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Name : ___________________________________________________

Topic: Math Word Problems Percentage of a Quantity
Contributor : RFAquino

DIRECTIONS: Answer each question.

of it and the rest was kept in the pantry. What percentage

1. Byron bought a sack of rice grains. He cooked

of the sack of rice grains was cooked?

2. Ninin bought 750 g of ground pork. She used 450 g to make lumpia Shanghai and the rest was made into
meat sauce for Spaghetti. What percentage of the ground pork was made into meat sauce?

3. Neds monthly allowance is Php 2500. He saves Php1000 and spends the rest on his meals. What
percentage of his money does he spend on food?

4. Nike Park store is currently on sale. A 30% discount is given to any item. The original price of the Kobe 9
basketball shoes was Php 6 900. How much was the sale price of the Kobe 9 shoes?

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