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Caroline Larach
Professor Leslie Wolcott
ENC 1101 Tues 1:30
09 September 2014

Writing Self-Study
The knowledge of the effectiveness of ones writing habits is adequate for pure
functionality of everyday life and academic success. Over the course of a week, I had
noted during the times and places I have conducted any written work. The purpose of this
exercise is to analyze the extent of understanding of how my own writing habits excel
through different situations, thus benefiting me in my academic career. The general
features of written work includes the writing of to-do lists, agendas, and school related
During this assignment, I have found myself asking, why do I write things down?
The answer was that immediately came to me was mainly to remind myself of things,
although I have found the answer to be more complex. As the great Joan Didion once
said, I don't know what I think until I write it down(Didion). For example, we take
notes in class in order to remind ourselves of the information. Clearly something
practiced by if not all, most students. Although just as Didion's quote states, I do not truly
understand material unless I can write it down at a place and time away from the class
notes. Thus if I can recreate the knowledge on paper, rather than a bunch of jumbled
thoughts, then true understanding can be achieved.
Whenever there are tasks to be completed for the following day, I make sure write
them down. For example, I find myself logging my progress at the gym within my cell

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phone . My cell phone has been my most used tool for everyday procedures and without
it, I find myself at a great disadvantage to cease the day. Along with aspects of social
media, I use my cell phone for keeping updated on the days news. Although there isn't
any physically writing of words on paper, the use of the cell phone to write down
reminders serves as a great aid and carrying a physical to-do list has grown to be a more
unorthodox method in today's society. Virtually typing reminders into my phone serves
the same purpose as towards writing down the thoughts in my mind onto paper.
According to the Huffington Post, writing things down boosts ones memory in both longterm and short-term (The Power Of Writing Things Down). My cell phone goes with me
everywhere I go, as well does any ideas or thoughts to occur to me are ready to be written
down with the presence of my cell phone. With this, I have a functional method of
conducting my business for the day.
The act of texting has become one of the main medians of communication of our
first world society. According to a CNN article We Never Talk Anymore, the use of
texting has diminished our time we spend physically talking with people. The number of
text messages sent monthly in the U.S. Exploded from 14 billion in 2000 to 188 billion in
2010 (Kluger). Even with walking to class, I notice that not many people talk to each
other as they stare down at their phones. Today's technology has allowed much easier
communication methods, but alas this could also have created a more lonely feeling
throughout society.
However, the research conducted for this study has its limitations as the course of
data taken was only found over the course of one week. Had the research been conducted
over a longer stretch, such as a month, more data collected can present more accurate

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trends of writing. Another area of questioning is whether my personal writing habits are
the most efficient towards all students. My method of constantly writing to-do lists is
what I find to be my most efficient method of getting things done, however other
students/people may have other main uses of writing. In order to more fully comprehend
my writing habits, I need to extend the area of my research from more than just one
In Paul Prior's, Tracing Process, he describes writing to be composed of two
distinct practices, that of inscription and composition. Inscription is composed of the
physical act of writing down words. While composition is the more intellectual side of
writing. That is, writing notes and drafts (Prior). He describes the best methods for
analyzing writing should include keeping track of all accounts of writing. This method
was conducted with my research as I did not throw away any written documentation. The
reasons why this is important because some written that is thrown out could be used as
data to determine if the text written on that served towards determining if it contributing
to keeping my ideas in order.
When I have finished something on my to-do list, the act of crossing it off
whether on my phone or on paper, gives me a great sense of achievement. I have found
the installment of making to-do listshas created a wider sense of higher-level thinking.
That is, it creates a good reminder for me to focus on what is important, and helps zoneout distractions at the time. I have discovered that in order for me to create a better
understanding of my knowledge, I must need to write it down to see what my mind truly
understands. Any flaws with that, shows my understanding of whatever the subject may
be, isn't really enough.

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This study was designed to understand how I write and the main purpose for
functionality. I have found writing to be the means of keeping my thoughts efficiently
organized instead of losing them in my mind when encountered with distractions. The
means of writing, and by implementing Paul Prior's importance of not throwing away
written work has allowed me to realize everything I write down has a purpose. This
assignment has me realize that writing things down can inspire for one to give more
commitment. A visual of something I have yet to complete in a to-do list will in fact
bother me and my troubles will not go away until that tasks is crossed off. In order to
improve my writing processes, I have noticed the benefits of writing down notes over the
course of the week and will strive to maintain this practice.

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Works Cited
Joan Didion>Qoutes. Goodreads. Web. 09/15/2014.
Kluger, Jeffrey. We never talk anymore: The problem with text messaging.
09/06/2012. Web.09/15/2014.
Prior, Paul. Tracing Process: How Texts Come Into Being. Writing About
Writing. Ed. Elizabeth Wardle and Doug Downs. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA.
Bedford/St. Martin's, 2011. 492-494. Print
The Power Of Writings Things Down. Huffington Post. 03/13/2009.
Web. 09/15/2014

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