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Ms. Asaro & Mr.

Greens Policy and Procedure Manual

2014-2015 School Year
Core Math Classes
What will you need to bring?
Math Folder
Entering the Classroom
Beginning 15-20 Minutes
During the Lesson: Remaining Time
Exiting the Classroom at the End of the Period
Warm-Up Tracking Sheets
Class Dojo Points and Awards
Getting out of your seat/Leaving the classroom
Classroom Jobs
How we treat each other
Homework and Test Reviews
Tests and Quizzes

What Will You Need To Bring?

For Ms. Asaro & Mr. Greens Core Math class, you will DEFINITELY need
the following items with you EACH day:
Math Folder With Paper
Pencils with erasers
School Planner
Handheld Sharpener
Positive Attitude
For Ms. Asaro & Mr. Greens Core Math class, you will DEFINITELY need
the following items with you MOST days as applies:
Homework on date it is due
Warm-Up Tracking Sheet until it is collected
Whiteboard Markers
For Ms. Asaro & Mr. Greens Core Math class, you will NEVER need the
following items in your backpack:
Math Textbook (stays at home)
Math Workbook (stays in classroom)

Math Folder
Your Math Folder needs to have 2 pockets and clips in the middle
section, to be set up in the following way:
Front Pocket~
o Classwork handouts to be kept until collected
Warm-Up Tracking Sheet
WKBK Pages
o Test Reviews
Test Reviews will be collected on test day
Keep them in your folder until then to help you study for
Middle Clips~
o Large Blank Paper Supply (nothing comes out)
Each page represents a lesson
Front side is for lesson notes
Back side is for lesson HW assignment
Paper is to be set up as follows:
Work is numbered and goes in the main space
Answers are numbered and go in the margin
Back Pocket~
o Small Blank Paper Supply
When a quick piece of paper is needed (generally just for
o Graded Papers
Go here just for the period and get shown to your
parents when you take it out that night. Dont let graded
papers live here

Entering the Classroom

When you enter the classroom, heres what is expected:
Allow students from previous class to exit before trying to enter.
o Wait in as much of a line as possible near the wall while others
exit the room from the period before you (not a random mob
of people blocking the hallway/doorway )
Greet your teachers politely at the door as you enter
o Please do not ask about what you missed from an absence now,
that is for another time.
o Please realize there are many students trying to enter and
exit in 3-4 minutes, so I really cant offer hardly any one on
one time at this moment-thanks for understanding
Once you are in the door, take a seat and organize your materials.
o Pencils & Sharpener out (sharpen as needed)
o Math folder out (opened to last nights HW)
o Planner out (begin writing HW)

Beginning 15-20 Minutes

Once the late bell rings, all students are seated with materials prepared
and class will begin in the following ways:
Warm-Up assignment will be given and the ActivExpression's timer
will run for 10 minutes. During that time
o Students
Make sure tonights HW is written in planner
Get as far as possible on Warm-Up
Attendance Manager does Dojo Attendance
Planner Manager will check peers' planners for writing
down the homework.
Supply Manager will check peers for having the right
Not RR time, class change is a great time for this

Checking each person individually for homework credit
Please note, students, this is not the time to explain why
something is not hereeither its here or not here and
the points will show accordingly

Next 5-10 Minutes

o Going over a random Warm-Up Answer and HW Answers. If
you have questions about any of the problems, please ask now,
as the HW assignments is a key resource you have when
studying for tests.

During the Lesson: Remaining Time

Once we have finished the beginning stuff, Dojo Points will be
awarded from my earlier check-in point. Watch & Enjoy
After Dojo Points are up, the Dojo will stay active for any points that
are earned on the spot during the lesson. The following explains how
things will go during the lesson itself:
Students are expected to have out the following materials
o Folder (using paper in center clip for notes)
o Pencil with handheld sharpener to use as needed
Students are expected to participate in the following ways
o Keep up with Warm-Up Tracking Sheet (explained later)
o Keep up with Class Notes & try every example problem
What if youre stuck on a problem?
o Look back at the example(s) youve already written
o Talk with your seat buddy about it
o Let a helper know youre stuck if seated or pick a friend to go
to the board with you if youre called forward
o Ask me questions after Ive gone over it if still stuck

do you make it fun and interactive for us to learn math?

