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Regarding the article

1)Based on your article , find 10 difficult words :

TIMING : Cara sesuatu diwaktukan
EXISTENCE : kewujudan
FUNDAMENTALS : asasi , berkenaan asas utama
REVEAL : mendedahkan
EXTERNALLY : secara luararan
INTERNALLY : perihal di dalam
EXPRESSING : menonjolkan , menunjukkan
ACCOMPLISH : menyempurnakan
COLLABORATIONS : kerjasama , persubahatan
EVOLVING : mengembangkan

2)What is the article about ?
The article is about a group of brainchild of four young founders AFIF SUHAIMI , NAJWA SALEH , AFIF
ADREE , and WAN AHMAD AMIRUL . They build up and represent a streetwear brand name Gifted
Clothing . Their company started with streetwear fundamentals of t-shirts and hats but has since
branched out into outer wear and accessories . In spite of that , they also released a collaborations
with artists including sponsoring local rap group and wardrobe for a TV show . As their business
continues to grow , they remain aware of many challenges , not just externally but internally as well .
They also has set an ultimate goal for GIFTED CLOTHING to go international , hit the market and
become a phenomenon .

3)What do you like about the articles
I like the articles because I proud to a young child age like me have a creative mind to set up and
grab a opportunities to make their own brand . They also know how to expressing their own design
in their collections . Eventhough finance is their major issue , they still yet run out their business
even with their cheapest amount . In spite of that , they also remain aware of many challenges and
they also set an ultimate goal for GIFTED CLOTHING to go to international , hit the market and
become a global phenomenon . beside that , they also released a collaborations with our local
brand artists . Its mean they do support MALAYSIAN artists and they try to make us proud with our
country .

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