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Personalised Feedback Sheet for IGCSE Section 6 The effects of using ICT

Name: Eleanor Good

Target grade:
Score on this assessment: 37 / 48
Grade for this assessment: B
General feedback/class needs:
It was clear that virtually everyone had understood the health and safety impacts of using ICT. The
only mistakes here were down to misreading the question or mixing up the words health and
safety something that should, in all honesty, not be happening at this level.
Most people were able to answer why computers cannot read directly from sensors this should be
ingrained on your brain by now and I promise you it will be a question in your real exam.
Some people could explain the terms Phishing, Pharming and spam. These are pretty basic definition
type questions and we covered them in some detail in class, so no excuses there really.
Blogs and Wikis were generally understood, but the structure of answers here was generally
exceptionally poor. Most of you didnt manage to pull 2 marks out of the bag for each definition and,
again, I expect far better.
No one was really able to answer the question on copyright it is a LAW, not something that
happens when things are stolen
Everyone seemed pretty up to speed on ways of evaluating reliability and bias on a website good!
However The long answer questions about impacts on lifestyles and using the internet for research
were, for a group of your ability, quite frankly appalling. Unfortunately, many people dont seem to
understand the purpose of an analogy and I cannot remember how many times I read about
washing machines. This was ONE example designed to give you an IDEA of the road we were going
down not to be blindly copied and recited over and over. People really fell down by not reading the
question we were looking for IMPACTS, not just we have phones, arent they great or we dont
have to wash up no more!! We will be reviewing this in class, and you do not want to be the
student who copies and regurgitates analogies any more.
Your test review:
One question I got completely right was question seven; explain what is meant by a blog and a wiki.
This is because the work I did in lessons was in detail which meant that I was able to revise the
correct information.
One question I achieved some, but not all marks on was question three; describe the effects of
microprocessors on peoples lifestyles. This is because I didnt use the correct amount of points, I
was meant to use four however I only completed two, this was probably due to the fact that I didnt
revise the question fully.
One question I did not answer correctly was question nine; explain what is meant by a software
copyright. This is because my work in the lesson was not up to the correct standard.

Your personal targets:

1. I need to learn the definition of Copyright and I need to be able to explain how this can be
enforced by a manufacture
2. I need to practise writing in suppurate points, and writing all the points that are required
3. I need to effectively revise for the test, I need to revise everything instead of just revising
set parts of my site

You will have been allocated an exam question to further your knowledge or help you to overcome a
misconception. Copy out the question here in full and answer it.

Q3) There are many microprocessor-controlled devices in the modern home. Describe the effects of
these devices on peoples lifestyles. [4 marks]
Microprocessors have made our lives easier and they have given us more time, on way they have
given us more free time is that we no longer have to be in the house when we are cooking food also
we no longer have to be in the home when we are doing the washing. Even though there are many
advantages there are many disadvantages people have become lazy because they no longer have to
physical work, also people have become unhealthy because they are relying on ready meals which
are unhealthy for you.
Q13) Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of students using the internet to carry out research.
On benefit is students can obtain large masses of information quickly, also the internet tends to be
update meaning students can access reinvent information that is up to date, lastly they are able to
access a range different information. However there are some back draws foe example they can
access incorrect or dais information, they can also copy and paste which means they are committing
plagiarise, furthermore it can take a long time for students to access the correct and relevant
information-also students have to have access to the internet to complete the work.
Q7) Describe three differences between a blog and a wiki.
A blog can only be edited by one person or a set amount of people, whereas a wiki can be edited by
A blog will usually contain person opinions or an account of someones day, whereas a wiki will
contain information such as facts and figures.
A blog with be dais because it contains opinions of a person whereas a wiki shouldnt be dais
because they should contain correct facts and figures.
11) Explain why computers are unable to data directly from sensors.
This happens because computers only understand digital information and sensors only use analogy
information so you have to use and analogy to digital convertor.

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