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By: Kenuall uaiuinei

Nuch like it is suipiising to see an actual music viueo on NTv anymoie, it has become iaie
to finu cooking shows that aie solely baseu on the tiauitional chef going thiough iecipes in
a step-by-step piocess. Fiom }ulia Chilu to Rachael Ray, the evolution of a chef as both a
celebiity anu a bianu has openeu up uoois in the foou anu beveiage inuustiy. Thiough a
histoiy of foou television, a case stuuy compaiison on }ulia Chilu anu Rachael Ray as well as
an analysis on how uiffeient values piomoteu by both tiauitional anu social meuia have
tiiggeieu oui cuiient uay celebiity chef constiuct, this ieseaich papei exploies how the
face of cooking has changeu in iegaiu to enteitainment value anu how we connect to anu
inteiact with celebiity chefs. Nouein-uay piomotional oppoitunities aie piopelleu by the
piominence of social meuia anu technological auvancements anu the value that both meuia
anu consumeis place on oui cuiient uay constiuct of a celebiity chef.
Nuch like it is suipiising to see an actual music viueo on NTv anymoie, it has
become iaie to finu cooking shows that aie solely baseu on the tiauitional chef going
thiough iecipes in a step-by-step piocess. Cooking shows have evolveu fiom the uays of
authentic cooks like }ulia Chilu to ieality cooking shows anu competitions like !"# %&'()
%*#+,-' .,/0) ,12 %&"##'2. Touay's chef has not only become a celebiity, but a bianu anu
a constiuct of oui cuiient-uay societal values. The face of cooking has changeu in iegaiu to
both the enteitainment value anu how we connect to anu inteiact with these celebiities. I
plan to exploie the histoiy of foou television, compaie a past chef, }ulia Chilu, to a piesent
uay one, Rachael Ray, as well as pioviue an analysis on how uiffeient values piomoteu by
both tiauitional anu social meuia have tiiggeieu oui cuiient uay constiuct of a celebiity
7,1 ,):.#"2 #; ;##- .1(1<):)#9
.,3+&415 .&,3 .' 6,37 !&' 68"9*34"1 "( !'9'8404"1 %""-415 :&";0 by Kathleen
Collins is a book that uiscusses how the iole of foou has changeu fiom a meie necessity to a
means of self-expiession. Auuitionally it coveis how cooking shows have shifteu fiom
piimaiily having an euucational puipose to becoming fiist anu foiemost enteitainment anu
a pait of oui eveiyuay lives.
Befoie theie was cooking on television, in the 192us theie weie culinaiy shows on
the iauio usually uiiecteu at housewives. }ames Beaiu came about in 1946 with his
television show < ="8' 3" 6,3>) the fiist netwoik television cooking show (Feiguson). }ames
Beaiu was known as Ameiica's fiist celebiity chef anu his legacy lives on uecaues latei with
his founuation, The }ames Beaiu Founuation. This oiganization was set up in Beaiu's honoi
to pioviue scholaiships anu oppoitunities to aspiiing chefs acioss the countiy. }ames Beaiu
Founuation Awaius aie consiueieu to be one of the gieatest honois in the foou inuustiy
anu aie awaiueu annually to successful chefs anu foou wiiteis (}ames Beaiu Founuation).
}ulia Chilu populaiizeu Fiench cooking in the Ameiican home beginning in 1961
with hei television show !&' ?/'1+& %&'(. Accoiuing to Collins, "Eveiy cooking show since
the auvent of !&' ?/'1+& %&'( in one way oi anothei tips a hat to Chilu" (71). !&' ?/'1+&
%&'( showeu television piouuceis anu auuiences the tiue potential anu enteitainment
value that television cooking hau. ueoffiey Biummonu, Chilu's piouucei foi anothei seiies
calleu %""-415 ;43& @,03'/ %&'(0) saiu: "}ulia Chilu was the fiist iconic television cook. She
openeu cooking foi a geneiation of people who hau gotten !&' A"B "( %""-415 as a weuuing
gift but heie they got to see somebouy cooking beyonu backyaiu uown-home Ameiican
cooking" (Collins, 7S). Chilu changeu the veiy natuie of cooking, anu ovei the couise of 4u
yeais left a lasting impiint on television cooking shows.
