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EDR 321 Lesson Plan (Fall 2014)

EDR 321 Student Name: Annette Dickerson (Mills)

Grade Level/Content Area: 9th Grade/Algebra 1
Placement School: Thornapple Kellogg High School
Collaborating Teacher: Liz Ritsema


Content Area

Algebra 1: 9 Grade

Date of Lesson

November 10, 2014

Lesson Title

Writing a Function Rule (5.4)

Lesson (circle/highlight one)


HSF-IF.B.5 Relate the domain of a function to its graph and, where applicable, to the quantitative relationship it describes.

(CCSS and/or

HSN-Q.A.1 Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems; choose and interpret units consistently
in formulas; choose and interpret the scale and the origin in graphs and data displays.



HSN-Q.A.2 Define appropriate quantities for the purpose of descriptive modeling.

HSA-SSE.A.1.a Interpret parts of an expression, such as terms, factors, and coefficients.
HAS-SSE.A.2 Use the structure of an expression to identify ways to rewrite it.

Key Vocabulary

Texts/Visuals/Resources/Supplementary Materials

(General academic (tier 2), Subject-specific (tier 3), or Word parts - note differentiation )

(List, note differentiation, include as appendix or attachment or hard copy)

Addition (add), Subtraction (subtract), multiplication (multiply), division (divide),

- Chapter 5 notes packet,

variable, function, table, graph, relation, domain, range, expression, factors,

- word problem activity sheet,

coefficients, function rule, real-world situation, input, output, starting point,

- word problem homework sheet,

- starboard/projector,
- blank paper (optional),
- colored pencils/crayons (previous class period)

Differentiation may be the result of consideration of factors such as language, culture, gender, diverse learning processes or individual interests.

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(Essential Questions of Inquiry Unit
or if not part of Unit, then Purpose:
Why is this important now, later?)

Students thus far this semester have been working on solving expressions for a single variable in equations and
inequalities. Students have had the opportunity to work with at least one word problem per section up to this point
in order to recognize key words. Students will need to identify key features in story problems/real life situations in
order to construct functions and function rules.
The students will use functions and function rules to represent situations in which solutions can be found for any
possible number. This will be a stepping-stone for students into dealing with linear functions, quadratic functions,
and other functions in the future.


Meaningful Instructional Activities


(What will students know, be able to do?

(What will teacher and students be doing? Lesson should be based

on a model of gradually releasing responsibility to and include focus
lesson, guided instruction, productive group work, and
independent learning, though not necessarily in lock-step order.

(For each content or language objective, what evidence of

student learning will you collect? These may be spot-checks,
teacher observations, and questioning, but it is not enough to
simply say 'observation' or 'anecdotal notes.' Describe
succinctly, attach or append to plan tool/criteria to be used.
Include prompts to elicit deep thinking. Be clear if these
assessments are formative or summative.)

For each objective, provide an example

of evidence of success: If students met
the learning target, what would they
Is the purpose of this lesson to teach
something new, to review, or to
formatively assess (what
knowledge/skills are students bringing
and do not need to be taught or what
should be taught at the point of need)?
NOTE: Objectives should build on
earlier learning and prepare for future

Note that a focus lesson is not simply teacher modeling of what

student should do in the end, though certainly there is value in
modeling. Rather, it is teacher explicit instruction in the form of clear
explanation of tasks and demonstration using comprehensible input
that scaffold to ensure understanding of concepts. [I do. You watch
and respond.]
Guided instruction should use instructional strategies/approaches
that facilitate students' use of learning strategies. Teacher moves
should be supported by theoretical and empirical (based on research)
work. [We do together. I help and respond.]
Productive group work should provide opportunities for practice in
applying content and language knowledge developed in guided
instruction and further build knowledge and hone skills in interaction
with peers. [You do together. I watch and respond.]
Independent learning [You do independently. I watch and

Content Objective(s)

The learner will be able to

interpret a given table or

(Introduce objectives, activate knowledge, experience, build
necessary understandings)


Teacher will assess the students understanding

Page 2

real-world situation in order

to complete the task of
creating a function rule
modeling the situation.

