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MITOSIS MEDIA PRESENTATION - Explain Everything Project


Explain Everything is an Explain Everything is a very user-friendly interactive tool offered by Apple that lets you annotate, write, record your
voice, animate, narrate, import and export almost anything to and from almost anywhere. You can create slides, draw in any colour, add
shapes, add text, add photos videos, from other Apple programs or power-point and word to create presentations or explanations. This app
is available for MAC and PC users.
This project will allow you to create your own song, rap, CSI investigative video or storybook media presentation using the Explain
Everything app. It is expected that you will show all phases of Mitosis, explaining the evidence to your superior officer or detective (teacher)
and fellow officers (classmates).


Students will:
-observe slides of plant and animal tissue in which cells are dividing
-practice microscopy
-identify stages of mitosis
-differentiate between plant and animal cells
-promote scientific literacy
-make persuasive arguments to convince people of the value of their research
-use knowledge to answer questions about their predictions and countering arguments
-research and develop the profile of a scientist
-create a media presentation either a CSI Role-play video, song, rap or media storybook to present your case


You are a scientist trying to solve an especially heinous crime.


Your superior officer (your teacher) and fellow officers (classmates).


The police have received a note taunting them about their inability to solve a series of grisly murders. The
note refers to the percentage of time in metaphase as an indication of the date next month when the

murderer will strike again. It is not known to which kind of cell the murderer is referring. The police have
directed the matter to our laboratory hoping that we will be able to help them solve the case. They have no
suspects under observation, but they believe they know the identity of the next intended victim. If the actual
day of the threatened murder can be pinpointed, they might be able to be especially watchful and prevent
someones death.
Product or

Based on your previous knowledge of cells and tissues, observations and data analysis questions, you will
confer with the rest of your classmates in order to report to the police your prediction for the date of the next

Crime Scene Investigation: Identified by Numbers

The Case:
The police have received a note taunting them about their inability to solve a series of especially grisly murders. The note refers to
the percentage of time in metaphase as an indication of the date next month when the murderer will strike again. It is not known
to which kind of cell the murderer is referring. The police have referred the matter to this laboratory hoping that we will be able
to help them solve the riddle. They have no suspects under observation, but they believe they know the identity of the next
intended victim. If the actual day of the threatened murder can be pinpointed, they might be able to be especially watchful and
prevent someones death.
Students will observe slides of both plant and animal tissue in which cells are dividing. The number of cells
in interphase and each of the phases of mitosis will be counted. Students are looking specifically for the
percentage of cells in metaphase. In doing this, students are practicing microscopy, identifying stages of
mitosis and differentiating between plant and animal cells.
This case will have students examining two types of slides under a light microscope. The plant cell is from
an onion root tip. The animal cell is from whitefish. Students will use their skills in manipulating the microscope to examine the
cells of both types of tissue. They will observe the cells in samples of ten at a time, determining how many of the ten cells are in
the metaphase of cell division. Once they have determined the percentage of plant cells and of animal cells that are in metaphase,

they will use that data to predict the date on which a victim will be killed and will be especially watchful on that day in order to
protect the potential victim.
Compound microscope
Prepared slides of onion root tip (Allium cepa) and fish mitosis
Explain Everything App
1) Obtain a prepared slide of onion root tip and locate the region near the tip in which mitosis and cell division are taking place.
Find a cluster of ten cells and record the phase of mitosis of each cell. Move to a different field of the same slide and select another
cluster of ten cells, again observing and recording the phase of each cell. Continue this until you have recorded the mitotic phases
of up to one hundred cells.
2) Examine prepared slides of whitefish blastodiscs, repeating the procedure described above.
3) Average the class data from each investigative group, first for the onion metaphase percentages, then for
the whitefish metaphase percentages.
Data Analysis:
1) Which of the two types of cells was easier to examine under the microscope? Explain why you think that
type was easier to examine.
2) When examining the slides, how could you tell when a cell was in metaphase?
3) Explain why chromosomes need to replicate before they divide.
4) Is there a difference between the percentage of the cell cycle spent in metaphase in the whitefish and the onion? What is a
possible explanation for this difference?
5) By pooling the data from the class, do you think the final result is more reliable or less reliable than the results you achieved in
your individual investigative group?

6) What will you report to the police as your prediction for the date of the killing?

*Reference: Forensics for the Biology Laboratory: Identified by Numbers. Carolina Biological Supply Company, page 41.


In a group, you will prepare a creative presentation which accurately demonstrates the stages of cell division in a creative fashion. Be sure to clearly
represent all the details of cell division. Your creative product can take on any form that you wish. Some ideas include: a story, a song, a rap, a drama
skit, a dance, etc.using the Explain Everything app.
All group members must have a role. All group members must participate in preparing the final product and in presenting it to the class
Marking Scheme
Accuracy & Detail

Concepts Clear

Clear understanding of Mitosis


Group Work/Cooperation/Participation

Clarity of Voice

Clarity of Media Production

Effective use of Explain Everything app


Media and Technological skills

Details to look for: FILL IN EACH CATGORY (Look back in your notes and from your teacher handouts of what you need for each phase)







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