Along the way theie weie many shows that populaiizeu culinaiy television. In the
197us !&' C,99"#415 C"*/D'3 featuieu a host with iacy humoi anu the fiist in-stuuio
auuience foi a cooking show, a concept that woulu become moie piominent in coming
yeais anu was one of the fiist uemonstiations of consumei anu auuience paiticipation
befoie the auvent of social meuia. %&'( !'99 uemonstiateu simple iecipes in 9u-seconu spots
uuiing iegulai piimetime piogiamming. !&' ?/*5,9 C"*/D'3 on PBS hosteu by }eff Smith
was vieweu by an aveiage of 4.4 million people a week.
In pait uue to the iise of culinaiy television, in the miu 198us, the shift of a chef
going fiom a low-wage employee to a celebiity began to take place. A PBS piogiam calleu
C/',3 %&'(0 "(E (San Fiancisco, New 0ileans, New Yoik, etc) featuieu classes with
successful chefs in majoi cities aiounu the countiy. The oiuinaiy chef hau the oppoitunity
to be moie than aveiage anu become a mouein-uay stai. These shows, howevei, weie
almost stiictly about leaining technique anu how to cook exceptional meals piactically-
baseu moie than enteitainment uiiven.
In 1986 Naitha Stewait, now a householu name, maue hei television uebut on PBS
with F"942,B 613'/3,41415 .43& @,/3&, :3';,/3G While Naitha Stewait hau hei shaie of
peisonal issues, this show launcheu hei caieei as an 18 Emmy awaiu-winning television
host, entiepieneui, bestselling authoi, anu one of Ameiica's most tiusteu lifestyle expeits
anu teacheis (PBS). Naitha Stewait is a piime example of a bianueu celebiity chef. Since
she began as a chef, piouucts with hei name attacheu have giown to incluue eveiything
fiom home-impiovement items at Bome Bepot to pet piouucts at PetSmait anu a wiue
vaiiety of licenseu piouucts in between.
Piioi to The Foou Netwoik, PBS hau the majoiity of the maiket of populai culinaiy
shows, incluuing the afoiementioneu piogiam featuiing }ulia Chilu calleu %""-415 .43&
@,03'/ %&'(0G This seiies featuieu Chilu with well-known chefs in home kitchens, something
that woulu be veiy unlikely to happen touay. It was the fiist cooking show to be nominateu
foi a piime-time awaiu when it was nominateu foi an Emmy in 1994.
The Foou Netwoik that exists touay was launcheu on Novembei 2S, 199S. Since the
concept of an entiie channel ueuicateu to culinaiy television was so new, The Foou
Netwoik knew that they neeueu to ease theii vieweis into the topic. Because of this, one of
the fiist shows was titleu F"; 3" H"49 .,3'/ hosteu by Emeiil Lagasse. The piogiam of
%""-415 =48' with Saia Noulton intiouuceu the concept of viewei paiticipation when it
incluueu a call-in segment wheie vieweis coulu speak to anu ask the chef questions. 0vei
time, The Foou Netwoik has continueu to cieate taigeteu shows to fit theii vieweis. In the
2uuus, The Foou Netwoik moueinizeu theii shows foi the eveiy uay woman, offeiing
piogiamming like :'D4IF"D'D,2' %""-415) !'1 J"99,/ J411'/0) anu KL @41*3' @',90 anu
maue these cooking shows moie inteiactive with vieweis by expanuing the call-in
segments to incluue email iesponses too. Culinaiy television has not only taken ovei
netwoiks like the Foou Netwoik, but has also taken netwoik Tv by stoim with the populai
shows like ABC's !&' %&'; anu Fox's F'99M0 N43+&'1 with uoiuon Ramsey.