Sometimes students work problems out on the board
Sometimes challenges become Corner Questions
Sometimes students walk around and help if checked
Often stand up when you finish and we compare answers
Sometimes use ActivExpression texting/voting devices

Exiting the Classroom at the End of the Period

The teacher dismisses you, NOT the bell.
o If someone (student or teacher) is in the middle of speaking
when the bell rings, give them the courtesy to finish speaking
o Once they finish, and the teacher gives you permission, pack
your materials quickly and head to your next class.
o Youll know it is okay to exit once I say youre dismissed
Please make your exit as quick as possible to get to your next
period and to make way for my next class to enter.
Special Note for Period 7: Please stack the chair on top of the desk
before exiting as you are my last class of the day
Warm-Up Tracking Sheets
Beginning of period will be Warm-Up using the ActiveExpressions
o Warm-Up will consist of 12 questions
There will be 1 challenge question and sometimes a
few skip questions
The students will record on the Warm-Up Tracking
Sheet if they got the answer correct or incorrect
Correct Answers will receive a smiley face or
In correct answer will receive an X

Class Dojo Points and Awards

This is a program that should be exciting and fun for all of us (you, me,
and your parents)
Students earn Dojo Points for Positives, possibly including:
o Correct Challenge Question, Going Above and Beyond, Effort
on HW, Great job at board, HW recorded in Planner, Having all
supplies, and Positive Participationplease note these can be
updated at the teachers discretion but is a great starting
Students lose Dojo Points for areas Needing Improvement:
o Disrespect, Missing HW Assignment, Missing Basic Supplies,
Missing Student Planner, Off Task, and Relocated to back of
room (behavior) please note that these also can be updated
at the teachers discretion as needed
As students reach a predetermined level of Dojo Points, they will
be able to receive the privileges:
o 33 points = Homework Pass
o 66 points = Comfy Chair Pass
o 99 Points = Computer Pass during Warm-Up/Beginning Time
After 100 points, the award will be given at 133, 166,
199, 233, 266, 299...etc..
Students and Parents will get Dojo Codes to log on from home.
Students can change Avatars and check points as often as youd
like. Parents can check points and progress.

Getting Out of Your Seat

Students with assigned jobs will know when to do their tasks and
can get up to do their job without my permission.
No student is to be out of their seat while the teacher is speaking.
That student is missing something that is being said and other
students will be distracted by movement.
When the teacher is not speaking, students may get up if we have
given them permission. Pencil sharpening should not be needed, as
you should have your own sharpener at your desk.
Good news! There will be some chances to get out of your seat
during the lesson (Corner Challenges, Stand with your answer,
Randomly picked to go to the board, Helping)
Leaving the Classroom
Students can leave the classroom with permission only.
o No one will be given permission to leave while the teacher is
addressing the class (going over answers, teaching the
lesson, or any other significant activity) or during the first
15-20 minute activities/answers
o Students will be given permission during partner time or
board time in the lesson once they have completed the
question that others are working on.
If a student is called to the office or is ill, exceptions to the
above guidelines will be made

Classroom Jobs
Daily Class Jobs
For each cycle, each row will be given a daily class job. Students
in each row will be assigned a number 1-6. Each student will get a
chance to complete the assigned class job during each cycle. The
assigned number for the day will appear on the Job Wall.
o Attendance Manager
Takes attendance on Dojo board by pressing who is
Job is done during Warm-Ups every day
o Board Manager
Writes names as called and erases the boards when
problems are finished
Job is done whenever we call students to the front
o Supply Manager
Checks to see if each student has the required supplies
(pencil, paper, and math folder) for the class
Job is done after the student finishes the Warm-Up
o Planner Manager
Checks to see if each student has written down the
homework for the day
Job is done after the student finishes the Warm-Up
All Year Class Jobs
o Policy Managers
These students will have to be VERY familiar with the
policies and comfortable presenting it to a new
student in the class
Job is done whenever a new student comes or if a
classmate is confused about something throughout the
school year

Classroom Jobs Continued

o Assignment Log Manager (Very organized and detailed
Takes extra handout(s) for whoever is absent and
writes their name on it-paper goes in designated class
folder pocket
Lists each day what assignments I checked, collected,
or passed out in the Assignment Log
Job is done anytime an assignment is passed out,
checked, or collected. The folder will stay at your
desk for the period and be returned to me before you

