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Current Physical, Intellectual & Social/Emotion Statius of the

Different Level Classes and Maturity
At risk
7th-8th grade
By Ryan Allen

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So I made up a questionaries sheet as an interview as to observe the teenagers

and then compare the three different class levels and the answers of teenagers ages 1318 years old. I work at a 2 nd chance kind of school for at risk students who have
violated a safety rule at their home school. Which they were suspended for and now get
to spend a term or two in our program.
As a at risk student, these kids have probably seen, dealt with or are going
through more stress then most adult can stand to put up with. So some of the questions
maybe out of the norm for these teens to answer or think about. They may not
understand the question at all or they may understand it to well and dont feel too
comfortable talking about it.
All questions were open ended questions to be answered as honest as they cou ld. I
made a handout questioner where I stated this was q educational learning only survey.
No answers would be filed nor reported again a student if they honestly answered the
questions, they didnt even have to put their name on it if they didnt want too.
My interview was done in a group setting as I may get a border view of the
teenagers. I think they may answer the questions more honestly if they are written down
and their paper is anonymous. In a group setting they feel like they can say what they
really feel and not be punished for saying feeling or doing the wrong thing.
So I interviewed my class of 7 th-8th graders first as to get a feel for the class and
the lesson I was about to give. I handed out the survey to each of the students and read
them the agreement of them not having to put there their name on it so this would be
reported nor put in their file.
Then I began reading the questioner, one by one to the class and looked at each
one of them to make sure they understood the questions being asked and the answers I
was looking for in them. Also asking the one questions I thought they might have a
harder time understanding, a little slower. In case they has question about what a
meaning to a word like Ageism they didnt understand when the word meant or how to

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answer the question for it. I did this interview three different times with three different
maturity levels of students.

Schools & Learning- 7th- 8th grade

When asked which subject the kids enjoyed most, they seem to like Math along
with P.E. & Art as their favorite courses in school. They are having the same thoughts
about favorite & when they liked that teacher all were nice and gave extra help when
needed. They all agreed that the teacher seem to have a little extra sense of
understanding and would give then a little more attention as needed.

IndependentParents seem to give their kids a little extra freedom in their independents now
days, as technology has surpassed the amount of things that parents can take away from
kids as punishment. It seems harder enforce punishment now days when trying ground a
child to their room now days. More and more technology and electronic has made its way
into the bedroom and now somewhat over powers the bedroom entertainment of
childrens bedrooms now days. What once to be grounded to your room for punishment
now parents cant drag their children out of their rooms due to computers, Ipads, Ipods,
cell phones, TVs, Dvds Cds kids are homebodies more than ever before.

Social DevelopmentKids are more and more becoming loners and homebodies due to the age of
technology and life of on-line communities and chatting. People have started a whole
new world with this square boxes they sit in front of and communicate with sometimes
nonstop. Kids have more Facebook friends then actually trust friends they can have a
conversation with. The one on one social seating and interacting of kids are done in
schools, sports and or the rebels experimenting with illegal activities such as drugs . 7th8th grade seems to be a confusing stage for head strong lost teens. Younger and younger

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kids find and hold on to any acceptance shown but weed/pot is becoming an outlet that
they find easier and easier then never let go.

Moral Reasoning & AGESIM

These two subjects are the area this age group as had little experience and
knowledge about yet. This age the biggest moral issue the kids consider and come up
with is Lying and Stealing and a LOTS of it. Ageism they are only worried the driving
privileges remain at the age 16 so they can get their license to drive.

Future 10-20 years and Goals.

Final questions with the 7 th-8th graders is long term goals, and where they saw
their life 10 year and then 20 years. One shocked me, by replying honestly and saying the
goal was to stay out of prison. Why would that be the first goal of child this age? Then
the majority of the kids have high expectation goals, T.V. dreams of play in the NBA, NFL,
boxing, being an actor, with only a couple saying family and marriage and realistic hair
salon job.

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