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English Department

Fourth term

Objective : to acquire basic vocabulary and simple structures that will enable them to
express in English
Contents: past simple: affirmative-negative, past simple : questions and answers(short
and long forms), reading comprehension, basic vocabulary .
Workshop and evaluation: November 18th, 2014
1. Unscramble the sentences
*three/I /beans/planted
*evaporated/the/heat/the /sun/with/salt/water/of/the
2. Complete the sentences with past tense verbs
*I___my bedroom
*My father____a Science book.
*My friend Any ____ a letter.
*My sister ___the computer.
*He___to the radio.
*Teacher Javier____ in the pool.
*I____The Simpsons.
*My teacher_____ her homework.
*She ____ a great bath.
*My mother ____to the store
3. Answer the questions about yourself
*Where were you last night?
*What did you do last weekend?
*When did you play tennis?
*Did you clean your room yesterday morning?
*Were you sad last Wednesday?





4. Reading comprehension (Identify story elements)

The Story of the Boy King
Written by Eileen Bourke

A very long time ago, many thousands of years ago, in fact, Egypt was a very powerful country. It
had kings called pharaohs.
A very famous pharaoh was a boy king called Tutankhamun. He grew up in a rich family. They
lived in a palace, on the banks of the Nile River. In those days there were crocodiles and
hippopotamuses in the Nile.
Tutankhamun learnt to read and write, just like you! He swam in the river and went hunting. He
became a pharaoh when he was ten years old.

Tutankhamun played with toys. This is a toy from thousands of years ago. Its a

The story of the boy king doesnt end there though. Sadly, Tutankhamun died when he was very
young. He was only about 19.
In 1922, a man called Howard Carter was in Egypt. He arrived at the Valley of the Kings, where
Tutankhamuns body was. He and his men dug a hole through the rocks and suddenly they saw
some amazing things! They saw gold statues of people and animals. They saw gold tables and
chairs! A few months later, Howard Carter decided to dig deeper and find a way into the place
where the boy kings boy lay. In February 1923, he got inside and found Tutankhamuns body and
all his treasures.
Today you can see the boy kings treasures in museums around the world.
This is the boy kings gold mask.

This is the statue.

5. Correct Final Evaluation. Write question and right answer.

Nota: Presentar el trabajo en letra Corazonista y segn las indicaciones dadas. La correccin de la
evaluacin final se escribe la pregunta y la respuesta correcta. Cualquier inquietud enviar un
mensaje por el LMS, estar pendiente.

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