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TheArticle Chileanstudents protest over educationreforms publishedon Press TV

onMay 9th,2014 claimsthat since2011,Chileanhighschoolanduniversitystudentshave

been participating in different demonstrations, demanding for a free and universal
education system. Chileanstudents aredissatisfiedwithpoorqualityofeducationinpublic
schools, unprepared teachers, and expensive private universities. Notwithstanding, their
demands have not been accepted for this reason, they protest in order to ask for

Tobeginwith,we would like to highlight the proposalofMichelleBachelet so that, no

oneof the previouspresidentshad givenenoughimportance to theeducationasshehas.

In addition to this, she has been the first president who has proposed radical changesin
economic terms, such as a taxreform to improve Chileaneducation. It means increasing
taxes tothecompaniesandbusinesspeople.Eventhough,forusthisisnotthebestwayto
enhance education because is not only about money butalso isaboutthepreparationto
Inspiteofthefact thatsheproposedradicalchangesliketobuild twostateuniversitiesin
the south of Chile, among others interesting proposals, none of them has been
implemented yet. As a result, thousands of students claim what she promised at the
beginning of her campaign. It is not surprising that students want to demonstrate their
disagreement with thedelayof the proposaloffreeeducationsystemthroughdifferentsort
of manifestations. On the other hand, it doesnot mean thatthey haveto turnviolentwhen
every rally takes place. Affected people who surround places of manifestations have to
deal with hooded who always cause widespread damage. As far as we are concerned,
violent actschange the purpose of themanifestationsandthemain messagegetslost.An
evidence of this, it is that means of communication emphasizes violence andnot the real
education, in other words, quality. It is well known that families who have resources for
paying for good education send theirchildrento the best schools. While,familieswho do

not have enough money tosend their childrentogood schoolshavetoconformwithpublic

education which is poor in quality. It creates a social segregation and discrimination.


at the very beginning. In Chile, students who have the lowest score in PSU exam study
pedagogy.Itseemsto us unappropriatedrequirementfromtheuniversitieswhichofferthis
universitydegree,keepingin mind thatpedagogyisoneofthemost importantprofessions
according to us. Moreover, this aspect should play an important rolein our society,ifwe

Additionally, wehave thefact that our economicsystem allowsprofit universities.For

this reason, there are many students who have financial problems because of the high
fees. Most ofthem have to work inordertosupport this,whatitalsoimpliessacrificeand
a low performance in academic terms. It leads tohighuniversity dropoutrate.Despite of
the existence of scholarships, they do not finance private universities, making university

As a conclusion, we dare say thatwe totally agreewith theaim ofrallies because it

seeksout equality andquality ofoureducationalsystem.Also,wesharetheideaabouttax

reform in order to finance Chilean education. But, on the other hand, we disapprove the
way that protests take place because they cause disproportionate damages and the



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