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Krista Steggell

Alena Balmforth
Writing 0900-007
October 22, 2014
Stars in the Sky
There are so many different people, cultures and religions that believe in their zodiac astrology
signs and symbols. Its the science of astronomy that is caused by the alignment of the moon,
sun, and all other planets into orbit, but is the belief of astrology that determines certain
behaviors, characteristics, and certain events that occur in each one of us and our lives.
Astrology is known as a certain sign and/or symbol depending on the date we were born
that tells us about ourselves and gives us our horoscopes. There are so many different
horoscopes to be investigated; such as, our daily, weekly, monthly, yearly horoscopes,
numerology, the Chinese horoscopes, and many more, but these are the basic more known
horoscopes, just to name a few. There are astrology zodiac signs of love and compatibility,
wealth, health, and a lot of them include your lucky numbers. Many people believe their
astrology signs and horoscopes are to be lived by in their everyday lives, and believe that
because of astrology, many occurrences happen in life because of the planets rotation around the
There are many people who do not understand or believe in astrology, nor recognize the
importance of astrology in itself, yet, astrology is an important part of history, as well as in our

everyday lives. Astrology can be used to forecast and predict future events to some degree and
can influence the moods and reactions of everyone in our everyday occurrences.
Due to a little internet research; looking at so many different websites, I cannot recall the
exact location of where I found this particular information, but I found that importance of
astrology was well understood by people of ancient history. Mappings of the stars, sun and
moon and evidences of the use of astrology in daily life have been found in pre-historic cave
drawings, ancient manuscripts, and Egyptian pyramids. The most recent, and possibly the most
stunningly surprising discovery about astrology in history, involves the birth of Christ according
to the Christian bible. It has been concluded that the star of Bethlehem was certainly an
astrological event, consisting of numerous stars and astrological meanings. Scientists and
astrologists believe that it was not just a bright star, that's all. The wise men understood that the
major event would take place in Judah based on the alignment of planets within the constellation
of the Lion. In other words, the wise men used astrology phenomena and occurrences to perceive
the event of the birth, not just the star. Influences and the importance of astrology can still be
found in many cultures. The people of India and China put great emphasis in astrology even
today. They practice the art of astrological readings in their daily lives, and base important
decisions on this science. In the Western world, astrology has become more popular as a form of
entertainment. Horoscope based on sun signs are published in most major newspapers and
magazines across the United States. Horoscope mini-books and astrological calendars are also
very popular.
Your astrology sign is determined by the time, day, and year you were born; some
horoscopes are also based on where in the world you were born and where the moon, sun, and
planets were aligned at that exact moment in time. There are many different beliefs as far as

astrology stretches; just to name a few found in the Wikipedia are the Chinese, Indian, Babylon,
Greeks, Indians, and Mayans astrology, believe and have developed systems for predicting
terrestrial events from celestial observations, where in the west, astrology most often consists of
a system of horoscopes purporting to explain aspects of a person's personality and predict future
events in their life based on the positions of the sun, moon, and other celestial objects at the time
of their birth.
Some people base their lives around their horoscopes, and although I may not necessarily
live my life by it, per say, I do however believe in many aspects of astrology itself. There are so
many similarities to myself and my sign(s) as a Gemini/Taurus, being born on the cusp, and
having qualities of both signs, May 21, 1983. This means that I am a mix and on the cusp,
having some traits more than the other, depending on the exact time of birth and where the
planets were aligned at that moment. My characteristics and personality traits include being
Gemini- adaptable and versatile, communicative, and witty, intellectual, and eloquent, youthful
and lively. On the more adverse side of Gemini, Im a nervous, and tense creature whos
superficial and inconsistent, cunning and inquisitive. The Taurus part of me, Im patient and
reliable, warmhearted and loving, persistent and determined, placid and security loving. The
more differing side of the Taurus is that theyre jealous and possessive, resentful and inflexible,
self-indulgent and greedy. There are many personality traits in both signs that describe me
perfectly, which is why being born on the cusp of the Taurus/Gemini zodiac sign(s) fit me so
very well.
I was born in 1983, which makes me a pig in the Chinese astrology symbol, which is
determined by the year you were born. The Boar or Pig type is usually an honest, straightforward
and patient person. Such man is a modest, shy character who prefers to work quietly behind the

