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24 Ch $ Similarity tramformation ‘516 Discuss the possible forms of the free-steam velocity UC) that lead toa similarity Solution for momentum boundary layers starting fom a leading edge and from a stagnation espetively. Show that Ex. 5.3.5 can be reduced to Ea. (53.8) for P — c. Determine the exact solution tothe advancing plane solidification Iront of Ex. 441 tance 21 15.19 Consider the steady viscous flow between porous parallel plates spaced a dist “part and subject to wniform blowing wy at Both plates. Downstream, the flow may be con ‘iored to be developed inthe sense thatthe transverse pressure gradient and momentum ‘hange are eslgible and thatthe axial presse gradient i constant. We sek this pressure fradint, which the limiting exact solution to the vapor flow ina heat pipe (Ex. 45.3). 61 Chapter 6 PERIODIC CONVECTION In this chapter we are concerned with the solution of an important class of unsteady convection problems. With respect to their dependence on time, unsteady problems ‘may be ciassted as transient or periodic. Also, each transient ot periodic problem ‘may involve a starting, a steady, and an ending time interval, as shown in Fig. 6.1 ‘Among these problems, we are interested only in periodi problems, more particularly, in the steady part of these. Clearly, the steady part of the solution of a periodic roblem should be simpler than its transient (or complete) solution, which is often involved, if not impossible to obtain. Yet, in many practical applications, such as the flow and heat transfer associated with vibrating components, reciprocating engines, and so on, the steady part of periodic solutions is quite important. ORIGIN OF METHOD—LINEAR PROBLEMS Consider a convection problem involving a periodic boundary disturbance ota periodic ‘olume disturbance. The most frequent boundary disturbance for convection problems is the fluctuating inlet or upstream velocity or temperature; the most frequent volume isturbance is fluctuating pressure gradient or body force or a fluctuating internal energy generation 20 Ch Sire ranformation for © constant into the ordinary differential equation (5.3.19). Furthermore, it ‘nay be realy shown (see Problem $-16) that Eq, (St) is also successful in achieving 8 similarity transformation when U ~ 1, yielding the Falkner-Skan elass of simi- tavity solutions, governed by re mt =) 0 (4a) FO) =F) So) = 1, where moe (544) The ficestream velocity U~ x isthe potential low solution for uniform flow onto a wedge of haléangle fi/2, where f= 2mm | 1). The wedge reduces to the Nat plate for m = ‘Consider: now an ac (5:44), and introduce, in place of Fa. (4.1), w= YOO. 4 phys as) y freestream velocity U — U(x), define mx) by Eq, ase Ae ata Rl-sl+Hal 5L- GO)" % lig U2 SD Veg. #5 (2)"r - Zwon, (846) ivindcdouatonss bas Pr mar sa LO.) £0, whee fa ; Tea ash xeon nn ssoes Aad deca ila! a fan eme of known earn datbuons aed he oe vl ves 847) becomes on erantyaieenal santo: es we en opal oa Inpro ofr silaniy, sing oon dental equnton on 4 Soest he wacky alibeioe oral los of: or homer, th solton of Ex (2:4) eterno the eqn fecha or

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