How We Treat Each Other

Key word #1 is RESPECT
o We believe in showing respect to our students and would
appreciate it from you in return
o If a person makes a mistake or asks a question, there is
absolutely NO laughing or name calling.
You might be the next person to be wrong or ask a
Nobody likes to be made fun of
We are ALL human and will make mistakes
Yes, this includes the teacher too
Key word #2 is ACCEPTANCE
o Everybody in this classroom has something to offer and is
important to our learning
o When groups/partners are assigned, there is no grunting,
rolling eyes, or rude noises about who youre working with
o Girls, guys are students like you so learn with them
o Guys, girls are students like you so learn with them
o Nobody has cooties if you sit beside them
Get to know your partner(s), you may have something in
common with each other
They may become one of your friends
You will probably be able to solve some math problems
together while you are partners
o When someone does something right, we recognize them for a
job well done in a sincere waynot silly about it
o If someone is having a rough time, dont embarrass them
about the situation or ask them a bunch of questions. Be
there for them if they ask for your help, but give them their
bubble without irritating them if they dont ask

Homework and Test Reviews

Homework is generally assigned every night except Fridays
o Amount of Textbook Questions usually 9-15 problems

Textbook HW is due the next time that the class meets

o Points are given based upon how much work is shown
o Good work space for all questions = Good HW grade
o Empty work space and missing answers = Low grade
o Each Textbook HW is worth 4 grade points a piece
Regular credit (4) if complete and on time
Partial credit is given for partial effort (1-3)
Bonus sometimes given for outstanding effort (5)
If HW is not with you on due date, receive a 0
Late credit is 2 HW pts or less another day
You have to show me late paper for credit
Late credit no Dojo point, but helps grade
Entered into grades as a combined HW grade every 35 HW assignments
o Dojo Points and Textbook Homework Grade Points
HW Completion (3,4,5) HW pts. +1 Dojo point
HW Completion (0,1,2) HW pts. -1 Dojo point

Test Review HW Assignment

o Test Reviews are worth 10-15 points each
o More questions but given more time to complete
o Due on the day of the test/quiz for full credit
Incomplete/Missing -1 Dojo Point
Complete/On Time +1 Dojo Point

Tests and Quizzes

Tests and Quizzes are not meant to be a surprise and will always
be announced ahead of time
Grades differ for a Test and a Quiz
o Tests-100 Points and about 25 Questions
o Quizzes-50 Points and about 15 Questions
Tests and Quizzes usually have Bonus Questions
o You never lose points if you miss Bonuses
o Points are added to your grade for correct answers on the
Bonus Questionsalways try to answer these

Be patient with me while Mr. Green and I grade your tests

o There are several of you and one of me
o Mr. Green and I believe in partial credit, so we will look closely
at your answers/work to consider how close you answer was

What if you dont finish a test or you were absent?

o YOU are responsible to come back to finish the test
o You will NOT be sent out of regular class to work on it,
because then you are missing the current information and
fall even further behind.
o A good time to see me is in the morning when you arrive to
school (9:05-9:25)
What happens if you dont come back to finish?
o Blank answers are marked wrong (low test grade)
o You lose a Dojo Point for not coming back to finish

I know this is hard to believe, but (GASP) class still happens even
if you miss a day with us.
What happens if you miss a day of class?
o You miss the instruction of a lesson and unfortunately this
can not be made up if you miss it
You CAN look at the examples in the textbook or
borrow a friends notes to try and understand what
you missed
o You are responsible for checking in with Mr. Green or me in
the morning when you return (9:05-9:25) for make-up work
that was passed out, checked, or collected
Please do NOT ask me in class about make-up work, as
there are 20+ other students in class who WERE here
and shouldnt have to wait while I get you caught up
during class time
Please do NOT rely on your BFFs to get you
completely caught up, as I may have a paper for you in
the class folder or need to check your HW. They can
be helpful in filling you in on some things though
Long story short, please come see me the next
morning when you miss my class to get caught up
o You miss Dojo Points that are given out that day, since you
cant gain points if you arent in class to earn them
District Policies are in place for school attendance too

Technology Resources
Teacher Websites
o Your teachers each have a website where you can see your
HW, Tests, and other Assignments for each class
o District software program where you and your parents can
see your grades in each class as the teacher enters it into
the electronic gradebook
Classroom Technology
o Promethean Board-Interactive Whiteboard that shows
things projected from the computer
o ELMO Projector-Shows papers and other objects that are
not on the computer
o Microphone-Projects the teachers voice so everyone can
hear at the same volume in the room
o ActivExpressions-A few sets throughout the school, used
for voting/texting answers
Textbook is available online (
o See the book anywhere there is Internet
o Video Tutorials for each textbook lesson
I Love TechnologyEspecially When It Works

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