scenes and when others disappear he/she is often there to offer support. This type of people is
reserved with those who they know not too well, but as time passes and they gain confidence
those around may discover a lively and warm-hearted person behind that mask of aloofness. In
spite the fact that those who born in the year of pig have a wide circle of friends and
acquaintances, they have only few close friends who understand them and share their inner
thoughts and feelings. It is easy to put trust in pig type; he/she won't let you down and will never
even try to. Such people simply want to do everything right according to the social control.
Astrology has always been a big belief in my family and a significant symbol of our own sign(s)
in our lives, referring to our characteristics, personalities and the compatibilities between us and
Astrology is a form of imagination emerging from nature and having direct relevance
for everyday life. It is an applied poetics, a vision of life on earth stimulated by movements in the
heavens, which can take us into areas of self-reflection as no other system of symbols and
images can, says Clare Martin. Astrology falls into the category of pseudo-science. Its a
continual debate in its cross between astronomy and religion, requiring belief in things that
cannot be absolutely proven. Its considered to be a mystical and magical idea with the science
of astrology, using the metaphysics behind it. Metaphysics is described in the Wikipedia as a
traditional branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the fundamental nature of being and
the world that encompasses it, although the term is not easily defined. Traditionally, metaphysics
attempts to answer two basic questions in the broadest possible terms: (1) what is ultimately
there? (2) What is it like? Throughout most of its history, astrology was considered a scholarly
tradition, when at the end of the 17th century it had lost most of its bearings. Astrology has been

dated to at least the 2nd millennium BCE, with roots in calendrical systems used to predict
seasonal shifts and to interpret celestial cycles as signs of divine communications.
Although astrology may not be a proven fact to be true, I am still a firm believer in the
astrological signs and symbols of the planets and its rotation. I believe that everyone has their
own interpretation of their daily horoscopes, but because everyone lives their own lives going
through different things at different times, I feel this is also necessary to do so. I have read not
only my own daily horoscopes, but others as well, since I can remember, and I have to admit that
most the time I can find accuracy in many of them, anywhere from characteristics, personality
traits, not to mention the everyday struggles and lifes lessons that we live through every day.
Maybe this is in the eye of its beholder, whatever it is, I will continue to believe in this. Some
people I suppose relate it to believing in ghosts, God, luck, or even UFOs, and although some
people may not, I believe that there is definitely more to this world that cant be explained. Not
to mention how big the universe truly is; therefore, I think its idiotic not to believe that there is
so much more out there in the world that we cant see, explain, or necessarily prove.
Although there are many different horoscopes out there and different opinions and beliefs
about each sign, horoscopes, and their personality characteristics themselves, for the most part
they come together and have a lot of the same opinions on personality traits of each sign. Many
people say and believe you cant be a pure Gemini, or pure of any sign really, because of the
way the planets orbit around the sun and moon but in all signs; they do however, include the
same days to determine what astrology sign you are, unless born on the cusp, it can sometimes
be argumentative.
I have included two different astrological zodiac graphs, our western Astrological
symbols and the Chinese Zodiac signs, to help demonstrate the different zodiac signs and their

personality traits. Depending on the date, time, and year you were born, youd fall into a certain
category of a certain zodiac sign and/or symbol, showing which planet rules what astrology
symbol and which Chinese animal zodiac you would fall into. Whether you believe in any type
of astrology or not, you should look up your birthday and/or date of your astrological and zodiac
sign(s) and compare the personality traits they have listed and compare them to your own
characteristics and personality traits and see how close in relation to you is accurate. I think
youll be surprised at how truly accurate they can be to each individual.

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