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The Subjunctive

A.The synthetical subjunctive

1.The Present Subjunctive

Este identic cu infinitivul scurt al verbului, este socotit vechi, pretentios

si nu se foloseste in limba contemporana
Apare in urari(expresii fixe)

Far be it from me! (departe de

Be that as it may!
Suffice it to say that...
Good bye!(God be with you!)
God forgive/bless you!

Apare dupa impresii impersonale

It is natural that they should


It is natural that they come.

Dupa advise, to recommend...should

They suggest that he should

They suggest him to read.

They suggest that he read.

2.The Past Present Subjunctive

Identic cu Past Tense ul verbului (to be/were)

Apare dupa constructii ipotetice
In conditional tip II

3.The Past Perfect Subjunctive

Identic cu Past Perfect-ul verbului

Apare dupa wish, if only, as if, as thought, even if, even thought

B.The Analythical Subjunctive

Format dintr-un verb modal(shall, should, would, may, mught, could)

Este mai des folosit si apare atat in propozitia secundara cat si in
propozitia principala.

Prozitia principala

Propozitia secundara

Shall I help you? (oferta)

Amenintare (informal

Propozitia principala

Propozitia secundara

Why should I go there?

In conditional tip I si II
Dupa constructii ipotetice

In completiva directa
In propozitia de scop

Propozitia principala
exprima o urare:
May all your dreams
come true!

Propozitia secundara
Dupa constructii
impersonale: it is/was
possible, probable, likely

Oh, that they might win!

In propozitia concesiva
In propozitia de scop

In propozitia secundara dupa wish si if only

Exprima scopul ca o alternativa a lui may/might, could
avand un grad mai mare de siguranta
I studied so that I might pass the exam (but I didnt).
I studied so that I could pass the exam (I am a student).

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