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Bright colours and soothing sounds, such as running

waterfalls, are used during the scenes in the Pandora
forest. This colour palate is juxtaposed with the dull,
grey-scale man-made military stations and scientific
VISUAL TECHNIQUES: used to clearly express the
beauty of nature and it positive, calming effects in
contrast to the lack of freedom, individuality and
choice in the man-made world
High fences of 10 meters high made of steel with
barbed-wire toppings
VISUAL TECHNIQUE: used as a metaphor for the
existing barriers and, thus, separation between
nature and the man-made world
Salient advanced technological weapons of man are
contrasted against the, seemingly, fragile Neolithic
VISUAL TECHNIQUE: this close up is used to
show the way in which man-made and nature are
jarring and the chaos and disharmony which has
occurred as a result of the materialistic values of
the humans. This invasion by man has created a
barrier to belonging for the Navi people,
highlighting the need to restore the natural order
I dont need you. I need your brother
GRACE (to Jake)
UNEMOTIONAL VOICE: evidences a clear barrier
to Jakes belonging in beginning of the film.
However, the idea that belonging changes over
time is certainly evident as Jake soon becomes an
accepted part of the team due to his positive
experiences with Grace and the Navi people
The dozer blade crushes everything in its path, reducing
trees to kindling
METAPHOR: to mark the beginning of the
disruption of the natural order, illustrates the idea
that if you disrupt the natural order, it results in
chaos and disharmony
You should not be here
LANGUAGE: highlights the idea that Jake does
not belong in Pandora due to a lack of understand
of their beliefs, values and attitudes, thus,
forming a cultural barrier to belonging. This idea
is compounded through the harsh tone: This
alien will learn nothing. A rock sees more
I can barely remember my old life. Im not sure who I am
PERSONAL PRONOUNS: to connect with the
audience and evidence his lack of identity as a
result of confusion as to where he belongs.
Howver, this idea is contrasted later in the film,
when he states: I am not that guy anymore
which clearly shows the harmonizing qualities of
the forest which has changed Jake and his view of
It starts to rain. Selfridge calmly pulls an umbrella from
his golf bag and snaps it open
WEATHER SYMBOLISM: as nature reflects the
mood of the film as nature crying due to the
disruption of the natural order
Fly now with me brothers and sisters. Fly. And we will
show the sky people that this is our land
REPETITION OF FLY: evidences the hope for
freedom of the aboriginal, Navi, people, whilst
the INCLUSIVE LANGUAGE is used to show the
sense of community and connection between the
Navi people and Jake

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