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1. They have to employ some ......................................stuff before Christmas. (ADD)
2. Parents should have a lot of ......................................with their children. (PATIENT)
3. Ben is such an ............................................person. Hes too nervous. (PATIENT)
4. I like this car. Its stable and .................................................(RELY)
5. His room is always in a mess. Hes so ...........................................(TIDY)
6. Why didnt you invite him to the party? It was very ........................................of you!
7. There was a the National Museum last
month. (EXHIBIT)
8. He was ............................................when he saw the pyramid. (AMAZE)
9. Alice is totally....................................... She should do something about her looks.
10. The monument was ............................................... . (IMPRESS)
11. I cant sit on this chair any more. Its so.........................................(COMFORT)
12. In Britain a must. (POLITE)
13. Watching TV is his favourite ...............................................(ENTERTAIN)
14. .............................................hell manage to get the job. (HOPE)
15. Why dont you throw this watch away? Its .....................................(USE)
16. Hes been cheating on his wife for a long time. Hes always been ..............................
17. What is the .............................................between these two pictures? (DIFFER)
18. They had a lot of the past, but now theyre
getting on quite well. (UNDERSTAND)
19. In your house, mine is ugly. (COMPARE)
20. This engine is more .............................................than the previous. (POWER)
21. Money isnt a guarantee for ..........................................(HAPPY)
22. Significant .......................................has been made in the research. (IMPROVE)
23. In the future people will have a wider ................................of TV programmes.
24. The party turned out to be a great ...........................................(DISAPPOINT)
25. The ........................................of this matter has been overrated. (IMPORTANT)
26. The steam engine was the most important the Industrial
Revolution. (INVENT)
27. Nikola Tesla was a great ................................and .....................................

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