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12. BETHLEHEM SILENTLY SLEEPING One Little Angel Text and Music: Andrew Gant (b.1963) Allegro non troppo P Ma v.1 Sopranos v.2 Tenors P 1, Beth -le-hem si - lent-ly sleep-ing un - der the night, 2.At his birth here on earth gold-en fa-ces a - blaze, SS F sud-den-ly a host of an - gels made the dark - ness bright. crowd of an- gels raisedtheirvoi-ces, a sym-pho-ny of _ praise. © Copyright 1995 Kevin Mayhew Ltd. 26 3 mp Mo-ther Ma-ry raised her eyes, a smile on her face so kind, Ba- by Je-sus turned and smiled, joy inhis in - fant mind, mp ‘2. 7 mf Fee one lit-tle an- gel fol-lowedthe o-thers, thir-ty pa - ces be - hind. fone lit-tle an - gel sang with the o-thers, but half a mea-surebe - hind. cS er an-gels all sang: Al- le-Iu-ia! —Gllo-ry to. God on high! an- gels all sang: Al le-lu-ial Sing to God outloud! 2 4)0 J aa 27 One it-tle an - gel a- mong all his bro-thers raised his voice with a One lit-tle voice a - mong all the o-thers came ti - sing out of the ade A Sopranos — 28. mp It sang La - la-la,la = la-la, la - la-la-la-la-la, Je - sus loves me r Man — PR 22 la - Ja-la,la - la-la, Ja - la-la-la-la-la, Je - ‘sus loves me 28 Can -dle-light, Christ-mas night, twen- ty-onecen-tu-ries on, a P 0 ba © pp Man. or Ped. 44. child is there, head bowed in prayer to thatsame an-gel_- ic throng. — Still that an - gel dreamcomes true, bid-ding youcome and find your: od ™p Tat of that dream 4 Ped. ‘own lit-tle an-gel just for you, who's left his ha ~ lo be - hind. _—=—_—— lit-tle an-gel just for you, who's left his ha - lo be - hind. And the aa ai a { I angels all sang: Al le-lu-ia! Sang. all that migh - ty throng: 30 60 = w ceri ‘men shall be bro-thers! A-mongall the o-thers one voice lift - ed this song: ee ea a = la - la-lala - la-la, la - la-la-la-la-la, sus loves you 68 la lavlala - lacla, la lala-la-la-la, pall — LE rrr. im, Beets 2 Se a 31

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