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Topic: IMF- Loan Reform and Debt Forgiveness


1. Basic facts of issue:

Discuss the global economic crisis, why countries need IMF loans (balance of
payments problems), why some countries have difficulties paying off loans.
The current global growth falls short of expectations in a large part of the

Economic growth in Europe is stagnant and quickly decelerating in emerging

market economies.

While economic growth is the United States continues to strengthen and

growth in developing countries is driven be infrastructure, investment,
consumption, and exports.

Financial stability is disturbing the current economic balance among

international countries.

As a result, some countries need IMF loans in order to address domestic

problems and to create global financial stability.

2. Does your country suffer from this issue? Yes/No (how/why)

Does your country have economic problems/ balance of payments problems? Has
your country asked for loans from the imf or other sources? Why does your country
need loans?

France: The economy of France is undergoing a slow recovery from the crisis
which has affected the demand and increase the unemployment rate. France
seeks to address this economic recovery through a multilateral global
cooperation. Consequently this issue directly affects France.

Bosnia and Her..: Bosnia currently benefits from Financial support granted
through the IMF. Bosnia and H would like to continue receiving financial
support. This type of support can only be obtained through the economic
international balance.

Tunisia, North Korea, Palestine: ( your countryname) currently suffers from

this issues. Explain why (for example: The economy in Palestine is weak due
to the war conflict the state has engaged. In order to improve the countrys
conditions, Palestine seeks an economic loan.)



1. National policies and actions:

Has your country received loans from the IMF or other sources? Have they been able
to pay off their loans? If not, what have they done to address this problem?

Palestine: Due to the fact that Palestine is not a member of the IMF, its
economy is dependent on major donors or donor aid such as the USA,
Turkey, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia.

Palestines economy is undergoing a deficit and as a result Palestine needs

more loans to pay the current deficit and address the current issues in the
country (listed in the first column)

The IMF has recommended to reduce lending in order to avoid further areas
accumulations. The world bank is currently unable to lend more money until
they replenish the money given to them through the trust fund.

2. International policies and actions:

Discuss: loan conditionality, debt forgiveness, voting rights. Why does the IMF
attach conditions to loans? What are the members of the IMF doing to help countries
that cannot pay off their loans?


What should your country do for countries that cannot pay off their loans?

What should we do to make conditions on loans fairer?

What should we do to make representation and voting rights in the IMF fairer?

These are additional questions to help you add more information in your body
Second Section: National and International Actions
1. Is the topic an issue in your country?
2. What actions has your country done to address the issue on a national level?
3. Have government officials spoken on this topic, or passed legislation? Include
pertinent quotes and relevant documentation.
4. Can you find any statistics that back up your countrys position on the topic?
5. How has your country addressed the issue on an international level?
6. What international conventions and resolutions has your country supported?

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