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Putting The Puzzle Together-Tessa Vallee

Personal Globe Inventory
My highest score in the Assessment was Social with 85% and Artistic with 68%. I was not
surprised that I scored high on a social level because I am very personable and love to help and care for
others. I believe I scored high on Artistic showing that I am a very creative person and I enjoy the fine
arts such as drawing, painting, and music.
This then provided top career cluster that I would be interested in such as Education and
training as well as Arts and Communications.

Work Skills Inventory

My highest score on this assessment was Interpersonal with 91%. This means that I can form
relationships easily and work effectively in a group setting. The next area I was very confident in was the
Leadership and Communication area. This also proves that not only can a form relationships well but I
can interact with other people very easily and can take command when needed.
Top career clusters that were offered for me were the Health Science field and the Health
Services field as well.

Work Values Inventory

I had a three way tie at 91% for my top work values between Positive Work Environment,
Recognition, and Achievement. This proves that I want to be successful and recognized by others for
what I have done in my career but in a positive way. I see recognition as more of being recognized by
those who I helped.
My top career clusters that were offered were Health Science, Transportation, Distribution and
Logistics and Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications.

My Interest Profiler
My interests that I scored very high in were Social, Investigative and Artistic. These were all
things that have been shown as my results before so it was no surprise. This is proving to me that I
should probably look at a career that involves working with people, being able to investigate or figure
things out and something that I can be creative in.
I also got the same career clusters for this assessment that I did for many others also showing
that I have a main cluster that I should be looking at which is either Health Science or Health Services.

Self-Concept Assessment
My Self-Concept Assessment was an assessment that looked at what I do well and what I need
to improve on in school, home, work and friends. Things that I do well in these categories is staying
organized, being active, and also being responsible. Things that I said I needed to work on was time
management, patience, and creativity. How I described myself and how my friend described myself
were very similar results. I said that I was outgoing, helpful and positive and she said that I was a good
listener, helper and organized. I then circled my strong abilities which were having a positive attitude,
being friendly, public speaking, strong work ethic, and responsibility. Certain abilities that I said that I
needed to work on were my technology skills, speaking another language, learning quickly, and having
high levels of motivation.

Identifying Your Values

Out of the 10 values that were tested in this assessment, I scored very high in three categories.
These categories were Religion, Humanitarianism, and Social Contact. These results I am not surprised
by because these are all the qualities that I aim for and strive to be throughout my life. Religion is very
important to me, this is something that not only my parents pushed on me at a very young age but that I
take pride in. Religion and faith is something that I include in my daily life. This also ties into my next
value which is Humanitarianism. Through my church and my faith I find it important to help others and
make time for other people to make sure they are receiving the best before myself. I focus more on
others and how I can be helpful to them before worrying what I need or want. Finally Social Contact is
very important to me because I need the human interaction to be able to provide my other values. I
would rather be talking and interacting with other people than working by myself.

Career Values
Within this assessment, it looked at what I value in a career. Like the other assessments, this
one follows suit. I value variety, security, teamwork, education, excitement, family, leisure time,
religious belief, personal space, helping others, community impact, safety, relationships, skills, and
passion. I see myself as having all of these qualities and hope this will lead me to a career that allows me
to display all of these things. I want to have a career that gives me a chance to do many different things
but in an environment that feels safe. I want to work with multiple people and to constantly be teaching
or learning. I hope to be able to keep a strong connection with my family and have time to relax and also
continue to practice my religious beliefs and a regular basis. I enjoy having some personal space but not
too much so I am able to help others and impact my community in a positive way. I hope my passion for
my career will allow me to build healthy relationships and skills for the rest of my life.

3 People I Admire
A famous dead person that I admire is Audrey Hepburn. I admire her because she was a well
rounded woman who had a strong work ethic but she was also compassionate towards those who were
less fortunate. She also is a role model and had a universal appeal towards women. Another woman I
admire is Ellen Degeneres. She is a humanitarian who always has a positive attitude and a strong sense
of humor. She also, like Hepburn is a role model for many people all over the world. Finally, a person in
my life that I admire is my Dad. He is a hard worker and when he is not home and spending time with

our family he is very understanding, easy-going, and caring. I hope to have many of the qualities
throughout my life that these people carry. I do not necessarily want to be a famous person who is a
role model for all but I would want to set an example in my community or workplace. I hope to be as
patient and kind as these three people.

Aptitude Chart
After taking this test, I said that my top three aptitudes were Vocabulary, Tool
matching, Form matching, and Mark making. I said these were my best aptitudes because I am
very good with using language and writing papers or describing things. I also am fairly good at
speaking spanish and understanding and finding similarities or relationships between the two
languages and their words. I also said I was good at tool matching because I think that I have
the art aspect of this aptitude. I can see slight differences in pictures and can work with detail.
Finally, mark making seems to be another aptitude of mine because I can do things quickly and
accurately such as typing for example. These qualities can help me with social contact and
public speaking if needed, as well as finding details and picking out certain things when needed.

My Perfect Career
This test brought up three job areas that would possibly be a good fit for me and give me my
perfect career. The most popular hit that it got was in the Medical and Health- Diagnostic and
Treatment. Here it gave me a list of possible careers that would fit me. Some of these careers I was
already very interested in, such as Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy. The second area that had
the most stars was the Art and Entertainment. I believe this was a popular area for me because I am
very involved and interested in the arts such as drawing, painting, and music. Finally, Legal, Law
Enforcement,and Public Safety was my third most popular area. This is most likely because I care for the
safety of others and want to have a safe and secure environment.

True Colors
The True Colors Assessment was a test to see what color a person is to describe their
personality. My highest score was the color Blue. This said that I am a Harmonious person who is warm,
personal, compassionate, spiritual and sincere. This also matches my Values test along with me self
concept assessment. This explains that at work I am involved in the helping professions, I enjoy
communicating and educating and that I adapt well. Even though I do not have a full time job, these
qualities can apply to me during school. It also said that I am a true romantic, I believe in perfect love, I
am extremely imaginative, sensitive and encouraging. I hope to have all of these qualities as I continue
in life and grow in them. The color Gold was also one point less than blue. This explains that I am a
responsible person with conservative ideas in love and that I am highly organized along with the value of
respect. Both of these colors are great qualities to be and I think that I can work to blend these two
when working or having a family in the future.

The Keirsey Test

The Keirsey test indicated that I am an Idealist. This means that I strive to be the best I can be as
a person and that I am naturally drawn to working with people. Like the colors test it said that I am
Harmonious and that I have a unique talent for helping others. It is great to see that all of these self
assessments are lining up and giving me all similar results. It says that an idealist has a very kind heart
and is filled with love and good will. These are qualities that I am proud to have and hope to continue to

5-7 Career Choices

Pediatrician- 4 years undergrad no specific major, 4 years medical school, 3-8 years internship or
Speech-Language Pathologist- need at least a masters degree, no specific undergraduate degree, can
work with all ages and depending on your specialization, certain disabilities
Athletic Trainer-preventing, diagnosing and treating muscle and bone injuries. help patients recover and
improve. Need bachelors degree and license
Occupational Therapist- treat injured, ill, or disabled patients through therapeutic everyday activities.
develop, recover and improve daily skills. Need a bachelors 4 years and masters degree 2-3 years.
usually get bachelors degree in Kinesiology
Physical Therapist-help injured or ill people improve their movement or manage their pain. need a
doctors degree in PT
Dietitian (Nutritionist)-experts in food and nutrition. They advise people on what to eat in order to lead
a healthy lifestyle. Requires a bachelors degree but often people get advanced degrees as well.

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