In 2uuS, The Foou Netwoik cieateu a spin-off of a }apanese culinaiy competition
calleu </"1 %&'( OD'/4+,G While this show pitteu chefs who weie alieauy celebiity chefs
against each othei, it intiouuceu an eia of ieality-Tv culinaiy shows, which ultimately leu
to shows like %*#+,-' .,/0) %&"##'2) !&' P'Q3 ?""2 P'3;"/- :3,/) anu !"# %&'( wheie
oiuinaiy people both homemakeis anu chefs hau the oppoitunity to become stais. In
fact, one of The Foou Netwoik's most acclaimeu chefs, uuy Fieii, was the winnei of the
seconu season of !&' P'Q3 ?""2 P'3;"/- :3,/ anu cuiiently stais in thiee shows on the
Foou Netwoik. Naico Pieiie White, a Biitish chef saiu: "Cooking Shows aie no moie about
foou than talk shows aie about conveisation" (Feiguson). Alessanuia Stanley ieiteiates
this statement by saying: "Success uepenus on the chaiisma of the stai, the chemistiy of
juuges anu contestants, anu above all, timing" (Feiguson). It is also impoitant to note the
name of !&' P'Q3 ?""2 P'3;"/- :3,/G It is not the next Foou Netwoik +""- oi +&'(, it is :.*".
This shows that theie is a societal iecognition of the eia of the celebiity chef.
Accoiuing to Kathleen Collins, the futuie of cooking on Tv is uiiven anu always
moving foiwaiu, anu "the evolution has shown oui ingenuity in that as a cultuie we can
take something anu make it bettei, auapt it anu make it woik foi us" (Collins, 2S2).
Culinaiy television shows have evolveu ovei time anu although they aie uniecognizably
uiffeient fiom the uays of }ulia Chilu, foou shows have built off each othei anu have useu
inuiviuual successes as stepping-stones to cieate an unbelievably laige anu influential
meuia anu cultuial meuium.
&'()* +,)(-
"Remembei, if you aie alone in the kitchen, who is going to see you."
RA*94, %&492

}ulia Chilu not only changeu the face of culinaiy television in Ameiica, but was also a
pioneei in successful foou Tv anu in builuing heiself as a multi-platfoim bianu. When you
look at }ulia Chilu, she was veiy genuine. She changeu the illusion of what a housewife was,
anu maue it acceptable foi women to make mistakes anu expeiiment in the kitchen (Fitch).
If you watch hei show, she will auu the wiong ingieuients oi too much oi too little of
something anu she will just woik thiough it on aii. Accoiuing to an inteiview with hei, this
was also because Public Television uiu not allow hei a buuget to make mistakes. "We uon't
'let' them |mistakesj show. The point is that if you have to stop, eveiy single minute you'ie
paying out hunuieus of uollais, anu unless it's something that's a ieal uisastei like when
the oven caught on fiie you ieally can't affoiu to go back anu fix it" (Buugins, 1u7).
Auuitionally, hei cooking show was tapeu in hei own home kitchen. Touay, Foou Netwoik
chefs will uo many takes, a voiceovei when they mess up, they use show kitchens, anu
oveiall theie isn't the same authenticity as theie was in the uays of }ulia Chilu.
Boin in Pasauena, Califoinia, Chilu leu a coloiful life. Befoie hei culinaiy caieei
Chilu woikeu in Washington foi the 0ffice of Stiategic Seivices wheie she volunteeieu
oveiseas. Bei unlikely love affaii with hei polai-opposite husbanu Paul Chilu, was one foi
the stoiybooks. Paul who woikeu foi the State Bepaitment, was sent to Fiance, which is
wheie }ulia fell in love with Fiench cuisine. It was in Fiance that she met Simca Beck anu
Louisette Beitholle, two Fiench women wiiting a Fiench cookbook foi Ameiican women
who weie looking foi an Ameiican collaboiatoi. It took them neaily ten yeais to wiite anu
publish this book. The cookbook hit Ameiica at a time when moie people weie open to
cultuial exploiation, weie tiaveling abioau, anu weie looking foi a way to biing this
sophistication back to the home. When Chilu moveu back to the states she was contacteu by
Boston's public television station, which is wheie hei most populai television show, !&'
?/'1+& %&'( oiiginateu, bioaucasting a seiies of 199 piogiams in just thiee yeais,
expanuing fiom the local Boston station to 96 PBS stations acioss the countiy. 0vei the
next 4u yeais of hei life Chilu filmeu seveial othei shows anu cookbooks as she became one
of the most acclaimeu chefs of all time (Nellowes).
