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When Im born, I am black,

When I grow up, I remain black,
When I go in the Sun, I'm black,
When I'm scared, I become black,
When I'm sick, I turn black,
And, even at death, I remain black;
But, You whites!!
When you're born, you're pink,
When you grow up, you turn white,
When you go in the sun, you become red,
When you catch cold, you turn blue,
When you're scared, you become yellow,
When you're sick, you turn green,
And when you die, you become gray;
And, lo! You call me coloured!!
But, Hey! You neednt loath for your mistake,
Your ignorance has voiced a greater truth;
You dont know
Colour Black=No Colour;
Colourless and chaste!
While your airs
Your White = 8 tainted Colours;
Unholy and unchaste.
[Note: Colour Odyssey--an adaptation of a Malcolm X speech.]

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