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/lESEC's Glcbal Citizn prcgram ccnncts stuonts ano rcnt graouats tc vcluntary

humanitarian prc|cts acrcss th wcrlo. This prccss is ntirly stuont-cprato with

/lESEC mmbrs wcrking tc prcouc th bst uality xchangs pcssibl. Our gcal is tc
sno 2OOO mcr ycung pcpl in th Unito Stats cn prcgrams that will ovlcp lccal
ccmmunitis ano glcbal minosts by th no c 2O5. Each intrnship lasts btwn 6
wks ano 8 mcnths ano is xclusivly availabl cr thcs that utiliz /lESEC's srvics.
Ovr 45 % c th wcrlo's pcpulaticn is
unor 25 yars clo. /lESEC allcws
xchang participants tc ngag in th
ovlcpmnt c ycuth in ccmmunitis
whr oucaticn ano accss tc litracy is
unccmmcn. Vhil thr, vcluntrs ar
immrso in th lccal cultur, gaining ano
cring a glcbal prspctiv tc lccal
ccmmunitis. Prc|cts in ycuth
mpcwrmnt ar litracy, sccial wcrk,
ycuth oucaticn, cr crcss-cultural
/lESEC prcvios xchang participants
with cppcrtunitis tc ovlcp prcssicnal
skills in nw cultural sttings. Our
vcluntrs gain hanos-cn xprinc
wcrking with NGOs ano small businsss in
ccmmunitis tc ovlcp rlvant ano
culturally suitabl scluticns tc lccal
prcblms. Prc|cts surrcunoing this issu
may b in th nlos c markting,
micrcnnanc, NGO managmnt, sccial
businss, cr crganizaticnal ovlcpmnt.
Prctcting th nvircnmnt is a ma|cr part
c th glcbal ovlcpmnt agnoa ano
xchang participants can oirctly impact
ccmmunitis struggling with mcving
tcwaros bccming a littl bit grnr.
Prcmct ano participat in sustainabl
ovlcpmnt prc|cts rgaroing nrgy
ccnsrvaticn, pclluticn, climat chang,
ncra ano auna ccnsrvaticn, rcycling,
ano wast managmnt.
!"# %& #"'()
/pply tc b an cncial /lESEC Exchang
Participant. Vhn applying, ycu shculo
spciy th lccal ccmmitt c /lESEC
narst tc ycu ano thy'll b in tcuch -
usually within 3 businss oays - tc oiscuss
th spcincs c th prcgram.
Ycur Exchang Participant managr will
hlp ycu nno a prc|ct that ycu'r ualino
cr ano intrsto in. Dirnt
cppcrtunitis hav oirnt ruirmnts
cr languag prcncincy, skillst, ano
ccuntry c crigin. l ycu hav applio tc
ano bn accpto tc a spcinc prc|ct,
ycu can chccs tc accpt th cr ano b
"matcho" tc that prc|ct. Onc ycu hav
accpto th binoing cr, hcwvr, ycu
cannct brak th match.
l accpto, ycu'll b abl tc accss cur
privat ano scur intrnal platcrm whr
an Exchang Participant managr will hlp
ycu ccnnct tc a prc|ct rcm cn c cur
thcusanos c partnr crganizaticns. Ths
prc|cts ar xclusivly availabl tc
stuonts ano rcnt graouats that ar
accpto intc /lESEC's Glcbal Citizn
Onc ycu'v tcucho ocwn at ycur nnal
ostinaticn, ycur xprinc can bgin as
ycu oisccvr th lccal ccmmunity ano
ycursl with th hlp c /lESEC mmbrs
thr tc cr suppcrt ano rscurcs.
Vhrvr ycur |curny taks ycu, /lESEC
is ooicato tc prcvioing high-uality
*+",& *%-)-.
Th Glcbal Citizn prcgram is pcwro by /lESEC - th wcrlo's
largst ycuth-cprato crganizaticn that strtchs acrcss mcr
than 24 ccuntris ano trritcris. Our platcrm prcvios cur
mmbrs with an intgrato ovlcpmnt xprinc
ccmpriso c laorship cppcrtunitis, intrnaticnal intrnships,
ano a glcbal larning nvircnmnt. /lESEC has ovlcpo
valu-baso partnrships with varicus crganizaticn ano
ccmpanis wcrlowio that sk tc intract with cur tcp-talnt
ycuth mmbrship bas, bcth physically ano virtually. Stuonts
acrcss th glcb ccnnct oirctly with /lESEC thrcugh Lccal
Ccmmitts (LCs) - spcinc /lESEC chaptrs st-up in citis
ano univrsitis. /lESEC was cunoo in Vstrn Eurcp at th
no c Vcrlo Var ll in 948 tc prcmct crcss-cultural
unorstanoing ano ycuth laorship as a mans tc avcio
ancthr ccnnict. Sinc its cunoing, /lESEC has prcvioo
mmbrship xprincs tc cvr cn millicn alumni wcrlowio.
Our xchang ano mmbrship prcgrams hav bn nocrso
by th Unito Naticns, CEOs c multinaticnal ccrpcraticns, ano
varicus wcrlo laors.
/ll prcgrams ruir a $5O rgistraticn atr ycu'r
accpto tc b an cncial Exchang Participant. Onc a match
has bn mao btwn th Exchang Participant ano th
vcluntr prc|ct, thr is an aooiticnal match c $35O. This
brings th tctal cr a Glcbal Citizn prcgram tc $5OO.
/lESEC Unito Stats ocs nct ccvr nights, visas, ano/cr any
ruiro vaccinaticns.
Glcbal Citizn prcgrams ar unpaio, but thy typically cr r
hcusing ano/cr cco tc intrns - opnoing cn th prc|ct.
Czch Rpublic
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