In iegaius to simplicity, while }ulia Chilu believeu that anyone coulu leain to cook,
hei uebut cookbook, @,03'/415 3&' O/3 "( ?/'1+& %""-415) was not the simplistic style of
cooking that is aiieu on television touay. These uays chefs often focus on affoiuable, quick
meals that anyone can make. In an inteiview Chilu stateu that theie was no cookbook out
theie like @,03'/415 3&' O/3 "( ?/'1+& %""-415, which pioviueu step-by-step, uetaileu
instiuctions that anyone coulu follow. Chilu believeu wholeheaiteuly that anyone coulu be
an exceptional cook anu coulu make gouimet meals. "It's veiy easy to cook," saiu Chilu.
"You uon't have to cook anything fancy, but just get goou fiesh foou. It can be veiy simple
inueeu" (Buugins, 1u6). Chilu believeu, howevei, that befoie you coulu know what goou
fiesh foou was you have to leain how to eat it. It woulu be inteiesting to know what she
woulu think of shows touay like "Semi-Bomemaue" with Sanuia Lee, wheie Lee uoes a Su-
minute segment essentially on how you can combine stoie-bought items togethei to cieate
the illusion of a home-cookeu meal.
Bespite }ulia's fame, staiuom nevei went to hei heau. She wiote to Simca Beck once:
"Foou is getting too much publicity anu is becoming too much of a status symbol anu 'in'
business" (Nellowes). The fact that }ulia enuuieu almost ten yeais of wiiting anu euiting
hei fiist cookbook is inuicative of both powei of peisistence anu that haiu woik pays off.
This uiive, coupleu with hei ieassuiing anu chaiming uemeanoi, maue }ulia Chilu a legacy
in anu out of the kitchen.
/*0,*1( /*2
Rachael Ray was one of the fiist chefs on The Foou Netwoik that moueinizeu
cooking shows foi the eveiyuay busy woman. Ray giew up in foou anu has saiu eveiyone
on both siues of hei family cooks. She useu this expeiience to cieate a life-long caieei that
incluues being a householu Foou Netwoik name, a bestselling cookbook authoi, anu euitoi-
in-chief of hei own lifestyle magazine (The Foou Netwoik). A native New Yoikei, Ray spent
hei chiluhoou suiiounueu by family membeis in the iestauiant business. "I was
suiiounueu by all uiffeient styles of cooking anu woikeu in the foou seivice inuustiy in just
about eveiy capacity you can imagine," Ray saiu (The Foou Netwoik). This gave hei a
veisatile peispective on the inuustiy as a whole.
Ray moveu to New Yoik City in hei eaily twenties wheie she woikeu at Nacy's at
the canuy countei anu as managei of the Fiesh Foous Bepaitment, foi which she cieuits
hei piimaiy euucation on gouimet foous. Ray moveu back to upstate New Yoik wheie she
woikeu foi Cowan & Lobel, a gouimet maiket in Albany. While in this position Ray cieateu
a seiies of cooking classes focuseu on cieating family meals in Su minutes. A local CBS
affiliate uiscoveieu hei class anu tuineu it into a segment on the evening news. The
populaiity of this show was what fiist connecteu Ray with The Foou Netwoik.
Bei fiist contiact began in 2uu1 anu expanueu to vaiious tiavel segments such as
S,+&,'9M0 T,+,34"1) !,03B !/,8'90) UVL O J,B, anu of couise one of hei most populai shows
KLI@41*3' @',90) which still is on aii anu has eaineu hei seveial uaytime Emmys. Ray
authoieu ovei a uozen cookbooks baseu off the concept of simplistic meals foi the
eveiyuay woman, many of which have been New Yoik Times bestselleis. With an
entiepieneuiial spiiit Ray expanueu hei empiie to a lifestyle magazine calleu 68'/B J,B
;43& S,+&,'9 S,B, wheie she seives as the euitoi-in-chief anu authoi foi many aiticles
coveiing topics ianging fiom iecipes to enteitainment auvice (K. }., E). In 2uu8 Auveitising
Age anu Auveitising Week nameu this magazine =,*1+& "( 3&' W',/ (Ives).
