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Practicum I

Practicum II

Pre-service Teacher Professional Development Plan for:

Edison State College

Education Department

Andrea Cornelius


Directions: Your Professional Development Plan (PDP) serves as a guide toward continuous improvement during your teacher preparation
program. List specific competencies, skills and dispositions you would like to improve on this form, using input from FEAP evaluation reviewed
with your mentor teacher, feedback from your faculty steward, and other sources you deem reliable.
What do I want to improve?
(list specific improvement goals)
I want to incorporate at least 2 higher order thinking questions or
critical thinking tasks in each lesson plan I teach.

How will I achieve this?

(list specific steps you will take)
I will write down at least four higher
order thinking questions on my lesson
plan, so I am sure to use at least two
while teaching.
I will try to incorporate at least one
critical thinking activity or task during
one part of my lessons.
I will look at preexisting lesson plans I
have made and find ways to add higher
order thinking questions or critical
thinking tasks.
I will talk to my mentor teacher about
ways to incorporate higher order
thinking questions/critical thinking tasks
in my lessons.

When will I
achieve this?
By the end of final

What do I want to improve?

(list specific improvement goals)
I want to build in something for my early finishers to do when we are
waiting for others to finish, not just reading their AR books.

I need to work on my behavior management and making my

teachers presence known.

How will I achieve this?

(list specific steps you will take)
I will make sure I have opportunities for
extension in every lesson and have the
materials available for my students when
they are working independently.
I will ask my teacher what she normally
does for the students who complete
work early, ask for suggestions.
I will look up fun and unique ideas for
ways to keep students busy when they
finish early and incorporate one into at
least half of my lessons.
In my classroom, I would like to have a
system in place where each student has their
own cubby, slot or drawer for their
unfinished work, extensions or support that
they could work on if the finish an
assignment early. This would be updated and
added to daily/weekly depending on the
weeks lessons.
Ask my mentor teacher to offer
suggestions about what I can try to find
my own technique for gaining student
Research ways to regain student
Try at least one new way to get students
to focus back on me when I lose them for
each lesson I teach.

When will I
achieve this?
By the end of final

By the end of final


Status update:

Goal One: (incorporate at least 2 higher order thinking questions or critical thinking tasks in each lesson plan I teach) I was actually
able to meet this goal with the help of the resources and materials we are provided, and the fact that our WIN lessons must come from
Cpalms, my WIN students are also some of the higher students in our pod and are answering and thinking about these higher order
type questions just through the course of our lessons. Our books offer many variations of higher order questions and even offer ideas
for extension activities that require critical thinking. I have tried to incorporate these question throughout all the content areas and I
feel like I have become much more conscious of asking and planning the higher order questions and critical thinking tasks.
Goal Two: (build in something for my early finishers to do when we are waiting for others to finish, not just reading their AR books)
As far as this goal is concerned, I am sure that once in my own classroom, setting up the system I want will be fairly simple and
students will know where and how the procedure will work, once they are done with one task they will have choices of what to do,
either finishing work not previously completed, or completing an extension activity, or reading a book silently and completing a
comprehension assignment on the skill for the week so we are constantly being productive and not wasting a moment of learning time.
This semester, my mentors go to for those finished was to read an AR book but with the district moving away from AR, students will
need an alternative, I hope to provide this for them and make it meaning full and not just a time filler.
Goal Three: (work on my behavior management and making my teachers presence known) during observations this semester, I have
been told that I have a teachers presence and that I am doing well and my confidence has been improving. I have also been told that I

am too hard on myself and am not giving myself credit where credit is due. I know I am a perfectionist and I want everything to go as
I plan and I have been working this semester on letting things kind of happen and play out as they will, and realizing I may not be able
to control every factor in my classroom and I need to roll with the changes and be flexible and adapt to the changes in front of me.
That is one of the signs of an effective teacher and I have learned that in order to make the most out of the time I have with my
students I need to take advantage of every teaching and learning opportunity whether it was planned or just occurs. As fast as behavior
management is concerned I will be adding it to my PDP for my career as an educator, I know that I will continue to work on it for
most of my career and it may never be perfect but it will be functional.

Practicum I
Practicum II

Pre-service Teacher Professional Development Plan for:

Edison State College

Education Department

Andrea Cornelius

Date: 11/21/14

Directions: Your Professional Development Plan (PDP) serves as a guide toward continuous improvement during your teacher preparation
program. List specific competencies, skills and dispositions you would like to improve on this form, using input from FEAP evaluation reviewed
with your mentor teacher, feedback from your faculty steward, and other sources you deem reliable.
What do I want to improve?
(list specific improvement goals)
I want to continue to improve upon my classroom/behavior
management, especially with students who require a more
individualized plan.

I want to become a more effective teacher of reading, improving

upon my methods and strategies for reading instruction.

How will I achieve this?

(list specific steps you will take)
Observe and ask other educators about
their successes in classroom
Research proven strategies for classroom
management, Kagan, Wong, etc.
Implement strategies from the first two
steps to find a plan that will work for me
and my students.
Create individualized plans for students
who need to work on specific goals.
Research concrete strategies to improve
reading comprehension and teach them
to students.
Talk with reading resource teacher about
specific student and strategies for them
that I can try to help struggling students
read and comprehend better.
Use think clouds, Before, During and
After strategies, etc.
Attend reading conferences, trainings

When will I
achieve this?
2-3 years

1-2 years

What do I want to improve?

(list specific improvement goals)

I want to become more effective and comfortable with teaching

writing. I want to improve my writing instruction and develop better
strategies for teaching the writing process.

Status update:

How will I achieve this?

(list specific steps you will take)
and professional development courses to
learn more about current reading
strategies and teaching practices.
Research and implement the 6 traits of
Find creative ways to get students
Attend trainings, conferences, and
professional development opportunities.
Encourage writing in all subject areas.

When will I
achieve this?

1-2 years

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