to gain a better understanding of the UWRT course and improve in the
categories that I lack in, such as daybook entries, I fry to apply myself completely during class. I
often find myself raising my hand and asking questions about the given topic. Having a class
only once per week; attending every class is crucial for success in my eyes. Discontinuity in
attendance can lead to missing out on prime information. I try my best to attend every class so I
can have an advantage in getting my work done. I always come prepared for class by doing
assigned homework and readings to fully be absorbed in the discussion for the day. Work for
next class m
is always done on the same night as the last class. Where I do find myself to
lacking would be in group work. I find myself to be better off by myself than in a group. With
that in mind, I think that an above average grade of a B is best suited for

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My overall performance in the class would be on the average side. I find a vast
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difference between writing in high school and in college. The adjustment may not be completely fl
there. My overall performance is on the average side.
Whenever I am sitting by myself and writing, the mood I'm in almost completely dictates
the influences in my witing. The recent events in my life play a very big role in the writing I put
out. People who I have talked to, places I have been, and media that I consume help shape my
vwiting. For example, if I watch the news and something sparks my attention, I will mention it in
writing or speech. I agree that we aren't writing alone. Writing by itself is a fabric of society.
Society made language to help communicate to one another. Speech and writing are the things
that intrigue me the most. This can be a struggle for me since it can be hard to remember or
interpret things that don't have anything in common with me.

I found that my first daybook entry really

stood out to me. It was interesting to see my

writing from the beginning of the semester to what it is now. This daybook enty talked about my
personal writing style based on mood and my world around me. The entry made me think about
my writing that I normally don't on a daily basis.

Although I would like to consider myself as a participationist, I would generally fall

under not being one. However, this would mean that I would not participate in class discussions.

This includes, but not limited to, providing feedback in class, giving suggestions to a problem,
and adding new discussion topics to an idea. If one is shy, one can look to someone that appears
friendly in class. I would talk to someone who is constantly raising their hand or providing

I picked this entry because I thought that it displayed my ideas of participating in class.
Since it already asks me to be gradod based on participation, I thought it would be perfect to use
this example to highlight my participation skills.
By having two or more memories of the same event allows me to have a different
perspective on the memory. I might have a different view as a child compared to what my
parents thought. For example, I remember my grandmother to be the happiest person I ever
knew. Later on, by my parents, I found out that she was dying from cancer. A different view on
something can always change your view on it.

I picked this example because it displayed something that can relate to everyone. It is like
remembering your first car; back then you thought it was amazing, now it is kind of a hunk of
junk when you remember it. This topic struck me since finding out different things about a
memory from someone else happens to me often.

My first party in high school

"It will

be fun,, they said

'oYou'll be missing out!" they said

"Stop being a little bitch"
What is the worst that could happen?

I'm not driving, I should be fine

My friends have me
I know I can trust them
Now the party is over
And yet I haven't had a single ounce

I kept my world, just like you said

And now, I'm on the ground mom, dead
Although I did work in a group for my poem, I made an independent one. I made my
poem based on what I heard on the news that night. A person was kiiled by a drunk driver.
Therefore, I created my poem based on that topic of drunk driving. As horrid as it is, I feel as if


is a topic worth mentioning. So many people die by being struck by a dnmk driver. That is uihat
exacfly happens in this poem.



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