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Fiche bibliographique

Question de recherche :
Quelles sont des histoires de succs pour ce programme?
Source: Site Web

Date de consultation :
Le 2 dcembre 2014

Adresse internet / bibliographie complte :

:Pikes Peak Therapeutic Riding Center, (Page consult le 2 dcembre 2014), PPTRC Success
stories, [En ligne] Adresse :
Source primaire / secondaire / tertiaire :
she has demonstrated increased ability to plan fine motor movementsSo the speech
production that she was able to accomplish was amazing and I know she felt a great sense of
pride and confidence that she was able to communicate like this
Elle a autisme et son apraxie est disconnecteur de son cerveau.
Alissa a une jaunisse srieuse et un dfet de cur.
progress in the areas of balance and posture with an ever-increasing confidence and maturity
level in her capability to control and communicate with her horse. Riding a horse provides a
processing factor that cant be duplicated, rehearsed or manipulated
What hippotherapy (therapy that uses the movement of the horse) has done for Bill is improved
his balance and increased his endurance making it easier for him to walk and work longer. It has
also helped fulfill a life-long dream.
In Bills own words, They call Disneyland the happiest place on earth, but I think the
happiest place on earth is Pikes Peak Therapeutic Riding Center. Thank you.
Diagnose avec trouble de l'intgration sensorial, Il a aussi un retard de parler et langue, il a
malheureusement plusieurs caractristiques davoir dautisme.
His therapist recommended that he try hippotherapy (therapy on horseback) as a supplement to
his weekly speech therapy sessions. He started with Angela. I was immediately amazed at how
much more focused and attentive he was on the horse. His progress with speech increased
dramatically. He quickly learned on, under, behind, in front.
One day Angela told me my son was doing so well, she was going to move on to function of
objects. If you asked my son what do you do with a fork he would just repeat fork. He did not
make the proper associations. My immediate thought was oh boythis should be a challenge for
Well I was in complete shock when she returned to the side of the area and told me he got them
all right. I honestly thought I misheard her. It was a huge breakthrough for him. On the way
home I asked my son about function and he was able to demonstrate that he retained what he had
learned on horseback.

Source fiable? Oui Non

Cest fiable, car lobjectivit est bien sur la piste. Aussi, lauteur est aussi une Centre dquitation
thrapeutique officiel, donc, ils sont une source fiable.

Opinion personnelle / utilit pour le projet:

a va dmontrer limportance des centres thrapeutique dans nos communauts et leur impact
sur les autres.

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