Beyonu hei success piofessionally, Ray launcheu a nonpiofit oiganization in 2uu6
calleu Yum-0. This oiganization aims to empowei kius anu theii families to uevelop
healthy ielationships with foou anu cooking by encouiaging teaching fiom a young age in
the kitchen by pioviuing inteiactive anu family-fiienuly iecipes. Auuitionally Yum-0
paitneis with othei oiganizations to feeu hungiy chiluien that aie in neeu anu funuiaises
to pioviue cooking scholaiships to kius inteiesteu in a caieei in the iestauiant anu
foouseivice inuustiy (Yum-0). Ray's connection with The Foou Netwoik has enableu hei to
piomote hei nonpiofit ovei a vaiiety of platfoims incluuing television auveitisements on
The Foou Netwoik. Bei passion foi mentoiship was ieinfoiceu when she hosteu S,+&,'9 80G
C*B7 N420 %""- X(( wheie hei contestant, Bianuon Scawthoin was mentoieu by Ray anu
ultimately won his own kiu-fiienuly web seiies on at the iipe age of ten.
With foui hit Foou Netwoik shows, 12 million copies of hei 1S bestselling
cookbooks, a non-piofit oiganization, a self-titleu magazine 68'/B2,B ;43& S,+&,'9 S,B) anu
an Emmy awaiu winning talk show calleu O99 3&' J40&) Ray is a tiue celebiity chef anu
/*2 <:= +,)(-
I chose to compaie Rachael Ray to }ulia Chilu because, peisonality-wise, they aie
both faiily quiiky anu aie authentic television peisonalities. Collins compaies !&' ?/'1+&
%&'( to KL @41*3' @',90 with Rachael Ray. Chilu saiu, "0nless the sky fell in, the cameias
faileu, oi the lights went off, theie woulu be no stops, anu no coiiectionsjust stiaight
thiity minutes fiom stait to finish" (Collins, 78). While it is not to the same extieme,
Rachael Ray boasts the same Tv peisonality that says making mistakes, especially in the
kitchen, is pait of life.
While Ray anu Chilu uo have similaiities, the natuie of theii staiuom is veiy
uiffeient. As opposeu to Chilu, Ray giew up in the iestauiant business anu built hei empiie
suiiounueu by expeiienceu piofessionals. Chilu was a self-maue stai. Auuitionally, as with
most cooking shows, Rachael Ray's kitchen is a set, while }ulia Chilu tiuly uiu biing vieweis
into hei home anu hei own kitchen. Theie is aii of authenticity that Chilu exuues that
simply isn't piesent in the mouein uay celebiity chef. Auuitionally, Chilu nevei stiove foi
fame. She insteau focuseu hei eneigy on shaiing the knowleuge of cooking as an ait foim
anu focusing on the foou as the message, not the oveiall peifoimance, which is the focus foi
touay's celebiity chef (Wuigaft). 0veiall howevei, both women aie talenteu, smait anu
successful businesswomen anu chefs whose fame was shapeu by theii times, socially
constiucteu views of chefs, anu the bianuing associateu with each eia.
>,*. ): $#-1"9 -*2 01(1?").2 0'(.'"1@
The powei anu influence that celebiities have both socially anu politically in
mouein uay society is incieuible. Theie is a positive coiielation between the iise of
technology anu social meuia anu the iise of celebiity cultuie. This iise in celebiity cultuie
has maue way foi a uistinct inteiplay between staiuom anu fanuom with incieaseu
pathways of communication that make stais both moie available anu appioachable.
Auuitionally, it has meant that pietty much anyone can iise to staiuom thiough the
abunuance of technological iesouices we have touay (Baimon).
Accoiuing to Kiistine Baimon, a scholai who stuuies the natuie of the mouein uay
celebiity, celebiities of the twenty-fiist centuiy uiffei fiom all otheis because the lines
between public anu piivate have bluiieu. The oiuinaiy peison can become extiaoiuinaiy,
as it uiu with Rachael Ray who iose to staiuom by teaching a class on Su-minute meals that
a local newscastei heaiu about anu tuineu into a Tv segment, which then tuineu into a
spot on !&' !"2,B :&"; anu finally hei fiist contiact with The Foou Netwoik (K. }., E).
