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UMU Lesson Plan Template

Name: Michelle Gable,
Date : November 18, 2014
Grade Level: 3rd grade
Class Period: 1
Subject: Math
Lesson # & Title: Lesson #1; Fractions
Big Idea/Lesson Focus: Developing an understanding of fractions
Essential Question: What is the importance and relevance of fractions in the real world
Context for Learning/Class and Student Descrioption:
*23 students
White: 17
* 13 females
Hispanic/Latino: 2
* 10 males
African American: 3
* 2 students with IEPs
Asian: 1
Function of the Lesson (check all that apply):
X Introduce New Skill or Content



Content Standards: Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b
equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b.

Learning Objectives:
-Students will be able to identify parts of the fraction (numerator/denominator)
-Students will be able to visually recognize parts of a whole
-Students will be able to recognize fractions in a real life situations
Academic Language (Academic Language Demands and/or Academic Language Objectives):
-parts of a whole
Instructional Materials and Support:
-SMARTboard notebook technology
-koosh ball
Prior Knowledge:
New skill, therefore they would not have any prior knowledge about fractions.
Assessment Plan:

Pre-Assessment for the unit: Use this information to design your lessons
o pre-test with pictures of fractions ask them to write if they know what the fraction is.
Assessment(s) during the lesson: Only assess what was taught
o Use koosh ball to play balloon pop, pop the balloon to reveal a picture of a fraction, students must
name the fraction.
Assessment(s) at the end of the lesson: Clear up misconceptions
o exit slip
Post-Assessment for the unit: Assess all that was taught in the unit
o post-test same as pre-test to show growth

Strategies & Learning Tasks

-Use attention getter such as spot the difference picture to get students ready for the day. (5 mins.)
Presentation/Explicit Instruction:
-Utilize SMARTboard by having four blank circles pre made, teacher can then color each portion of the circle to display
, , and 1. (10 mins)
Structured Practice/Exploration:
-Utilize SMARTboard by having students match the fraction to the picture (pizza, pie, square, etc,) (10 mins.)
Guided Practice/Specific Feedback:
-Giving students worksheet to work in groups, teacher floats around room to give each group feedback and answer
question and correct misunderstandings. (15-20mins.)
Independent Practice/Application:
-Give students homework to do on their own. (5 mins.)
-Restate objective and academic language before students leave
-Take any final questions (5 mins.)
Differentiation, Individualized Instruction, and Assessment:
-IEP students individualized help with modified homework (step-by-step)
Research and Theory:
-Using Howard Gardners Multiple Intelligence theory
- By doing games to involve bodily-kinesthetic intelligence and then putting the students in groups to collaborate
which incorporates interpersonal intelligence

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