Language Objective(s) (including


The learner will be able to

recognize key words in a
real-world situation in order
to complete the task of
determining the variable, the
function, the function-rule,
and domain and range if

Students will be shown two equations on the

overhead, of which they must fill in a table for values
ranging from 1 to 6, and create a graph. Once most
students have completed both problems, they will turn
to their table partner and compete in rock-paperscissors. The winners will then compete against one
another until only 2 winners remain. The winners will
demonstrate their answers on the board by filling in the
tables and showing their work for only one of the xvalues.

by walking around the room and looking at

students work. If more than a few students
appear to struggle with finding the y-value of a
function with the given x-values, we will go
through the process for each value of both
Lesson Sequence:

Lesson Sequence
(Steps that provide instruction and practice and application of key
concepts, language and vocabulary via speaking, listening, reading,
writing, viewing and representing visually; based on Gradual Release
of Responsibility.)

Notes I do: Teacher will guide the students through

the notes for section 5.4. Teacher will introduce the
objective to write a function rule given a table or a
real-world situation, followed by introduction of the
key concepts/questions to think about when writing a
function: How much is it going up by? What is my
starting point? Teacher will model example 1a, writing
a function rule given a table; f(x) or the y-values
increase by 1 as the x-value increases by 1. If this
same patterned was followed in reverse the starting
point is found to be f(x)=-2 when x=0.
Notes Examples We do: Teacher will call on
students using note cards to identify what the y-values
are going up by, what the starting point is, and to
finally write the function rule in examples 1b and 1c.
Notes I do: Teacher will continue to guide students
through the notes fro section 5.4. Teacher will model
example 2, writing a function rule given a real life
situation and finding a y-value for a specific x-value.
Teacher will first identify the input (# of ads) and the
output (amount of money), and quantify their variables.
Teacher will then identify what the output would be
going up by and the starting point. Finally teacher will
demonstrate solving the function rule for when x=6.
Notes Examples We do: Teacher will call on
students using note cards to work through examples 3

Teacher will model during I do and check for

understanding by calling on students to answer
questions regarding definitions as they progress
through the examples; definitions/terms will
come from previous sections of chapter 5.
Teacher will check for understanding during We
do by calling on students to complete pieces of
the examples.
Teacher will walk around the class during You
do I watch monitoring students work and
asking guiding questions when necessary, and
answering questions when needed.

Wrap Up

During the last 10 minutes of class, the teacher

will ask students questions to gauge
understanding of the lesson and their work,
along with a chance to correct possible
confusion. The teacher will collect students
questionnaires as exit slips to see their thinking,
as well as their pictures on 5.4 homework at the
beginning of the next lesson.

Page 3

and 4. Students will need to identify input and output,

quantify their variables, and identify what the output
would be increasing by and the starting point. Using
this information, students will write a function rule and
find a y-value when given a specific x-value.
Understanding You do I watch: Teacher will ask
students to take out the picture that they completed for
homework the previous lesson (4 different homework
sheets were distributed throughout the class; students
were instructed to draw a picture of the real-world
situation described in problem 2 and draw a picture of
what they understood was taking place). Students will
be given 1 minute to find a partner that had the same
word problem and take a seat. Once students are
seated they will be handed out a work sheet to
complete with their partner. Partners will compare their
pictures, specifically identifying what they drew
differently, what they drew the same, and how they
would change their own drawings. Students will then
work together to complete number 2 from the
homework sheet and the corresponding questions on
the questionnaire. The teacher will walk around and
monitor students work.
If student complete their partner work with time still left
in class they can work independently on the
remaining question from their 5.4 homework sheet.

(Where will there be opportunity to review? Note that review facilitates
learning and successful responses whereas assessment evaluates
them. Prepare to extend ideas, building on learning of this lesson.)

When there is 10 minutes left in class, teacher will call

students back together to discuss the function rules
that they wrote for the 4 real-world problems. For each
problem the teacher will call on students to state what
the input and output, the increase of the y-value, and
the starting point. Teacher will address discrepancies
as they arise.
The questionnaire will survey as the students exit slip
for the day.

Page 4

Connecting this lesson to literacy-based research/literature:

(Name a literacy learning strategy/instructional approach you use in this lesson. Provide a specific example from this lesson as evidence of your use of this
approach, and present theoretical or empirical support from the literature for this approach - summarize rather than quote the literature, and include citations below
(APA format).) Highlight, bold, and cite specific approaches in the narrative below.
SEE-THINK-WONDER: I used a variation of this approach to accomplish understanding in this lesson. Instead of presenting the students with an image I had
students create the image from a story problem. The purpose was to help students visualize what was taking place in the story. The students are creating the
image in order to interpret the story; in the process of drawing their picture students will think about which pieces of the story/image represent constants and
variables. Finally, students will wonder about how they could have changed their drawing to better describe what was taking place in the story.

