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Alice Garner, VU HGES: Inclusion and Diversity semester 2, 2014

This lesson incorporates: Alternative Setting, ICT tools, Intercultural Understanding and Cross-Curriculum Priority (Asia)
Unit: To Buy or Not to Buy (English / Economics integrated with Intercultural Understanding; ICT; Cross-Curriculum Priority (Asia))
Year/Level Year 10
Subject/Topic Campaign presentation day:
Part 1: Presentation of campaign pitch by each group to an audience including their classmates and community members
Part II: Feedback (individual & group) on campaigns and presentations
Setting Alternative (off-campus) setting: a meeting room in a local civic building or office with AV setup
Aims To give students the opportunity to present their group-devised campaigns in a real-world setting, with community members and
business-people in the audience.
To practice public speaking and shape communications to particular audiences.
To give and receive constructive feedback on the content and effectiveness of the groups campaign pitches (content) and presentations
Learning Foci
[AUSVELS /CCP/ Intercultural]
Economics: Students demonstrate an awareness of the impact of values and beliefs on economic issues, and how differences may be
identified, negotiated, explained and possibly resolved.
English: Students evaluate the impact on audiences of different choices in the representation of still and moving images.
Standards They refine vocabulary choices to discriminate between shades of meaning, with deliberate attention to the effect on audiences.
Intercultural Understanding: Students use reflection to better understand the actions of individuals and groups in specific situations
and how these are shaped by culture.
ICT: Students develop an understanding of the context when communicating using ICT, including a sense of the audience, the form of
communication, the techniques used and the characteristics of the users and the technologies.
Cross-Curriculum Priority (Asia): Organising Idea 5: Collaboration and engagement with the peoples of Asia support effective regional
and global citizenship.

Important: (re CCP and Intercultural Understanding): members of the local business community will be invited to the presentations to
give their feedback. Ideally this will include people with knowledge of or experience in the area of Australian-Asian trade relations (e.g.
could be the director of an import-export company, an advertising creative who has worked with Asian clients or marketed Australian
products and services in Asian countries, or perhaps the owner of a small business selling products sourced from Asian countries). In this
way the students will learn from people negotiating Australian-Asian relations and cultural differences in a context in which economic
decision-making has impacts on real people.

Resources ! ICT enabled room for multimodal presentations (internet connection; projector; screen; speakers; if necessary: vocal PA and
! ICT devices and necessary accessories for presentations (laptops, iPads, cables, USB sticks, pointers) and for Feedback exercise
! Feedback sheets (printouts) and/or Socrative quiz prepared with guiding questions (responses to be submitted for assessment)
! Pens / pencils
! Students excursion permissions, class list, medical alert information

TEACHING STRATEGY (including timing of activities)
Note: Students and teachers will travel to the off-site venue, either on foot, if venue is walking distance from the school, or by public transport. We will
assume 30 minutes travel time on either side of the double period, which would of course require clearance from the school and other subject teachers. This
would effectively be a half-day excursion. If travelling by PT, then all students will need to be reminded to bring Myki cards and something to eat and drink.

Total presentation session timing:
Preparation/intros + 120 minutes for presentations (including set-up, question and feedback time) + break, energizer & plenary = 170 minutes

Assessment notes: There will be a formative assessment by peers and audience members built into the presentation session, as well as a
formal summative assessment of the presentation by the teacher (see Rubric).

Time Lesson
stage / e5

Teacher activity Student activity

15 Intro /

Upon arriving at the venue, gather students
in a space away from distractions (eg in the
foyer or meeting room)

Outline the plan for the presentation session:
Where groups will go
a) when presenting
b) when watching other groups
Who will be in the audience (and why)
5-minute set-up time for each group
Presentations: 15 minute time limit
Question time: 5 mins
Feedback time after each presentation
and question time: 5 mins
All students will do individual feedback
for other groups
Tea break half way through: 15 mins

Hand out a Running Sheet to each group

Listen to plan for presentation session

Running sheets (one per

ICT devices and accessories
(cables, USBs etc)

Hard copy campaign
materials (groups should
bring these, eg posters / flyers)

Give groups time to organise their materials
[n.b. running order already determined in a
previous lesson]

Each groups Resource Organiser takes handout
for group
Groups gather to prepare their materials
Those not presenting first sit in audience



Audience arrives

Formal introduction (could be by teachers
and/or by a student briefed to do this)
Outline the aims of this unit and what the
expectations are of the groups

Quick whip-around introductions: so that
students and invited audience members have
of a sense of the community in the room.

