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Antonio Page

EDUC 1301
1. What are some popular ideas about what young people consider to be important? What
are your own views? How do the opinions of others those you hold square with in studies
that have been made of their attitudes? How do you account for any discrepancies?
There is a definite mixture for the desire of instant gratification for students, which can be
traced in many of the things they do; social networking, recreational technologies,
creativity, etc.. However, the generations ahead face challenges that previous ones would
never contemplate facing in the future; even now students must learn complex methods
of utilizing technologies, their minds consistently stretching over the vastness of the tools
at their disposal (i.e. internet, smart-phones, and computer applications). While at a
young age, they hold these tools important and dear, they tend to procrastinate the bigger
things that stand in their path and wait until later on when it really accounts. While other
views, even those leveled with my studies, tend to focus on the negativity of their
procrastination, I find that it has positive factors. The Last Minute Rush does not
guarantee full results as it would if efforts were to be even distributed over time, but they
help the singularity of the mind brainstorm at faster rates, stretching intellect as well as
physical determination and stamina. Each time they accomplish these fees in smaller time
frames, their minds adjust to these situations, the quality improving as they practice.
What they were expected to accomplish in two weeks, they had done so within the course
of a night, per se. From the perspective of a generation that took time with things, a new
generation that excels in the rush of accomplishing big tasks in the fraction of time they
could; it would easily frighten anyone.

Antonio Page
EDUC 1301
2. You will find that large numbers of your learners parents and guardians hold down fulltime jobs, so many of the young people you teach may spend a considerable amount of
each day in day-care centers. As a resul.t of heavy work obligations, some of your
parents and guardians may not have spent adequate time teaching their children about
appropriate patterns of behavior. To what extent should you feel obligated to deal with
this situation by spending time in your classes teaching basic social skills and acceptable
behavior patterns to your students? How would you allocate time between this kind of
teaching and the teaching of traditional academic content?
Younger generations will lack the family values that earlier 20th century generations
would. Though this proves that they will not have the traditional values of behavior and
philosophy handed down to them, they will adapt skills to process situations and mold
themselves on the account of the events they experience. The mind often processes things
better if it were placed into a scenario by its own fault or purpose, not if it is told what to
do in these situations. For example, if a teenage boy has a crush on a girl and wants to
show his affection by making her cry in the middle of class, pause for a moment and
allow the class to hang silent. Give the class an example of what you were currently
teaching as an example, and call them both to give you their perspectives. The girl tells
you what happened, and the boy does as well. Even you dont have to tell them what will
transpire afterwards. Everyone will see what happened, and sympathize with the girl,
understanding she was in a moment of pain and frown upon the boy. The boy, noticing
that everyone seems to disprove of him, will notice almost instinctively that the choice
had chosen was not the correct one. Hopefully, he will apologize to the girl on his own,
and never put himself in any sort of situation like that ever again and find other means to

Antonio Page
EDUC 1301
display his affection. The girl will learn to allow things to unfold as they would, that even
bad deeds are punished on their own.
3. For over a quarter century, there has been an increase in the percentage of Americans
under the age of 18 who live in poverty. What are your speculations regarding why this
trend has developed? Based on your own understanding of present social trends, do you
expect poverty rate amongst children and young people to increase or decrease over the
next decade? Why?
A Texas government professor of mine stated these words, Once people obtain a high
position, they often want to shut the door behind them.. Part of the problem is politics,
social reform, basically everything that happens within a state. But the main fact is that
despite all that happens, minors have no control over this. They cannot help if their
family is scraping by, or that they cannot afford everything they need for school.
However, the message that many movies gave us rich are happy in wealth, the poor are
rich in happiness does not apply to many of the people who have been poor and have
the drive to never be in that situation ever again. My own father lived in poverty, and has
done everything in his power to let me experience a life free of it. If younger generations
adapt this mentality, I honestly know for a fact the poverty line for younger generations
will be much lower.
4. One of your major tasks as a teacher will be to promote a strong sense of efficacy in each
of the young people you each. You also need to develop your own professional sense of
efficacy. As you assess your present level of development, how do you see your strengths
and weaknesses? Specifically, what are some things you can do to turn these weaknesses

Antonio Page
EDUC 1301
into strengths to gain the confidence and competence you will need when you begin your
teaching career?
I want students to know their capacity of greatness through stories of past and fantasy;
Ulysses, who united a nation divided by two flags into one. Hercules, who ascended even
the gods as only a man. One mind, one mission, one purpose can change the course of
history. I want students to know they have the capacity to make a generation exceed their
own limitations. Either it being to make America great again, to ascend beyond the stars,
terraforming worlds in our image; their generation will be the definition of efficiency. I
want them to know the future they craft is not a responsibility given to them due to our
failure to overcome them ourselves (the opposite of what teachers told us when we were
young), but it is the destiny they craft for themselves. While it may be shortsighted, I
want to instill the confidence for students to hold onto their goals. To defy the limitations
placed upon them, and show the world their story; their purpose.
5. Some working parents may not spend adequate time teaching their children about
appropriate behavior. Should you spend class time teaching social skills and
acceptable behavior?
Though it is not honest the responsibility of the teacher to teach students how to act
properly, we can at least have the curtesy of teaching them common sense and manners.
For example, opening doors for people other than themselves, helping those who drop
things, say thank you and what not; just standardized social norms that will later in life
have people admire them for. I think thats one benefit of living in a pragmatic
traditionalistic culture such as Texas, we all were taught how to be courteous, mindful,

Antonio Page
EDUC 1301
and polite. I want to instill that mentality, as my Texans before me, in the generations of
students I teach. Perhaps give small increments of class time about manners.
6. For decades, the number of children who live in poverty has increased. Do you expect
this trend to continue? Why or why not?
Not really, at least in the demographic of individuals I have been exposed to. While the
generations that have been in poverty have had little to no control over the status of class
they have been in, I think in the future they will desire to obtain the power to prevent a
re-doing of history. My father is a living example of these future generations. He came
from a very unprivileged family, and he wanted to do everything possible from
preventing that life from ever reaching his children; my sister and myself. I believe this
mentality can be instilled into younger generations, if it is not already instinctively
placed. It is part of human nature, after all, to seek improve and innovation.
7. How will you help students with varied cultural, ethnic, social, and economic
backgrounds develop positive self-concepts while promoting a common commitment to
democratic values?
Well, to be honest, I will be the one with varied cultural, ethnic, social, and economic
backgrounds, as I will be teaching overseas; but I will try to promote stories of how
underdogs in American culture climbed to the top. Even show them movies, like Pursuit
of Happiness, Jobs, anything of that sort. Power lies in difference, I want them to know
that their background is not a disadvantage, but an advantage. Embracing their language
and culture could mean a bigger paycheck in their future, after all.
8. How will you respond to critics who argue that gifted learners are already advantaged
and do not need further support?

Antonio Page
EDUC 1301
Oh, so what youre saying is, because they have talent for these certain fields that they
dont have to obtain skills to develop an adequate work ethic? There are many stories of
folks with great talent for art staying the way they are for years only to be trumped by
others with no artistic background, but a long history of work hard at it. They may be
advantaged now, but if we dont sustain that advantage, theyre going to be knocked
back to be a regular student.

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