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Speak Out Feedback

Presenter ............................................................
Topic ...................................................................

Teacher Comments
Matter - is the content of the speech - what the Speaker says
– Clarity of explanation and depth of ideas.
– Effectiveness of overall message presented
– Information - facts, ideas, supporting material, use of terminology
– Reference to authority - brief and effective use of quotations..
...... ……...………………………………………………………...Out of 10 points
Manner - is the presentation of the speech - how it is delivered
– Audience engagement
– Natural use of language
– Notes and gesture.
– Diction, emphasis, tone pacing, phasing.
– Eye contact.
– Appearance.
............................ .................................................................................Out of 10 points
Method - is the organization or structure of the speech - how it is put together
– Introduction, middle, conclusion.
– Timing.
..............................................................................................................Out of 10 points
Total out of 30 points
Consideration for others in speak out: Yes/No
Student Comments
What did you learn about speaking from the presentation?
Who did you give feedback to? What was your feedback (positive &
constructive)? ..................................................................................................................
Who did you ask a question of or make a comment to about content? What was the
response to this question or comment?

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