Explain that audience feedback will be
sought, and there are 2 means of giving it:
1. On feedback sheets (to be distributed)
2. On Socrative* (which requires an ICT
device with internet connection)
Audience members to indicate preferred
feedback method.
Distribute feedback sheets (4 each)
and pens to those who prefer to
Give Socrative link and quiz number
to those using their ICT devices

While audience welcomed, first group begins to
set up for their presentation.

Each person in turn stands up and says their
Project on screen:
Socrative Link and Room no
(virtual room where quiz is

Feedback sheets and pens to

For those who choose to give
feedback via ICT devices on

Audience goes to
and enters SOC # (virtual
room number) created by
teacher, to do feedback quiz

Suggest they read the questions on the
feedback sheet BEFORE watching the




Introduce first presenting group.
Quick reminder of two relevant group
agreements: Attentive listening and Mutual

Keep time.

First group presents.
N.b. They had their 5 minutes set-up time during
the introduction to the audience.

Campaign presentation:
Essential components (not necessarily in this
1. Introduction which outlines product,
target market, thinking behind the
campaign, reason for choosing the media/
2. Demonstration of three campaign
elements using different media
demonstrated (eg poster / flyer/ radio ad
OR other combination).
3. Invitation to audience to ask questions

ICT presentation tools
5 [Explore]
Question time: Audience (including other
students) can ask clarifying questions.

Group members answer questions, justify and
expand on choices.

5 [Evaluate]
Audience gives feedback, either on feedback
sheets or via Socrative quiz.
Every student in audience gives individual
feedback to the last group that presented
Feedback sheets, pens
Socrative quiz online
30 [Engage]
Intro group 2 Group 2 presentation/ questions/ feedback As above
15 Break Announce 15-min break
5 Energizer Call audience and groups back from break
Quick whole group energizer (teachers to
select based on energy level/group make-up)

Rejoin groups / audience
Join in energizer
Group 3 prepares for presentation

60 [all Es]

Groups 3 and 4: presentations/ Q&A/feedback
10 Plenary Thank audience members and groups who

Note that feedback results will be
distributed to groups for their consideration
and further discussion in next lesson

Informal debrief and whole group discussion
of what was learnt from the process

Gather materials/ belongings to prepare for
return to school / home

Offer first reactions to presenting and feedback

Gather belongings and prepare to leave
Gather feedback sheets

Feedback Sheet / Socrative quiz questions:

1. About the campaign
a. Does the campaign demonstrate an understanding of the target market? Yes / Unsure / No
b. Do you think the target market would respond positively to this campaign? Yes/ Possibly / Probably not / Definitely not
c. IF your answer is Probably not / Definitely not, please explain why: [free text answer]
d. Was the campaign imaginative (did it new ideas or techniques)? Yes very / Yes somewhat / Not really / Not at all
e. Which were the strongest elements of the campaign, in your opinion? [free text answer]
f. What (if any) weaknesses did you perceive in the campaign?[ free text answer]
g. What suggestions do you have to the team to help them improve their campaign? [free text answer]

2. About the presentation of the campaign
a. Was the campaign presented effectively? Yes very / Yes somewhat / Not really / Not at all
b. Did the presenters connect with the audience (you)? (eg through eye contact, voice projection, body language?) Yes all the time /
Yes some of the time / Not really / Not at all
c. Was it clear how the different group members had contributed to the campaign? Yes / No
d. Did the presentation communicate the groups thinking behind their campaign? Yes very well / Somewhat / Not really / Not at all
e. Did the presenters answer questions thoughtfully? Yes / Somewhat / Not really / Not at all

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