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Weather- the state or condition of the atmosphere at a particular time in respect to the wind, rain
and temperature.
Climate- general weather conditions of a place or region as averaged over the years.


a. John Olivers main point about climate change is that it is happening and is a fact. The fact that
one in four Americans dont believe it is irrelevant because opinions dont matter in the
discussion of fact.

b. He uses humor, graphs and scientific data. He also brings out experts like Bill Nye and 96 other
scientists who have devoted their lives to researching the topic to prove the point of how relevant
and true climate change really is.

In this article, the author talks about the flooding that occurs in Miami Beach, Florida and how
the rising sea level is affecting the population. In Miami, the rising flood waters and hurricane
seasons threaten the homes and businesses of the local people as ocean water rushes into the
streets. Billion dollar projects are underway to rebuild roads and places lost to the rising ocean.
Miami is built on limestone, which absorbs the water and is filling the citys foundations.
Surprisingly, there is little to no reaction from the government who deny that humans are the
cause of climate change and continue new building projects and raise the prices of homes. Turkey
point nuclear center is another issue, and the rising sea levels could compromise the nuclear
reactor and create a tragedy. The main point of this article is that rising sea level is a major
problem in Miami but high up officials fail to recognize and address that.

Of the total of 4.2 million US citizens who live at an elevation of four feet or less, 2.4
million of them live in south Florida.
The city and its satellite towns and resorts is built on a dome of porous limestone
which is soaking up the rising seawater, slowly filling up the city's foundations and then
bubbling up through drains and pipes.
I used to work at Cornell University and every morning, when I went to work, I climbed
more elevation than exists in the entire state of Florida. Our living-room floor here in
south Miami is at an elevation of 10 feet above sea level at present. There are significant
parts of south Florida that are less than six feet above sea level and which are now under
serious threat of inundation.

I do not believe that human activity is causing these dramatic changes to our climate the way
these scientists are portraying it. I do not believe that the laws that they propose we pass will do anything
about it, except it will destroy our economy, he [Marco Rubio] said recently.

I disagree with this statement because the facts are obvious; climate change is happening, and
fast, and that humans are the cause. The amounts of greenhouse gases we have pumped into the
atmosphere due to our industrial work is undeniable, and its fact that these gases are warming the Earth.
Everyone with a brain knows ice melts in heat, and there is evidence of melting glaciers at the poles. The
more water that enters the seas, the higher the sea levels rise. The facts are obvious, this person just
chooses to deny it for the sake of money.

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