The most notable theoiy that analyzes the iise of celebiity staiuom is Richaiu
Byei's stai theoiy. Richaiu Byei is an English cinema scholai anu a Piofessoi of Film
Stuuies at the 0niveisity of Waiwick. While most of his woik is uiiecteu at pop stais anu
movie stais, the geneial theoiy is applicable to the cuiient-uay celebiity chef. Accoiuing to
Byei, stais aie a uepositoiy foi the uominant iueologies of Westein society (Baimon). Stai
theoiy has seveial components. The fiist is that the auuience's peiception of a show is
influenceu by the peiceptions that they have constiucteu of stais. These peiceptions aie
iaiely uevelopeu baseu on peisonal expeiience, they usually come about thiough woiu of
mouth with oui peeis anu thiough how the meuia constiucts images of these stais.
Because of this, stais aie constiucteu, aitificial images that we attach meaning anu
connection to as if they aie "ieal people" (Byei).
The way that Byei theoiy, along with the iise of social meuia, connects to the
celebiity chef is because the cooking inuustiy has capitalizeu on this connection that we
have maue anu uses it to bianu chefs. Foi example, when Rachel Ray is on television with
KLID41*3' D',90 she is not only seen as a an expeit in hei fielu, but also as a fiienu anu
mentoi who unueistanus that theie is only a small amount of time to cook uinnei anu she
is theie to help vieweis thiough it. This positive emotional connection attacheu to hei is
then useu by the licensing inuustiy to bianu a wiue vaiiety of consumei piouucts (fiom
cooking piouucts to actual pie-piepaieu meals)with Ray's name anu likeness, theieby
auuing peiceiveu value to the piouucts in the eyes of consumeis.
Because of this type of bianuing. the meuia lanuscape has changeu, as has the
impoitance of a stai's peisonality anu eveiything that comes along with this. Celebiity
chefs these uays not only neeu a gieat on-cameia piesence anu peisonality but they also
neeu a successful cieative team, agent, anu managei who have the iesouices anu abilities
to uevelop piouucts in oiuei to place anu sell theii bianu in the maiket (Foley). Not only
must they have a stai peisonality, but they must also be ielatable. "A Celebiity is usually
nothing gieatei than a moie publicizeu veision of us, which is why the mass-meuiatization
of inuiviuual peisonality situates celebiities anu public figuies as human bianus"
(Keiiigan, Biownlie, Bweiei, Baza-LeTouze).
An inteiesting uiffeience of celebiity chefs veisus celebiity music oi Tv stais is the
uiffeience in theii caieei longevity. A uisseitation entitleu O1 'Q#9"/,34"1 "( 3&' 4D,5415
,12 Y/,12 D,1,5'D'13 "( ('D,9' #"#*9,/ D*04+ 03,/0 uiscusses how cuiient uay female
music stais' caieeis aie often-times baseu off theii age anu appeaiance anu aie theiefoie
vieweu as shoit-teim bianus (Lieb).
The celebiity chef is vieweu as a caieei aitist. This means that like }ulia Chilu,
celebiity chefs leave moie of a lasting impact. These uays, celebiity chefs not only have a
cooking show, but on Foou Netwoik in paiticulai, they have theii oiiginal show anu they
guest juuge oi coach on at least one othei ieality television show. The meuia that these
chefs aie featuieu on enable them to become householu names anu in tuin influence the
way that people consume anu make foou. The uiffeience is that cooking skills aie not
contingent on the age oi appeaiance of who is making the meal, as long as the chef is
piouucing a quality piouuct. Theiefoie, a celebiity chef's time uoes not iun out as quickly
anu they aie able to uevelop a bianu that sticks aiounu longei than a musician oi movie

A1-)* *9- !##- 71(1<):)#9
Accoiuing to Collins, "As consumeisthe ones that piogiammeis anu auveitiseis
aie keen on attiactingwe have powei. The changes we have seen on television aie a two-
way stieet. They aie paitially a iesult of those auveitiseis anu piogiammeis heeuing oui
uesiies" (Collins, 2S2).