Ritchhart, R., Church, M., & Morrison, K. (2011). Making Thinking Visible: How to promote engagement, understanding, and independence for all learners. San
Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Please supply any/all materials that will help instructor and peers understand this lesson, for example, a text to be used, links
to websites, photographs of items not known or readily visualize-able (e.g., posters, charts), and if there is something that you plan to copy and
distribute to students, it should be attached or included at the conclusion of this lesson plan document.

Post-Teaching Reflection
After the Lesson, reflect in writing on the following questions
1. Sohow do you feel the lesson went and why?
I feel that this lesson was fairly successful overall. For many of the students who completed the assignment I noticed that they experience more
success with the story problems then they have in the past. I also believe that this assignment increased the students ability to relate to what was
taking place in the story problems.

Page 5

2. Provide evidence of the full range of student learning (i.e., students who: 1.) can do, 2.) can almost do, 3.) can do with support) in the form of data,
quotes, annotated student work (scanned, attached), your own reflections, etc.
1.) CAN DO
In photo number one, the student was given the following story problem/real-life context: To rent a cabin, a resort charges $50 plus $10 per person. This
student chose to draw the cabin with a sign depicting the constant of $50. In a cut away, the student then drew a few people holding $10 each. I believe
that this student was able to interpret the given problem well and depict it in a manner that any one could understand.
In photo number two, the student was given the following story problem/real-life context: You invest $209 to buy shirts and then sell them for $9.50. This
was the work sheet on which the student compared their picture with a partners picture. This student was able to identify what would be necessary to
change about their picture in order to better represent what was taking place in the story.
In both situations the students were able to find the function rule, create a table, make a graph, and use the rule solve additional problems.


In photo number three, the student was given the following story problem/real-life context: You invest $209 to buy shirts and then sell them for $9.50 each.
While this student was able to write the function rule, create a table and graph, and use the rule to solve additional problems, they struggled with
interpreting the story and drawing an accurate depiction. In the drawing the student has identified that each shirt will cost $9.50, however he struggled with
how to depict the relationship between the investment of $209 and the selling of the shirts.
In photo number four, the student was given the following story problem/real-life context: The choir spends $100 to record their winter concert, and sells
CDs of the performance for $5.50 each. This was the work sheet on which the student compared their picture with a partners picture. While this student
was able to write the function rule, create a table and graph, and use the rule to solve additional problems, they struggled with explaining how they would
better their drawing (putting their thoughts into words).


In photo number five, the student was given the following story problem/real-life context: You invest $209 to buy shirts and then sell them for $9.50. This
students drawing is a great example of what could be a Function Machine. The student demonstrated the investment of $209 going into shirts that will be
sold for $9.50 and eventually producing a profit. Unfortunately the student was unable to take their interpretation and observation, and create the correct
function rule. With some guidance this student is not far off from success.
In photo number six, the student was given the following story problem/real-life context: Suppose you have a $20 bill, and are purchasing items in a story
where every single item is $1.25. This was the work sheet on which the student compared their picture with a partners picture. This student like the
previous one drew a picture that demonstrated a good grasp of the story/context. However, the student was unable to write the correct function rule. From
there work it appears as though they believe that they could have benefited from a more detailed photo, whereas they may have better benefited from
some guidance for relating the picture and story to the function rule.

Page 6

3. After identifying the full of range of student learning (see question #2 above) and the factors that may have influenced learning, what are your (and
your CTs) next steps and why?
After having identified the full range of student learning, our next step is to have students talk through the pieces of the function rules that they chose to use and
why. The students that were unable to write the correct function rules all seemed to have overlooked the constants of their story problem/real-life context. While
they did include the constants in their drawings, they neglected this information in the process of writing the rule. Additionally having the students talk through the
story problem/real-life context a few times with specific numbers to represent the variable, one piece at a time, may help the student to see more clearly what is
taking place.

4. What additional ways can (and will) you support students content-area literacy development (e.g., the ability to read, write, and communicate for
various purposes in your content area)?
I can and will continue to integrate story problems into the students lessons and homework in order to relate the mathematics that they are learning to the real
world, and hopefully making the material less abstract. I will also encourage and require, at times, for students to talk through the choices they made when solving
different problems and their reasoning why.

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