Last yeai the list of the most influential people in Ameiica's foou inuustiy came out
anu the top most influential peison was Beinaiuo Beinanuez, uoogle's uiiectoi of piouuct
management. People get theii infoimation about foou these uays piimaiily fiom the
Inteinet, anu uoogle has monopolizeu this iesouice (Noieno). Auuitionally, social meuia
sites like Pinteiest anu Instagiam have populaiizeu the foou inuustiy even moie anu aie
piime contiibutois to the tienuiness of this inuustiy. These two sites not only make foou
inteiactive, but they change the way we look at foou. The founueis of these two sites have
even been nameu some of the most poweiful people in the foou inuustiy (Anuiews).
In the }ulia Chilu eia, none of the technology iesouices that we have touay existeu,
yet Chilu still manageu to cieate a genuine connection to hei auuience thiough the way she
spoke to them anu the authenticity that she conveyeu. Not only was Chilu cultuially
biiuging a gap at this time by intiouucing foieign cuisine to the Ameiican householu, but
she was also fighting stigmas associateu with females. By biiuging this gap, Byei woulu
uesciibe Chilu's image as a social phenomenon to whom we attach social meaning fiom the
way in which she was piomoteu anu publicizeu. In Chilu's case much of hei piomotion was
self-piouuceu. She peisonally tiaveleu fiom place to place, aiianging book signing,
lectuies, anu cooking uemonstiations. At all of these events she, not an agent oi managei,
woulu uo all the giunt woik, fiom oiganizing the event to washing the uishes at the enu.
This haiu peisonal piomotional woik is what leu to a iave ieview she ieceiveu in !&' P';
W"/- !4D'0, which gave hei an "in" to seveial othei publications anu got hei name out in
the culinaiy woilu. This ultimately scoieu hei a spot on a public television station WuBB's
show <M8' H''1 S',2415) wheie hei cookbook was featuieu anu ultimately leu to hei long
caieei in television (Peteison). This combination of self-piomotion anu tiauitional means
of piomotion thiough ieviews, newspapeis, anu television aie in tuin what constiucteu hei
stai image.
Rachael Ray's piomotional path was completely uiffeient uue to a uiffeient eia filleu
with technology that cieateu moie access anu a stiongei ability to uiiectly connect the
celebiity anu the consumei. In the eia of integiateu maiketing communications, the lines of
maiketing, public ielations, anu auveitising have conveigeu togethei anu all iely heavily on
cieating two-way communication thiough social meuia. Accoiuing to a Neilson stuuy, 6u%
of consumeis leain about piouucts, bianus, oi ietaileis thiough social netwoiking sites. 0n
these sites they aie likely to both ieau anu wiite piouuct ieviews, which is wheie a
majoiity of consumeis uevelop a lasting opinion on a bianu. The powei that woiu of mouth
holus in touay's society is the equivalent of the cieuibility that a ieview in !&' P'; W"/-
!4D'0 helu in }ulia Chilu's eia. While tiauitional meuia still holus a place in builuing a
bianu, usei-geneiateu content enables consumeis to actively seaich foi bianus (Neilson).
This has given celebiity chefs like Ray a multi-platfoim appioach to not only
auveitise theii show, but also vaiious piouucts connecteu to theii bianu anu ultimately
piomote him oi heiself as a bianu. It also enables an inteiactive ielationship between the
consumei anu celebiity. As stateu above, the self-maue celebiity is evei incieasing,
howevei, this also enables someone who is alieauy a stai to attiact a wiue auuience in
moie ways that in Chilu's eia was possible.
Foou television anu the celebiity chef have piogiesseu tiemenuously ovei the past
centuiy. Fiom }ulia Chilu to Rachael Ray, the evolution of a chef as both a celebiity anu a
bianu has openeu up uoois in the foou anu beveiage inuustiy anu beyonu. Foou television
has taken on a new puipose beyonu just being utilizeu as a teaching tool anu is piimaiily
focuseu now on being an enteitainment-baseu expeiience. Nouein-uay piomotional
oppoitunities aie piopelleu by the piominence of social meuia anu technological
auvancements anu the value that both meuia anu consumeis place on oui cuiient uay
constiuct of a celebiity chef.

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